Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

I wouldn't be so sure. Christopher Tolkien is no longer with us and money talks.
If anyone could have paid them the money, it would have been Amazon and its supposed to be Bezos's pet project. So I'm not sure.
When someone gets the TV rights for the silmarillion which Tolkiens son said he'd never sell.

Even if someone did get it, it will be almost impossible to adapt. It is pretty much a bunch of short stories that take place over thousands of years with loads of different protagonists
Even if someone did get it, it will be almost impossible to adapt. It is pretty much a bunch of short stories that take place over thousands of years with loads of different protagonists

This current show is taking tons of liberties. Same could be done with the sil.
i changed my mind to Gandalf. I think the whole eye of sauron landing is a red herring.
I would agree on that, he had a gentle demeanor and lots of goofiness, and his love for the halflings probably rooted in that encounter, makes sense, I would bet on Gandalf too
Jesus about 30mins into episode 1. So bored. Who wrote this crap? Awful dialogue.
Jesus about 30mins into episode 1. So bored. Who wrote this crap? Awful dialogue.

It's terrible isn't it? I wonder how the actors can keep a straight face when they have to say such artful dialogue.

Although they do seem completely zoned out at all times which might be the answer.

All that money for a bunch of pretty poor actors standing around spouting complete nonsense about boats and stones while staring blankly into the distance.

Then off course you have Lenny Henry popping up with an Irish accent for some reason
Was I the only one who thought that the actress who plays Galadriel seem to overact a bit? Also calling Sauron Saurrrrrron.

Felt that she was decent otherwise though, and had a very good presence.
They recycled shots from The Orphanage to good effect in the kitchen scene. I was having to peer through my fingers. The violence too was more graphic and brutal than I remember seeing in Jackson's series. The way it ranges between sweet naivety and bleak depravity is perfect for me but it doesn't have enough dreary pomposity for the lore nerds and it feels too graphically dark for young children. Add in the fact that the overall high quality will likely irritate the average Marvelised palette and it seems that the show is cutting quite a restrictive niche, all in all.
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Just watched episode one... Obviously they're was a lot of setup and characters to introduce, but as a result it did feel like a lot, and quite slow... Also wasn't sold on much of the dialogue. You could probably watch the show on mute and know exactly what was going on though, so that's probably too the shows credit - it does look fantastic.

The story of war in the prologue seemed more interesting then anything going on here though! When's the show about that starting!?
That will be the spinoff of the spinoff. But when they do, they have to decide how good elves are at fighting. We have Orlando Bloom in one movie surfing on animals and shooting arrows into anything that moves without getting a scratch, and then we've got elves in this show getting done by a bunch of orcs. Are they superhuman or not?

As to the dialogue, I think they had to spread out the set up information in such a way that no one was confused. They have 8.5 hours to do the story. Basic things like where the action is taking place and those places' relations to each other was shown calmly and clearly. That's one thing GoT got right straightaway was showing the maps in the intro that explained in every single episode where in the feck things were happening. Galadriel is also the voice-over queen anyway, isn't she? Didn't she have a massive voice-over in one of the movies?

Anyway, watched episode 2 today. I like the show.
Too many black folk?

My friend and I just had a discussion about this. We don't see all of the hobbits in the Shire so it's entirely possible there is a diverse population of hobbits that just don't show up in Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit.

Maybe Bilbo and Frodo are racist and just didn't invite any of the Black hobbits to Bilbo's going away party. Or Hobbiton is segregated.
I think it's pretty clear that it's Gandalf. It's a comet/meteor that is sent from the West when Sauron is starting to rise again. It makes sense that it is one of the Istari/Maiar being sent by the Valar. He's also the Maiar of fire.
Loved the first 2 episodes. Great pacing, detailed but interesting, great cinematography and audio. Just rewatched the movies a few weeks ago, pumped for this.
That will be the spinoff of the spinoff. But when they do, they have to decide how good elves are at fighting. We have Orlando Bloom in one movie surfing on animals and shooting arrows into anything that moves without getting a scratch, and then we've got elves in this show getting done by a bunch of orcs. Are they superhuman or not?

As to the dialogue, I think they had to spread out the set up information in such a way that no one was confused. They have 8.5 hours to do the story. Basic things like where the action is taking place and those places' relations to each other was shown calmly and clearly. That's one thing GoT got right straightaway was showing the maps in the intro that explained in every single episode where in the feck things were happening. Galadriel is also the voice-over queen anyway, isn't she? Didn't she have a massive voice-over in one of the movies?

Anyway, watched episode 2 today. I like the show.

Legolas was a elven Prince I believe. In Tolkien's universe warrior's with high heritage are often incredibly powerful. Ordinary elves aren't quite in the same tier. Of course he was silly in the movie, but in Tolkien universe elves of the highest heritage are near superhuman and can some of them go toe to toe with balrogs, demi gods and gods.
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I think it's pretty clear that it's Gandalf. It's a comet/meteor that is sent from the West when Sauron is starting to rise again. It makes sense that it is one of the Istari/Maiar being sent by the Valar. He's also the Maiar of fire.
It simply cannot be Gandalf. Kirdan was the one who first met Gandalf in the Middle-Earth, and when it happened Kirdan was already a keeper of the Narya ring for a long time. Here, rings of power haven’t even been created yet.
He's supposed to appear as Annatar. A very beautiful almost elf-like figure. Cannonically though. In the show he might look fair but have a hint of evil around him. Something like this would be pleasing to me.

