The Biden Presidency

And yet a majority of Americans believe Trump is better for the economy, when all he's actually good for is the stock market. But PR is important and Bidens team cannot get Bidenomics to catch.
This is very important for a lot Americans because of their 401K's, mine for example has lost around a third of it's value in the last couple of years
This is very important for a lot Americans because of their 401K's, mine for example has lost around a third of it's value in the last couple of years

How is that possible given the economy and market have been largely static over that time. Any pandemic losses on stocks have largely been cancelled out once the market bounced back.
The actual truth is pretty simple. The majority don't understand things explained in the graphs and Tweet a couple of posts above. All they are focused on is petrol (gas) prices are high and that most other things have gone up too. They won't see that under Trump that would have happened anyway AND they wouldn't have had the extra money and help that Boden has created.for them.

The hatred, distrust and ignorance is too strong to overcome, sadly.

This is what Newsom and his team are really good at and what Biden-Harris sorely lacks. While of course he can't convince MAGA people, Newsom is far better prepared to discuss this in a way people understand than Biden-Harris
How is that possible given the economy and market have been largely static over that time. Any pandemic losses on stocks have largely been cancelled out once the market bounced back.
No idea TBH, I don't manage it, it's started to recover now so we'll see how it goes
This is what Newsom and his team are really good at and what Biden-Harris sorely lacks. While of course he can't convince MAGA people, Newsom is far better prepared to discuss this in a way people understand than Biden-Harris

Absolutely. Biden should step aside and act as VP or make Newsom his running mate. I think that would work well for Dems and many Independent voters too. Unlikely to happen though.
The actual truth is pretty simple. The majority don't understand things explained in the graphs and Tweet a couple of posts above. All they are focused on is petrol (gas) prices are high and that most other things have gone up too. They won't see that under Trump that would have happened anyway AND they wouldn't have had the extra money and help that Boden has created.for them.

The hatred, distrust and ignorance is too strong to overcome, sadly.
One More Time on the Economy

Like in Portugal, the economy is great, all charts trending up, the government saved money, unemployment is really low. Fantastic.

Then we have almost 20% of the population below the poverty line, loads of pensioners deciding if they want food or medicine this month, kids not going to college because despite college being free it's literally impossible to rent a room in a big city, families living in tents because they can't pay the rent, hospitals with record delays, etc.

But the economy... oh boy, rating agencies even increased our rating to A for the first time ever. Let's go!
Possibly not one for the Biden thread, maybe the Capitalism one?

Kind of interesting stats in there - rates have been rising continually, but at least youth rates are down a bit this year. Obviously still grim, highest since 1941.
Chris Hayes gave a full 15-minute segment to dismantle each and every single talking point from the Republicans against Biden's economic measures and recovery plans.

If more people in the media did their job, the facts should be hammered time and time again. Trump is the one deserving all the shit in the world in comparison to Biden's record.
A lot of unnamed sources, probably all tied to defense spending.

Lara Seligman along with Jim Laporta are almost 100% reliable. They won't quote random unnamed sources with agendas and aren't prone to hyberbole. That they are going easy on Iranian proxies is a big concern.

Shipping insurance has ticked up from 0.01% (normal), to 0.05% last week, now 0.1% and even 0.13% in some cases. That's hugely expensive already. If a ship actually gets hit they'll start to reroute around the Horn of Africa and you can imagine the extra cost involved there.
"Biden is doing everything in his power...people underestimate the power the US has over Israel..."

Hunter Biden went on the offensive this morning. He wants to testify publicly on national television.

Obviously, it looks like Republicans don't want that to happen because they might well get buttfecked as hard as during the Benghazi hearings. Hunter is a Yale Law School graduate and is more than aware of laws than your average Republican politician.

i remember when tim apple was a late-night punchline for a couple of months. didn't see this one get any prominence in any US outlet.
Hunter Biden went on the offensive this morning. He wants to testify publicly on national television.

Obviously, it looks like Republicans don't want that to happen because they might well get buttfecked as hard as during the Benghazi hearings. Hunter is a Yale Law School graduate and is more than aware of laws than your average Republican politician.

Republicans benefited from Benghazi in the end though., brought Hillary's popularity down, and sunk her in 2016.
Tbf it’s only slightly more dumb than when liberals/progressives called Trump a fascist dictator.

For whatever reason “politically engaged” Americans want to see themselves as WW2 underground resistance fighters rather than people who post and vote for two similar types of former NSA agents.

She's factually wrong though.

There's absolutely a stone cold hearted, and morally questionable political calculus in the decisions he made about the Israel-Palestine conflict, but Biden is not a dictator. It's ridiculous and braindead to even make this kind of claim.

I hate when people, no matter how well intentioned they are, conflate things, reach to hyperboles and end up doing more harm to the cause than its opponents by giving them the stick to be beaten up with.
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I absolute hate when people, no matter how well intentionate they are, conflate things, reach to hyperboles and end up doing more harm to the cause than its opponents by giving them the stick to be beaten up with.

Absolutely, all it does it change the conversation to petty arguing about labels and names used and then the definitions. It completely detracts from the original points being made. Just look at the threads in this forum. Pages upon pages of arguing over things that detract from the original topic. The Israel/Palestine thread for instance, countless discussions over genocide, holocaust, ethnic cleansing etc. All that does is steer the conversation to a mundane back and forth and also quite often other posts get lost amongst it all.