FAO all those sucking Hamilton's cock and ripping into Schumacher.
You call him a cheat and you seem to compare him to Hamilton. Hmm, thats a bit ironic isn't it. Last race of the season, last lap, you've fecked it up just like last year and your on the final corner and suddenly the guy in front of you decide to suddenly park his car two meters in front of the finishing line letting you zoom past him taking the title. Oh and the guy who parks the car is in a very strange and puzzling coincidence, your best friend in the game. Nope, i don't see any suspicion in that whatsoever

Why does everyone coming to this thread feel the passionate need to make a complete and utter dick of themselves? Really, I'd love to know
You're showing you have a complete and fundimental lack of understanding for the sport mate, and I'll tell you why now
With a few laps to go, Hamilton was in 5th place and comfortably cruising to the world championship. Then the rain came. So he like most other cars pitted to get wets. However some cars didn't, drivers like Glock took a gamble that with so few laps left to go, he'd stay out on dry tires, and try to nurse the car home. Obviously the idea is that he makes up 30 seconds ish on everyone who pits, moving him up the points scoring positions
But we saw exactly why it was a gamble. Come the final lap, he had no grip whatsoever. Precisely the reason everyone else had come in for new tires. Hence his very slow lap. I believe there were other cars on the track who'd gambled the same, and they had exactly the same issue Glock had
So Hamilton won that fair and square, and you're a dick for suggesting Glock is a cheat when all he did was take a gamble to try and move up the places. His gamble actually gave Massa a chance of winning the championship, without it Hamilton as I said cruises home
And yet again you try to compare that, where its not even Hamilton doing the 'supposed' cheating for fecks sake, to Schumacher who has many incidents of cheating several of which were punished by the authorities, in an era they tried their level best to let him off with everything! But he pushed too far