Also why is this woke? Maybe the word has lost all meaning to me now because everyone uses it for something they don't like? What because it's hot a few black characters? A female lead?... Don't see how it's woke in any sense..
It's not but you know the internet it will overreact to everything.
It simply cannot be Gandalf. Kirdan was the one who first met Gandalf in the Middle-Earth, and when it happened Kirdan was already a keeper of the Narya ring for a long time. Here, rings of power haven’t even been created yet.
That’s third age timeline though. If Amazon are using Tolkien’s latter writing where there was a contradiction, some Istari arrive in the second age, there’s no reason it can’t be Gandalf and he then keeps his ‘true’ timeline to meet Cirdan and Glorfindel in the third age and be gifted Narya. Could also be a blue wizard who we know little about save they were very active in the East against Sauron.
exactly what I thought. Isn't he hiding in Middle Earth at the moment too? Not exactly a subtle entrance from him!

Gandalf is definitely most likely. Goes a bit away from what actually happens in the books.
Yeah he is supposed to be hiding in Middle Earth
It does make a change to the books as he didn't arrive until the Third Age but then Hobbits did nothing of import until the Third Age and they've worked them in.
I don't think this is a show for the purists
Yeah he is supposed to be hiding in Middle Earth
It does make a change to the books as he didn't arrive until the Third Age but then Hobbits did nothing of import until the Third Age and they've worked them in.
I don't think this is a show for the purists

Definitely agree on this last point!
What was Galadriel's plan? To swim hundreds and hundreds of miles to Middle-Earth? I fecking can't. That shoddy raft withstanding a sea storm that would have sunk entire cargo ships. :lol:
Legolas was a elven Prince I believe. In Tolkien's universe warrior's with high heritage are often incredibly powerful. Ordinary elves aren't quite in the same tier. Of course he was silly in the movie, but in Tolkien universe elves of the highest heritage are near superhuman and can some of them go toe to toe with balrogs, demi gods and gods.
I was giving this some more thought, and maybe the Prince thing is right, or maybe his elf was just great at shooting arrows. Like if an elf took a look at some movies about humans, such as Alex Hannold or Conor McGregor, and then wondered why I can't free climb or fight for shit. I think at the root there are some inconsistencies with the way Tolkien portrayed his elves and also with how the elves get portrayed in the movies.
Galadriel as Rambo is hilarious.

Good comedy this.
The sword waving was a bit much, but I never felt that it went too OTT otherwise.

It makes perfect sense for Galadriel to be an accomplished warrior-queen. Nothing particularly hilarious about it.
Was I the only one who thought that the actress who plays Galadriel seem to overact a bit? Also calling Sauron Saurrrrrron.

Felt that she was decent otherwise though, and had a very good presence.

She does overact, but it's actually pronounced like that. You lot just don't know how to roll your Rs, like the barbarians you are (or something).
The sword waving was a bit much, but I never felt that it went too OTT otherwise.

It makes perfect sense for Galadriel to be an accomplished warrior-queen. Nothing particularly hilarious about it.
The bit that annoyed me was how uneccessary it was for her to jump off the other elf’s sword, like why? That’s everything I hate about Marvel.

Imagine how much better it would have been if this was like Achilles’ first duel in Troy where there’s that long build up and then pure efficiency/grace in the combat that it’s almost poetic. I get it seems there apparently has to be sword swirling and swishing these days but that scene left me a bit worried about future action sequences.
I was giving this some more thought, and maybe the Prince thing is right, or maybe his elf was just great at shooting arrows. Like if an elf took a look at some movies about humans, such as Alex Hannold or Conor McGregor, and then wondered why I can't free climb or fight for shit. I think at the root there are some inconsistencies with the way Tolkien portrayed his elves and also with how the elves get portrayed in the movies.

Plenty of elves in tolkiens universe could one-shot legolas
The bit that annoyed me was how uneccessary it was for her to jump off the other elf’s sword, like why? That’s everything I hate about Marvel.

I hate that about Marvel too, but to be fair that stuff was also all over the Lord of the Rings films, and practically in every inch of the awful Hobbit films (second and third in particular).

Wrong show. That was She Hulk.

I don't get that joke, and I'll never watch She Hulk so I never will. You can't make me.
I hate that about Marvel too, but to be fair that stuff was also all over the Lord of the Rings films, and practically in every inch of the awful Hobbit films (second and third in particular).

I don't get that joke, and I'll never watch She Hulk so I never will. You can't make me.
Neither have I but I've seen the video of her twerking.
I hate that about Marvel too, but to be fair that stuff was also all over the Lord of the Rings films, and practically in every inch of the awful Hobbit films (second and third in particular).
Yeah Legolas vs the Mumakil was ridiculous, Legolas vs the warg riders was the right amount of power for me.
Shield surfing was a bit naff as well.
Forgot about that one, again way over the top - although I guess the films and the shows are trying to appeal to teenagers as well so a little of that is ok. In the series it's fine if it's now and then, I just hope not every action sequence is like that. Would be cool to see different fighting styles between races as well.
Forgot about that one, again way over the top - although I guess the films and the shows are trying to appeal to teenagers as well so a little of that is ok. In the series it's fine if it's now and then, I just hope not every action sequence is like that. Would be cool to see different fighting styles between races as well.
Agreed even different factions of men have different styles like Rohan with their cavalry. I don't know if they are around yet but could be interesting.