The Biden Presidency

That's happening now, under the Biden presidency. There have been multiple hate crimes against Arabs in the U.S. since the war began. A 6-year-old Palestinian child was stabbed 26 times in Chicago. Three Palestinian students were shot in Vermont; one of them is paralyzed from the chest down. There have been many public harassment campaigns of Arab and pro-Palestinian activists. A former State Department official was arrested for harassing and threatening an Egyptian vendor.

And it shouldn't be happening but that's being committed by the public. I was referring to Trump's continued racist and islamaphobic policies, actions and words. This isn't in anyway a defence of Biden, more just asking a question regarding Trump's openly racist and islamaphobic Presidency.
Have they forgotten the Muslim ban and the constant racism and islamaphobia during the Trump Presidency? Or the constant cozying up to Israel? Or the fact he's already said he's going to reintroduce the Muslim ban the minute he gets reelected?

Surely Trump can't be considered an alternative for them? Not voting would seem the more likely option I should think.
I don't think they'll be rushing to Trump. Its just that Biden's lost their vote.

They probably feel like they get disenfranchised either way.
That's happening now, under the Biden presidency. There have been multiple hate crimes against Arabs in the U.S. since the war began. A 6-year-old Palestinian child was stabbed 26 times in Chicago. Three Palestinian students were shot in Vermont; one of them is paralyzed from the chest down. There have been many public harassment campaigns of Arab and pro-Palestinian activists. A former State Department official was arrested for harassing and threatening an Egyptian vendor.
Yeah but forget reality now, just imagine how worse it could be.
That's happening now, under the Biden presidency. There have been multiple hate crimes against Arabs in the U.S. since the war began. A 6-year-old Palestinian child was stabbed 26 times in Chicago. Three Palestinian students were shot in Vermont; one of them is paralyzed from the chest down. There have been many public harassment campaigns of Arab and pro-Palestinian activists. A former State Department official was arrested for harassing and threatening an Egyptian vendor.

Don't forget being attacked with chemical weapons on college campuses by the same members of the army committing a genocide.
Have they forgotten the Muslim ban and the constant racism and islamaphobia during the Trump Presidency? Or the constant cozying up to Israel? Or the fact he's already said he's going to reintroduce the Muslim ban the minute he gets reelected?

Surely Trump can't be considered an alternative for them? Not voting would seem the more likely option I should think.
Sadly I have seen a couple of gullible Arabs saying they will vote Trump just to prove the point, but most of the Arabs who are boycotting Biden will vote 3rd party or abstaining.
Really good history of immigration policy and popular support since Bush's 2006 proposal, in particular the massive shift in opinion from 2019 (the most pro-immigrant attitude since polling) to 2023 (the most anti)

But, focusing on the past few weeks:

In my opinion, what Abbott is doing in Texas is a far more serious coup attempt that Jan 6th. The Jan 6th coup relied in phone calls to unwilling mid-level bureacrats from the white house, non-cooperation from multiple levels of the federal government, judiciary, and Congress. It was a ramshackle operation with a narrow social base and minimal institutional support, because it was all about one man who himself had burnt almost all bridges with party and federal institutions.
Abbott is using his state militia to defy the federal govt and five supreme court judges, and immediately got the support of four other judges, the entire Republican party, literally 25 governors...and faced ZERO opposition from the white house or the democrats.
Well, I guess this isn't a coup, because it's an abdication. When it was a very different party, Democrat presidents faced serious "states' rights" demands from southern states twice. Biden's response looks more like the infamous one so far.
A sign of a very healthy nation. Yikes.
I get what you're saying but people not living here so often seem to really not understand that many are well tired of seemingly being to the one to still (needing to?) play world police. Sure that was a point of pride at some point but I think in many days we re past that and that counts for left and right alike. We have too many things to fix on this side of the ocean. A lot of it is only natural too: when you live in a state the size of multiple countries for instance there is a lot of things to worry about on a daily basis that don't extend past the state s borders, let alone the country.

When you think of it that way it's no wonder that the Dems have to shift further to the center or even right. As much as I despise Trump, he did uncover a lot of underlying feelings that cross over the aisle.
I get what you're saying but people not living here so often seem to really not understand that many are well tired of seemingly being to the one to still (needing to?) play world police. Sure that was a point of pride at some point but I think in many days we re past that and that counts for left and right alike. We have too many things to fix on this side of the ocean. A lot of it is only natural too: when you live in a state the size of multiple countries for instance there is a lot of things to worry about on a daily basis that don't extend past the state s borders, let alone the country.

