I just love it when people try to re-write history to suit their own ends
Now that I've demolished your original post you've started back tracking like a bastard
Oh now you admit it was tainted (changed yr fking tune there then) - why's that then?
only "fools" would ignore his serial proven cheating to win titles
Well you wer'nt "weary" about Jackie Stewart before I illustrated how he thinks Schumacher is a cheating cvnt and no matter how good can never be deemed a great because of that fact
Well with each post you seem to be admitting there are more 'moments' - about twenty lines up you said "tainted 94" four lines up you said "two" and now there's "6"
fsakes make yr mind up
No apart from a few isolated stars in their eyes Ferrari and Schumacher groupies the rest of the world despises him and his cheating and no-one will ever forget it - ever
And Brads point is very salient - Schumacher was prepared to compromise the safety of fellow drivers in his obsession to win at all costs - what does that make him then on top of all the cheating ?

- about the biggest low life scum that ever sat in a racing car
Mate leave it - if I were you I'd consider myself completely and utterly destroyed in this debate
I wouldn't. Not when I put up with biased bull shit like that. Schumacher is not the first and not the last whom was prepared to compromise safety just look at precious Hamilton. Your just another fecking bitter who had to put up with somebody you didn't like whom wasn't content with 2nd best and didn't want anybody else to win. Tell me, did you have a problem with Senna admitting as much on the podium in Adelaide in 93 to Prost?
Tell me anywhere else Michael cheated in his titles? Rule bending yes, cheating, don't make me laugh. Big difference.
94. Outrageous penalties in favor of Williams forced Michael to take it to the final race. Something that should never of happened if not for the ineptness of the F.I.A.. Not fair for Damon, but with the shit Michael had to deal with it was just for Schumacher's cause.
95. Wins the title comprehensively.
00. Win the title in an inferior car through brilliant driving.
01. Start of Ferrari domination. Nobody had a chance.
02. Finished every single lap of every gp in the season on the podium. DESTROYED the opposition. Given a win that he didn't request, but gave two back at Hungary and Indinappolis
03. Won the season through grit & determination. Racing at Imola even after the death of his mother. Ferrari ended up using a card they had up their sleeve forcing the Michelin to build new moulds for tyres that had been illegal since Monaco 2001.
04. Domination never seen and probably ever will be again. Mightn't have been beaten in the first 12 races if not for ineptness on the part of Montoya
Michael is a champion because he took it to levels nobody else dared. He is miles ahead of any driver EVER and will be remember for that. Not by a bunch of bitter Brits who can't comprehend the enormity of what he achieved rather focus on his flaws. Both Senna and Prost are guilty of what Michael did in 97, the difference being Michael's didn't pay off.
Well with each post you seem to be admitting there are more 'moments' - about twenty lines up you said "tainted 94" four lines up you said "two" and now there's "6"
fsakes make yr mind up

do you even watch f1. They were moments of absolute quality, not errors.
Hungary in 98, where Michael performed a stint of qualifying laps to win the race. Overrides Adelaide.
Imola 03. Michael and Ralf race after the death of their mother. Pure grit and determination and wins. Crying on the podium. You can't forgive Jerez, but he pretty much made up for it.
Brazil 06. Ballsiest drive of the season and one not seen since. Drives from almost a lap down to 4th place and within 20 seconds of the eventual winner Felipe Massa. Out shines the moment of madness at Monaco and just proved to all why he will be remember as the very best.