The Biden Presidency

Ah well that will be it I bet, the app. I just use the website, at least when I have something that goes in here.

What's weird though is that my post quoted in your post has a working embed, but if I go to the last page none of the tweets show up. It has to be a problem on my side (blocking cookies or whatever), but then why does it show up in the quote? Makes no sense.
Still pulling from the website for me. I’m fecking illiterate when it comes to technology.
Still pulling from the website for me. I’m fecking illiterate when it comes to technology.
It's Musk, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't, on the websites I work on we pulled all the Twitter or X, or whatever the feck it is feeds, had something to do with being logged in or out and it just wasn't worth the hassle!
Can someone not just drop the exclusive of the extent of Trumps links to Epstein? He’s the cockroach who can survive the nuclear apocalypse of scandals but think hard evidence of that relationship would finally be the end of him.

This is pretty old and well known. Neither party would want to get too deep into this - Bill Clinton personally flew on Epstein's jet a few times (which Trump did once/zero times), and some of Epstein's other friends were Dem party donors/supporters. As Pelosi's daughter said, "some of our faves" will be implicated.
Is he referring to Big Oil here?

"On the bottom you have all of us the taxpayers"

Coming from the anchor, who probably makes double digits in millions each year, truly just your average Joe
Looks like Biden administration will make sure millions of Americans gets overtime pay.

More on this later when @iamking tells us how this move will definitely make Biden the worst president of all time.

Salary: 16m per year
Net Worth: 100m

Dunno how accurate the site but spot on.


I remember when Watters was just a jumped up little prick that used to have a small segment on Bill O'Reilly's show called Watters World.

He used to be a roving reporter who just asked idiotic Dems questions to make them look silly and so Bill could laugh back in the studio at how dumb Dem voters are.

A right wing version of those guys that just go round to Trump rallies interviewing the lunatics to show how dumb they are.

Now he's worth £100 million. FFS.

I remember when Watters was just a jumped up little prick that used to have a small segment on Bill O'Reilly's show called Watters World.

He used to be a roving reporter who just asked idiotic Dems questions to make them look silly and so Bill could laugh back in the studio at how dumb Dem voters are.

A right wing version of those guys that just go round to Trump rallies interviewing the lunatics to show how dumb they are.

Now he's worth £100 million. FFS.
He’s the face of Fox for the next couple of decades or until he taps into another 25 y/o.
Yeah, and I agree that sucks but isn't that also up in the air anyway? I thought that had been delayed, potentially cancelled altogether?
I can’t find anything about it potentially getting cancelled unless it’s in the NYT article which is mostly paywalled.

The willow oil drilling project also has the potential of causing a carbon bomb which would undo any progress from green energy.

It will produce an estimated 576m barrels of oil over 30 years, with a peak of 180,000 barrels of crude a day. This extraction, which ConocoPhillips has said may, ironically, involve refreezing the rapidly thawing Arctic permafrost to stabilize drilling equipment, would create one of the largest “carbon bombs” on US soil, potentially producing more than twice as manyemissions than all renewable energy projects on public lands by 2030 would cut combined.
Hopefully it will get cancelled.
FFS, why hasn't Biden stopped manufacturers automating things. Trump would have fixed it.
Killing the opposition is what some of the more extreme republicans in congress, and the previous president wants too, they are encouraging this by hiding behind language that is just not extreme enough to be penalized for it.

Also, one can argue that Trump directly tried to kill Biden himself, with covid during one of the debates, he knew he had it, didnt tell anyone, didnt have a mask, didnt really attempt to keep a distance.

Can this be proven in court? No, but it would not surprise me at all if this was his intent.