When you think of it that way it's no wonder that the Dems have to shift further to the center or even right. As much as I despise Trump, he did uncover a lot of underlying feelings that cross over the aisle.

This isn't about playing world police. This is an American war whether politicians admit it or not.
Portugal is not actively militarily and economically supporting the massacre in Gaza.

Which is exactly what the majority of people in the US think is the situation in the US, or they have no idea of what the situation is beyond 10/7 and "Israel = Good, Palestinian = Hamas = terrorist = bad".

Domestic/Economic issues drive elections here and I would be in most of the rest of the world as well. Foreign policy barely makes a wave unless American soldiers are the ones who are losing their lives.
This isn't about playing world police. This is an American war whether politicians admit it or not.
and what I'm telling you is that the majority of Americans don't see it that way or even want to spend much time looking into whether it is. The only reason this is an "American war" is because of people typically far removed from the average person's concerns.
Where would Gaza rank as an issue in the upcoming Portuguese elections?
If the government was actively supporting genocide I like to think it would rank high up.

8 out of 9 parties in the portuguese parliament asked for a cease fire, the last poll shows 80% of portuguese want a cease fire. Portugal voted in the UN in favor of a cease fire and criticized the US for vetoing a cease fire. The largest workers union group in the country organized a march for a cease fire and multiple events in Lisbon have had many people asking for it.

We're a small country with zero influence but at least it shows some kind of healthy moral compass. If what you say is true and most amaricans don't care their government is supporting genocide, then it shows a very unhealthy country with a broken moral compass.
I get what you're saying but people not living here so often seem to really not understand that many are well tired of seemingly being to the one to still (needing to?) play world police. Sure that was a point of pride at some point but I think in many days we re past that and that counts for left and right alike. We have too many things to fix on this side of the ocean. A lot of it is only natural too: when you live in a state the size of multiple countries for instance there is a lot of things to worry about on a daily basis that don't extend past the state s borders, let alone the country.

When you think of it that way it's no wonder that the Dems have to shift further to the center or even right. As much as I despise Trump, he did uncover a lot of underlying feelings that cross over the aisle.
You're not really playing world police on this one, are you? You're on the side of the criminals.

I understand other concerns, but this is not a small story, it's on the news every day, genocide is now clear. If all this is not enough for people to care, then what does it say about the country?
You're not really playing world police on this one, are you? You're on the side of the criminals.

I understand other concerns, but this is not a small story, it's on the news every day, genocide is now clear. If all this is not enough for people to care, then what does it say about the country?
You may want to read this and look at the statistics. You're singling out America and forgeting that general apathy about the situation is a global issue and in some ways far greater outside the US:

The holier than thou attitude is exactly that.
People keeping trying to shoehorn America in their own local view of the world and in doing so never get close to understanding it before trying to lecture it.
You may want to read this and look at the statistics. You're singling out America and forgeting that general apathy about the situation is a global issue and in some ways far greater outside the US:

The holier than thou attitude is exactly that.
I'm not singling out america, this is a thread about biden and american elections.

And it's not holier than thou attitude, is some countries, like the US voting against a cease fire and other countries, like Portugal, voting in favor of an immediate cease fire. It's some countries like the US cutting aid to UN helping palestinians, and other countries, like Portugal, refusing to cut that help.

Again, Portugal has close to zero power, but in the little we can do, so far we've done the right thing.

Call it what you want, but if you think it's normal americans don't care they're supporting genocide, then I'll just go back to my original comment: sick country, yikes.
If the government was actively supporting genocide I like to think it would rank high up.

8 out of 9 parties in the portuguese parliament asked for a cease fire, the last poll shows 80% of portuguese want a cease fire. Portugal voted in the UN in favor of a cease fire and criticized the US for vetoing a cease fire. The largest workers union group in the country organized a march for a cease fire and multiple events in Lisbon have had many people asking for it.

We're a small country with zero influence but at least it shows some kind of healthy moral compass. If what you say is true and most amaricans don't care their government is supporting genocide, then it shows a very unhealthy country with a broken moral compass.

