Pokemon expert
Oh, that whole episode with the stolen materia was kind of a system shock too, especially as first time I landed on it by accident, right after Rocket Town and under leveled.
Omnislash I don't think that I remember Yuffie's latest limit break.
Re-shufflingand stealing materia made things difficult, but it was part of the story so I liked that. What I hated was her character and when she made the useless ninja karate moves which were as pathetic as they could have been. One of the worst character in any Final Fantasy game I have ever played. Only Relm from FF6 was worse than her.
Yuffie was one of those characters who had a shite last limit break, but an amazing set of level 3 ones. Her best was 'Doom of the Living' and it was amazing. They all pale in comparison to the madness that is Barret's Ungermax/Cid's Highwind, though (not really, but they're worse). If you could be arsed, they were both stronger than every other attack in the game.
I didn't got Cid's highwing though I had Barret's final limit. Was it better than omnislash though? I found omnislash really overpowered, almost as much as Squall's Leonheart limit.
Barret's final limit was worse than Omnislash, but his level 3 one was better if you raised your strength with power sources or hero drinks. Only time I ever used him all the way through was on my last playthrough and was shocked I'd been all those years without seeing it! I'd hazard a guess it hits about the same amount as Highwind. There is a very cheap way to farm power sources with W-Item and morph so it's not that much of an effort.
By default, the best party in the game because of this is Cloud, Cid and Barret.
Yeah Angerman (did it called so one of this third level limits) was overpowered too, cause he made like a billion hits but I couldn't made him do 9999 damage. Ominslash on the other side (except against Sephiroth) did always made maximum damage. I essentially defeated Sephiroth using only Knights of The Round and Ominslash, he was gone like that lol.
I still regret for not defeating Ruby and Emerald. Was there a king of strategy or anything, they simply looked unbeatable to me (though I was only about level 60).
Yeah, they just trample all over you without serious preparation. I was so scared of Emerald Weapon when I was 7 that I had to get a family member to come and do the whole submarine part for me. The most common way is probably to just max out Knights of the Round and W-Summon, and then mime it over and over again if possible until they're dead. It takes ages to get to that point, but the best way is to equip triple growth materia, clone elixirs and feed them to magic pots in the final dungeon. Other methods include casting demi over and over again against Emerald (W-magic/quadra magic/mime), miming limit breaks, etc...
Did find a way on this game to make you invincible though, funnily enough. There is something called HP>MP that swaps the two stats, and if you master Final Attack/Phoenix you actually can't die. I think the developers gave the two weapons MP draining attacks to stop this combination working but forgot to cater for that HP>MP one. That is genuinely the only use I ever found for that though so maybe that's why they put it in.
I am not sure if I am entirely understanding. HP<->MP materia looked completely useless to me cause it was impossible fighting with only 999HP against most bosses. Did I missed something? I tried both with KoTR and mimie combination, and gravity-quadra mime but couldn't kill the fecker (gravity only for Emerald). I dunno how, but at times Emerald went crazy and made a lot of attacks that didn't let me react. I couldn't ever stand more than 3-5 minutes alive.
The HP>MP materia gives you 9999 MP, so if you have that much MP and a mastered Final Attack materia combined with Revive or Phoenix, you can die over and over again without the game ending. You will just continually bring yourself back to life and not run the risk of running out of the MP that would be necessary to cast the Final Attack spell. Another thing is that this materia allows you to cast 4 KOTRs at once. Miming that twice will kill Emerald Weapon.
I never actually tried this but I'm sure it must work.
Was just in the battle square, still pre Temple of The Ancients. Ran out of GP to battle after 5 battles, after 3 I was 300 BP short of Speed Plus Materia.
Final two battles slots = break Materia, Break Items, Mini and Break Materia, Break Items, Break Weapon.
The most terrible part of the game. I spend around 2 hours to get the omnislash. A few times I died in the last battle when I could have get around 10k battle points.
It's only handy for a place in Disc 1, as you get a fair amount of AP, like 150 per battle, all the X-Potions, and the thunderbirds have a thunder attack that hits everyone for 350 +/- HP, which helps when you're trying to up your limits. Also why I always keep a large stack of Hyper items(had to re-fury after every battle with that dang Limit of Aeris that heals your status...). I had never used it before this run either, I used to use the forest after Mt. Nibel, as if you get the group of 6 of them mushroom things, you get 190+ ap, but you often run into this awful pair of abominations that only give you 40 ap, and usually pincer you.I'd never considered Wutai as a grind spot. ^ Was so busy trying to get out that place that I never thought to use it for that! Will try that one next time round.
My favourites were Junon (the alarm in the corridor that summons enemies from disc 2) and the islands around Mideel when you get the Tiny Bronco. I'll never do the Junon one again though, to be honest. Way too early to get that strong.
It's only handy for a place in Disc 1, as you get a fair amount of AP, like 150 per battle, all the X-Potions, and the thunderbirds have a thunder attack that hits everyone for 350 +/- HP, which helps when you're trying to up your limits. Also why I always keep a large stack of Hyper items(had to re-fury after every battle with that dang Limit of Aeris that heals your status...). I had never used it before this run either, I used to use the forest after Mt. Nibel, as if you get the group of 6 of them mushroom things, you get 190+ ap, but you often run into this awful pair of abominations that only give you 40 ap, and usually pincer you.
Junon and the forest around Mideel are the best before the final dungeon, IIRC.
Yeah! That forest saw so much action! I never knew about the magic pots, not before this run, I never much bothered grinding with the final dungeon, once step in there, bitches get slapped. This time I should nab the materia and make an exit, might take on the Weapons.
Does seem quick! I think along with Final Fantasy V it has the best normal battle music in the entire series. All opinion of course but those two themes are immense.