The Fourth RedCafe Sheep Draft

Send in your formation - 11 AM GMT Deadline
Alright. We've come to an understanding.

Everyone send in your formation-pics by 11 AM GMT. If you want to send a presentation i'll stick them in spoilers with your formations.

I'll publish the teams in spoilers after that.

Then you'll send your worst 4 teams (1-4, 1 being worst team etc) to us and we'll total it up. Deadline for this is 10 PM GMT.
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Alright. We've come to an understanding.

Everyone send in your formation-pics by 11 AM GMT.

I'll publish the teams after that.

Then you'll send your worst 4 teams to us and we'll total it up. Deadline for this is 11 PM GMT.

No presentation?
Nah, just the pic. Let people decide for themselves. 20 of yous so i'm sure not all will be arses when voting so we'll get a decent consensus.

Our side is crap without a write up. I'm never gonna save sheep again, being an animal rights activist isn't for me.
There still seems to be a problem with sharemytactics so use another one.
Some have sent already. I know some of the others sent as well or posted in the thread. Send them to us anyway, cheers.
Share my tactics works
It has been up and down. I suggest to whoever uses it to download the formation image and then use imgur or some other image hosting service so it stable and easier for the mods to keep track.

sent mine with brief explanation.
It has been up and down. I suggest to whoever uses it to download the formation image and then use imgur or some other image hosting service so it stable and easier for the mods to keep track.

sent mine with brief explanation.
This. A bitch waiting for it to load.
Ill submit the ones that have already been posted in here. Send short writeup if you feel like it.
Ffs, you devious louts! :lol:
anto: Let's throw in some bombs into the mix.
Me: Good idea, how about 2?
Me: Zico and Sheva, that'll do.
anto: Let's do 4-5 bombs.
Me: lol
Me: K, settle on 3.
anto: Throw in Sammer for the lols.
Me: lolzy
Firstly, we knew different rounds would have different quality sheep, so going with them all being equal is wrong.

Second, for the most part I tried to give the manager something they needed, with the caveat of -not always tbh- checking what they had been trying to sign (e.g. Moby got O'Shea as a sheep Beckenbauer, which in context is accurate).

Finally, some sheep I didn't bother because they didn't matter. It looked to me like @Tuppet needed a forward, had been targetting forwards, and with his squad was never going to use the sheep, so Bebe it is, who cares anyway? He certainly is wrong to then respond by painting all sheep with that same brush.

That's a fair point that I hadn't really considered. I'll never agree with reducing poor old Sheasy to sheep status mind (when the feck did Beckenbauer ever nutmeg Figo?), but the general point makes sense.

@Pat_Mustard In assessing sheep, I find it hard to ignore who the player is and their attributes. You can never get a sense of how they gel in the team as a unit if we only consider them as general shitters. And most great teams of the past always had players of that calibre within their squads, so it's good to see how managers bring it all together.

Aye, I find it difficult to ignore the player in question too, and I don't think I'll bother trying to here, beyond not viewing them as being at their absolute best, whatever level that might be.
That's a fair point that I hadn't really considered. I'll never agree with reducing poor old Sheasy to sheep status mind (when the feck did Beckenbauer ever nutmeg Figo?), but the general point makes sense.

Aye, I find it difficult to ignore the player in question too, and I don't think I'll bother trying to here, beyond not viewing them as being at their absolute best, whatever level that might be.

I think that's the key point really. All other players are viewed at their peak. Sheep shouldn't be and should be viewed more along their average level.