The Biden Presidency

This is turning to into a real scandal. Imagine lying about being in intensive care and your team tries to cover it up.

Interesting quote in the light of "lesser evil" electoral arguments- similarity to NAFTA eventually passing under Clinton


Does anyone take the 'terorrist org' designation seriously these days? As always it seems to be an arbitrary designation used to condemn adversaries, with no objective and unanimously agreed parameters used to determine such a designation. Case in point, the Houthis who to this day haven't killed a single person during this crisis are a deemed a terrorist org, whereas the IDF who've killed 24,000 Palestinians are not only spared the same condemnation, but are revered as allies and partners. Even if you put aside the bodycount factor and go solely with intent - Hamas are labelled a terrorist org for their organisations motivations (no complaints there), yet you have IDF spokespeople and ministers parroting quasi-genocidal sentiments and boasting about 'annihilating Gaza' and making morbid statements like 'there's no such thing as civilians in Gaza', but of course they're absolved from the same condemnation. I know I've singled out one side here, but of course the same could be said about the Iranians and Russians with their own take on the label.

It's essentially nothing more than a glorified 'mean girls - the international affairs edition'.
Does anyone take the 'terorrist org' designation seriously these days? As always it seems to be an arbitrary designation used to condemn adversaries, with no objective and unanimously agreed parameters used to determine such a designation. Case in point, the Houthis who to this day haven't killed a single person during this crisis are a deemed a terrorist org, whereas the IDF who've killed 24,000 Palestinians are not only spared the same condemnation, but are revered as allies and partners. Even if you put aside the bodycount factor and go solely with intent - Hamas are labelled a terrorist org for their organisations motivations (no complaints there), yet you have IDF spokespeople and ministers parroting quasi-genocidal sentiments and boasting about 'annihilating Gaza' and making morbid statements like 'there's no such thing as civilians in Gaza', but of course they're absolved from the same condemnation. I know I've singled out one side here, but of course the same could be said about the Iranians and Russians with their own take on the label.

It's essentially nothing more than a glorified 'mean girls - the international affairs edition'.

Its actually a bit more than a mean girls list. Beyond the pejorative of the Houthis being officially labelled terrorists, it allows the US to do everything from freeze assets to restrict immigration to allocate more money for military purposes in said country/region.
If you thought our lot were bad, look at the States. Biden is heading towards dementia and Trump is just a narcissistic chancer with a dodgy family. Nice wife though. Watching a few programmes about the 2024 US election, I've concluded that the Yanks are crazy and live in a Hollywood movie set. Of the two, if they are the runners, I hope Trump gets in just so there won't be any unrest nationwide and a repeat of the Capitol Hill storming. Biden is no friend of the UK, although he may have forgotten that.
If you thought our lot were bad, look at the States. Biden is heading towards dementia and Trump is just a narcissistic chancer with a dodgy family. Nice wife though.


Watching a few programmes about the 2024 US election, I've concluded that the Yanks are crazy and live in a Hollywood movie set. Of the two, if they are the runners, I hope Trump gets in just so there won't be any unrest nationwide and a repeat of the Capitol Hill storming. Biden is no friend of the UK, although he may have forgotten that.

Pretty much. :cool:
What are the gonna do? Vote for Trump?

As the American political saying goes - If you're not at the table, you're likely on the menu.

If these guys think they are going to strong arm Biden into a policy change by not meeting with him, it will only result in them being further marginalized into political irrelevance.

The only clear thing to me is that whoever is advising Biden on the PR side of this must be a 60+ male Jewish guy living in Florida, who says it'll wash over.

I will say, there is a worst case for Biden here which must be floated: he publically demands a ceasefire, and Netanyahu just bombs away. What happens then? Personally I wonder if that's the calculation. If Biden does that, he loses on 3 fronts: Muslims see he can't stop Gazan suffering (which is somehow entirely his fault, but fine); American Jews see a reduction in Israeli support and all American see a feckless President.
Gaza won't probably crack the top five items of importance influencing the average Dem voter in November. Maybe it may take fifth.
Arab voters will never forget this even if the political space moves on by November.

Have they forgotten the Muslim ban and the constant racism and islamaphobia during the Trump Presidency? Or the constant cozying up to Israel? Or the fact he's already said he's going to reintroduce the Muslim ban the minute he gets reelected?

Surely Trump can't be considered an alternative for them? Not voting would seem the more likely option I should think.
Have they forgotten the Muslim ban and the constant racism and islamaphobia during the Trump Presidency? Or the constant cozying up to Israel? Or the fact he's already said he's going to reintroduce the Muslim ban the minute he gets reelected?

Surely Trump can't be considered an alternative for them?

Assume that there are no red lines, and that you simply vote for whoever you think is 'best overall' for you. Then you rank the candidates by dividing them into "Middle East issues" (ME) and "everything else" (EE). You get:

(EEBiden - EETrump) + (MEBiden - METrump) = X

If X is positive then you vote for Biden. If X is negative you vote for Trump.

Trump is "bad" on Middle East issues. But the "worse" Biden is Middle East issues, then the smaller MEBiden - METrump gets. That means you'd just vote on 'everything else.' And you might prefer Trump there (because you thought the economy was better, because you want lower taxes, because you are a bit conservative, and other reasons).
Have they forgotten the constant racism and islamaphobia during the Trump Presidency?

That's happening now, under the Biden presidency. There have been multiple hate crimes against Arabs in the U.S. since the war began. A 6-year-old Palestinian child was stabbed 26 times in Chicago. Three Palestinian students were shot in Vermont; one of them is paralyzed from the chest down. There have been many public harassment campaigns of Arab and pro-Palestinian activists. A former State Department official was arrested for harassing and threatening an Egyptian vendor.