Television The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power

I came in to say how entertaining I'm finding this and then scrolled through a swath of nerd mumbo jumbo..... Ermmm
Maybe talk about what you find entertaining?
The pictures and sounds being piped into my eyes and ears? Not so much the underlying undertones of nerd shite surrounding it.... 7 episodes into the 2nd season. It's alright
Season two, episode 7, 40.00 minute mark. This must be the dumbest scene of the year.

Galadriel trying to escape Orc camp, going left and right and turns out that all she needed to do is to jump out from the trench. :lol:
Season two, episode 7, 40.00 minute mark. This must be the dumbest scene of the year.

Galadriel trying to escape Orc camp, going left and right and turns out that all she needed to do is to jump out from the trench. :lol:
TBF, she only could jump out in an area where there were no orcs of which she was in close proximity to all that time until Arondir killed the ones close to her. She then jumped out.

Suck it haters. The Tolkien Estate loves it.

Personally i dont mind. JRR had no qualms with making a buck of a tv adaption that was pretty poor. Its mainly Christopher who's as puritanical as it gets. He never watched Peter Jacksons adaptions as far as i know and that made skyrocketed the sales of the books. Christopher is quite obviously well off, but i feel for Tolkien fans the source material is almost perennial and i want to see as many talented people trying to adapt it. Like the the Silmarillion for instance. For some reason i always preferred over lottr and the hobbit.
I don't mind this, the same way I didn't mind playing Shadow of Mordor. Lord of the Rings is big enough that you can have fanfic offshoots without tarnishing it's overall legacy.

Maybe a couple of decades ago they'd steal the stories and change the names, but nowadays it's more profitable to steal the names and change the stories. Welcome to the future.
Personally i dont mind. JRR had no qualms with making a buck of a tv adaption that was pretty poor. Its mainly Christopher who's as puritanical as it gets. He never watched Peter Jacksons adaptions as far as i know and that made skyrocketed the sales of the books. Christopher is quite obviously well off, but i feel for Tolkien fans the source material is almost perennial and i want to see as many talented people trying to adapt it. Like the the Silmarillion for instance. For some reason i always preferred over lottr and the hobbit.
That's one way of putting it :D

Pretty sure Tolkien only sold the film rights very grudgingly in order to pay for his kids' education.
That's one way of putting it :D

Pretty sure Tolkien only sold the film rights very grudgingly in order to pay for his kids' education.

Well that might be the case. But it doesnt really change the fact that popular adaptions make more and more people read the source material considering that more people than ever can read and write. You can make poor adaptions but you never destroy or harm the canon. Tokiens universe has been the most popular fantasy universe for decades and decades.
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Wow, this is really impressive. I wonder how much effort has gone into this, and how can it be used to make filming easier.
I think this is pretty much the only thing that could make me fall on the side of the Amazon show :lol:

AI > Amazon

See, though this is AI generated, they get the crux right. I only watched the fall of Gondolin video.

I looked at the character and I immediately knew who it was:

The moment the blonde girl holding the baby, I knew it was Idril and Earendil.
The moment I saw the Blonde Elf Warrior, I knew it was Glorfindel.
I saw the dark eyed, dark haired elf and I immediately knew it was Maeglin.
I saw the dark haired, sad looking elf and I knew it was Aredhel
The moment I saw the dark haired Noldorin elf in princely white, I recognised it as Turgon.

The only one who was hard to recognise was Tuor, but again that's because he's described as man who looks like an elf.

Because it's AI generated, they followed the descriptions that the creator prompted based on the books, and it's accurate.

You put the ROP Galadriel, Isildur, Elendil, Elrond, Celembrimbor...I wouldn't be able to separate them whatsoever without watching the episodes first...

Amazon could do so well by just...following the damn descriptions in the texts when it comes to character appearance...
I just started watching the Peter Jackson series with my son...the Eleven King in this is the same actor isn't it? That's wild.
AI art is vapid, surface level shite, like it was fed on circa-2003 deviantart (probably because it was).

I just started watching the Peter Jackson series with my son...the Eleven King in this is the same actor isn't it? That's wild.
No that's a different actor, does look similar though. They'd originally cast Will Poulter as Elrond and I'm 99% sure it's because he could do the eyebrow thing.
AI art is vapid, surface level shite, like it was fed on circa-2003 deviantart (probably because it was).

No that's a different actor, does look similar though. They'd originally cast Will Poulter as Elrond and I'm 99% sure it's because he could do the eyebrow thing.

And yet I could recognise all the main characters immediately, which ROP failed to do.
It's got nothing to do with selling out, it's got nothing to do with the lore or nerdom. It's just simply shit.
Watched it all. Enjoyed it, then actually thought about some things which pointing out some absolute dumb shit they did within the show.

Galadrial, stupid and way too much teenage angst for a thousand year old badass goddess.

Black legolas dude, bland as hell but I'll give him one thing, he actually FEELS like an ethereal Elf. Went nowhere this season.

Adar was pretty solid tbf, the way it turns out in the end was stupid though.

Gandalf was eye rolling as hell throughout the show. Everything about his story doesn't make sense and it's not fecking Harry Potter. Tom Bombadil I liked but I hear he's more like a Yoda in ROTJ, wise but plays the fool.

Celebrimbor and Sauron story was actually pretty good and entertaining. They did good showing why he's the great deceiver and they worked well off eachother. Saron and Gala at the end was cringe as feck.

Can we just get a spin off show of the Dwarves? Seriously they are the best thing about this show. It's strange why the acting, writing and directing is always so well done compared to everyone else. I'm basically watching it for these people.

It's a 4 or 5/10 show. What id really appreciate is that they stop ripping scenes and quotes out of LOTR. It's insulting. Stop that shit.
Watched it all in quick succession, after having more or less given up on it towards the end of Season 1. I thought it was a good deal improved actually, and all in all not that bad. A bit too heavy on pathos-filled sentimental moments (as was LOTR), and a bit too light on the Huge Armies side (of which no one can accuse LOTR). Nothing like a Huge Army to convey a sense of gravitas and put things in perspective.

The Sauron-Celebrimbor dynamic was well done. The Sauron-Galadriel dynamic just seems preposterous and frivolous. I found Adar a good character, and the whole "peace in our time with the Orcs" thing an interesting departure. The Dwarves part of it good, believable (in that particular sense you'd use that phrase in the context of Fantasy).

On the whole, I found that most of the things that annoyed me were the same things that already annoyed me in Season 1 (such as the whole sobby Harfoot/Gandalf thing and the casting for Galadriel), and well, you get used to them. Except the lack of Huge Armies. Granted it was a bit better than the truly pathetic standards of Season 1 on that point, but it's not where it needs to be yet.