The Biden Presidency

The graph is already adjusted for inflation.
Fair enough, actually it is written in the graph that it is 2017 dollars, foolish of me.

Yep, I think Biden has been a much better president than the perception of his presidency. Got a very divided country in the middle of covid with inflation going havoc, and now the economy of the US is very strong. His foreign policy was also quite good except the Gaza, but I am not sure it would have been much different with anyone else.

Unfortunately, the perception for many things is more important than the reality. And the perception is that he has been a weak president, not helped cause he was half demented for probably half of his presidency.
Just as the inflation etc was not his fault, this is also not because of policies.

The US reduced the inflation faster and sharper than mostly any developed country. Aldo had growth sooner and bigger than most of tge developed countries. And the US economy probably pulled up some of these economies with its growth

You are right on global economy effects, but relatively the US had been substantially more successful than developed countries, some of them like germany still struggle. Amd i doubt any of them are above previsions made before COVID, at least none of the big economies from the west
There has been 21% inflation since 2020, so adjusted for that, the GDP is smaller than it was pre-covid right? Based in that graph, the GDP growth adjusted for inflation has been negative even compared to 2018. So the only reason why the GDP is higher than 2020 or even 2018 is because the value of a dollar is smaller. I guess that is why people are not happy with the economy, they have less money than at any stage since the last financial crisis.

Apologies if I am missing something, not an economy expert.

The intent was never to get the economy back to where it was pre-pandemic. That was obviously never going to happen because of the inflation shock that happened beginning in 2021. There was also an expectation of a post-pandemic recession, which never happened. In fact that opposite happened, the economy has grown by 25% from pre-pandemic levels under Trump and the stock market is repeatedly smashing new highs. Inflation and gas prices are back down to somewhat reasonable rates, so all things said, Biden's economic approach, along side the Fed's interest rate policy, have been quite successful given previous expectations of a recession.
Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) suggested Thursday that fear of a second Trump administration motivated Russia to agree to the historic prisoner swap with the U.S.

Vance, former President Trump’s 2024 running mate, called the prisoner exchange “great news” in an interview with CNN.

“We certainly want these Americans to come back home. It was ridiculous that they were in prison to begin with,” Vance said.

“But we have to ask ourselves: Why are they coming home? And I think it’s because bad guys all over the world recognize Donald Trump’s about to be back in office, so they’re cleaning house,” he said. “That’s a good thing, and I think it’s a testament to Donald Trump’s strength.” The Hill

The delusion.
Biden is a good man, or something like that.

Anyone with a shred of humanity will remember him as genocide Joe.
The timing of the hostage swap is making a lot more sense now. Putin was insisting on getting Krasikov out but the Germans wanted Navalny as part of that deal. Putin couldn’t bear to have Navalny humiliating him from abroad again, so he killed him, which took him off the board as a bargaining chip for the Germans, which in turn allowed the deal to eventually proceed.

Putin allegedly wanted this deal done while Biden was still in office because he feared Trump didn’t have the strong relationship with the German side to get the deal done.

I'm sure all of those who said anti-Israel protesters are unfairly singling out the only democracy and only Jewish state and should be more concerned about the Saudi slaughter in Yemen, will immediately protest the White House.
Disgusting old cnut. Just looking at his blanched, scrotal face makes me want to vomit. At the end of his term the best thing for everyone would be to send him straight to landfill with all the other garbage.
Disgusting old cnut. Just looking at his blanched, scrotal face makes me want to vomit. At the end of his term the best thing for everyone would be to send him straight to landfill with all the other garbage.
Yes, but trump.
“Although the Middle East remains beset with perennial challenges, the region is quieter than it has been for decades.” - Jake Sullivan.