I don't know how many times I have to say this, but most American's don't know what the feck is going on over there. Should they? Maybe?? The news over here is highly biased towards the Israeli point of view, especially on the major news networks. To know what is happening you have to actively search for it. You want to take shots at the moral compass of our politicians and journalists? Go for it, and I will be right there with you, but, and take this from someone who is borderline nihilistic about his countryfolk, I am not going to hold this against the majority of people here.
I don't know how many times I have to say this, but most American's don't know what the feck is going on over there. Should they? Maybe?? The news over here is highly biased towards the Israeli point of view, especially on the major news networks. To know what is happening you have to actively search for it. You want to take shots at the moral compass of our politicians and journalists? Go for it, and I will be right there with you, but, and take this from someone who is borderline nihilistic about his countryfolk, I am not going to hold this against the majority of people here.
You disagree, that's cool, but ignorance is not a good excuse for me. You are a democracy, your government are supporting genocide, so I'll put some of the blame on the voters. Otherwise what's the point? Maga voters are also ignorant about stuff and we call them morons and evil all the time.
If that's truly the case, if Biden eventually loses the election I expect no one to show up here blaming the naive people who decided to not vote for Biden over this. It's already been a bit of a thing in this thread, honestly.
Schrödinger's topic. It doesn't matter and it might hand trump the victory at the same time.
You may want to read this and look at the statistics. You're singling out America and forgeting that general apathy about the situation is a global issue and in some ways far greater outside the US:

The holier than thou attitude is exactly that.
People keeping trying to shoehorn America in their own local view of the world and in doing so never get close to understanding it before trying to lecture it.

I wish the US was fecking apathetic.
You're not really playing world police on this one, are you? You're on the side of the criminals.

I understand other concerns, but this is not a small story, it's on the news every day, genocide is now clear. If all this is not enough for people to care, then what does it say about the country?

Most people (especially those under 55) do not watch the news anymore and half that do, are watching Fox and getting brainwashed to think illegal immigration, the "border crisis" and books about LGBT in schools are the most pressing existential issues.

What has always been true is that domestic issues are going to determine most voters votes in a US Presidential election, especially among the giant umbrella the Dems are casting. Definitely not all, and the Muslim populations of swing states could come back to bite Biden in the ass, but the majority of voters just aren't going to vote based on this single issue when they are struggling to make ends meet and have a host of other issues that impact their lives on a daily basis from health care to homelessness to reproductive rights to gun violence.

Plus, I just snapped this shot outside the NY Times building on 42nd street in New York to give you an idea what the exposure is like in the US.

Most people (especially those under 55) do not watch the news anymore and half that do, are watching Fox and getting brainwashed to think illegal immigration, the "border crisis" and books about LGBT in schools are the most pressing existential issues.

What has always been true is that domestic issues are going to determine most voters votes in a US Presidential election, especially among the giant umbrella the Dems are casting. Definitely not all, and the Muslim populations of swing states could come back to bite Biden in the ass, but the majority of voters just aren't going to vote based on this single issue when they are struggling to make ends meet and have a host of other issues that impact their lives on a daily basis from health care to homelessness to reproductive rights to gun violence.

Plus, I just snapped this shot outside the NY Times building on 42nd street in New York to give you an idea what the exposure is like in the US.


I understand that and for me that's a symptom of a sick country.
You're not really playing world police on this one, are you? You're on the side of the criminals.

I understand other concerns, but this is not a small story, it's on the news every day, genocide is now clear. If all this is not enough for people to care, then what does it say about the country?

50% of Biden 2020 voters said Israel was committing genocide in a recent YouGov poll.

You don't get those numbers when people aren't paying attention to the issue or whatever it is people are saying here.

People might not consider it their #1 priority for a gazillion different reasons, but that's another matter.
I don't know how many times I have to say this, but most American's don't know what the feck is going on over there. Should they? Maybe?? The news over here is highly biased towards the Israeli point of view, especially on the major news networks. To know what is happening you have to actively search for it. You want to take shots at the moral compass of our politicians and journalists? Go for it, and I will be right there with you, but, and take this from someone who is borderline nihilistic about his countryfolk, I am not going to hold this against the majority of people here.
A large % of Americans don't know where over there is!
and what I'm telling you is that the majority of Americans don't see it that way or even want to spend much time looking into whether it is. The only reason this is an "American war" is because of people typically far removed from the average person's concerns.

It’s actually barely in the news cycle anymore here. I’m seeing more Ukraine-Russia stories on the evening news these days.
What has always been true is that domestic issues are going to determine most voters votes in a US Presidential election, especially among the giant umbrella the Dems are casting. Definitely not all, and the Muslim populations of swing states could come back to bite Biden in the ass, but the majority of voters just aren't going to vote based on this single issue when they are struggling to make ends meet.

I’d agree with this. Americans are generally only interested in things that are domestic and centered around whether economic conditions are suitable to improve their quality of life. Foreign affairs issues are usually either non-existent on their radars or else so faint that they don’t merit any consideration.