The beginning of the end... (the original board vetoed Mourinho's transfer wish list thread)

Going by the Simon Stone article, Alderwierald was a cash plus player issue. The club source said something like "we would have traded a 5th best centre back for another 5th best centre back, which didn't make sense" .

Its that I don't understand. Alderwierald is head and shoulders above any of our defenders, so there is some serious misjudgement going on by club officials who are undermining Jose.

I think what the article was alluding to was that they would sell Rojo (not to Spurs) and replace him with Toby. That was the like for like bit.

I’m not saying I agree with the opinion of the source - but it wasn’t a case of trading player’s with Spurs.
Very odd decisions going on in the club. If you want a manager like Jose, then you've got to back him financially.
I don't think that he had that job, otherwise he would still be here. And I don't think that have anyone in place for the job either.

He was chief scout so any positions we required players he was involved. He wouldn’t have negotiated transfers but what exactly qualified him to do that? Fair play if he wanted that role but it’s hardly like Juve wanted to give it him otherwise he would still be there
That was before Martial failed his audition on the right wing and told his agent to start looking for a new club.

Two games isn't an audition, at least not one done in good faith.
Mourinho himself said in Feb that there would be no attackers purchased - so i don't know if it was ever on the agenda for Woodward to be saying that Willian was not an upgrade on current options.

In terms of Toby, he was injured for part of last year and is 29 so if there were question marks over whether he would be the right candidate they are somewhat valid, especially at the prices quoted.

The most ridiculous point to make is back him or sack him. There has to be compromise. Mourinho has been backed heavily for loads of players but there can be a line drawn without it being the end game.

Do you think Mou is wrong to want a centre back who can pass out from the back or someone who can actually cross from the wing?

For his game plan both are what we need, if Ed doesn’t want him to strengthen his squad to his standards because it’s short term or whatever then yes he should get rid of him and replace him with someone who thinks long term or whatever it is that he has in mind.
Wish we got Monchi when we were linked with him a while back.

It's difficult to point the blame at one person in particular - Jose, the Glazers, the board and Woodward are equally to blame IMO.
Going by the Simon Stone article, Alderwierald was a cash plus player issue. The club source said something like "we would have traded a 5th best centre back for another 5th best centre back, which didn't make sense" .

Its that I don't understand. Alderwierald is head and shoulders above any of our defenders, so there is some serious misjudgement going on by club officials who are undermining Jose.

I don't agree that he's head and shoulders above all of our defenders, except for leadership and ability on the ball. But it's not like our defence is going to crumble because we didn't secure Toby this window. Jose wanted to go to 3 at the back and someone like Toby would've been the final piece, for sure.
In Toby's absence through injury & supposedly falling out with Poch, Spurs haven't really missed a beat and their defence concedes more than ours does, so I'm struggling to find the justification to spend an exuberant amount of money for him.
But he still didn’t get a midfielder - he didn’t get everything he wanted. That’s the point. In addition City clearly have more money to spend and don’t have the same restrictions we do. But, importantly they still have restrictions, even City, which means that the manager can’t always get what he wants. That doesn’t mean they are not backing him.

This is true
It's a bit weird for Woodward not to back the manager if He doesn't have any big plan other than "to save some money". People are talking about how the club are trying to save money but I doubt that's the only reason. We didn't try to save money during Moyes and Lvg seasons which were considerable worse than the one We've just had and aside from Perisic, the club also let Jose to sign a lot of players and let him broke the world's transfer record. The club is still generating tons of revenues so I refuse to believe that the board decided to say "No more players" just so They could have more money at their hands.

Maybe, just maybe... Woodward have had talks with a potential Jose replacement and reached an agreement but that new manager can't manage United at the moment. So, We limit Jose's spending and only signed players that were worth the money, rather than to sign players that look like they would only fit Jose (and his tactics) with inflated prices.

Maguire, Alderwiereld are all too expensive for CBs when We have a lot of CBs already and there were no real talks of us trying to sign a RW. Bale was a possibility but the moment Ronaldo left Madrid for Juve, it was never gonna happen, that left us with "young potentials" while We have plenty of them at the club already.

The club had an agreement with Jose and LvG got the sack the moment He could be replaced. This situation could potentially be similar to that.... granted this is starting to sound like a conspiracy theory.
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Well the reason Jose is equally blamed for the transfer window debacle is for his dull behaviour in pre season and constant public moaning of lack of signings not to mention his constant barbs at the youth players . One would expect a more calm demeanour from a big name manager and better public conduct . It all makes an integral part of the club's global image . It's one thing complaining in private and showing good behaviour towards the squad and other youth players encouraging them for pre season . His bad relations with Pogba and Martial didn't help either . He seemed o dull and literally on verge of a meltdown in pre season .So it's possible that the board was wary about his short fixes and was more interested in signing younger and better players which will be financial assets for the club in future . One thing we can't dispute in all of this is that the board mostly sees the club from a financial perspective hence they wanted to avoid paying over the odds wages and transfer fees for older players with recent bad injury history i.e. Boateng and Toby .

About Martial and Pogba well everyone seem to come to the same conclusion that there is a breakdown in relations with Jose and them which has been reported extensively in the press partly of which is true in my opinion considering the actions of agents of both Pogba and Martial .

Anyways I hope that Jose mends his relationship with both of them and starts formulating a better and positive plan for the incoming season . Mc Kenna and Carrick are there to help him . Carrick in particular is accorded a lot of respect in the dressing room so I hope he helps in moving the team forward . We all want the best for the team and hopefully we will surprise everyone by winning the league title .

To be clear I haven't been turning cartwheels watching the team nor watching Jose moan his way through this preseason and reportedly alienate two of our best young players. My point is it is the board with whom the buck stops; it is their responsibility to be across issues such as Jose/Pogba/Martial and to decide a clear way forward. Backing Jose with a new contract before caning him with both actions in the window and words in the press eight months later is not the action of a board acting prudently for the good of the football club regardless of Jose's faults.

I don't think it's a huge disagreement between us as though we are at odds regarding the exact spread of blame I can accept there's at least some blame on both sides taking the issue as a whole, and we can certainly agree on your final paragraph.
Well he has his excuse in place now for his February sacking. He's gonna blame the club when he goes.

The sad thing is he won't give two shits about how he's gonna leave us. I'm honestly preparing for another seasons with CL football.

Let's just hope our players have more dignity than Chelsea and preform to their best and try secure top 4 regardless of how much they hate Jose. Fat chance of that with all the divas in football though.
The board blindly following the previous managers wishes is what got us into this mess with having so many undesirable players at the club. It is good that the board aren't going for lesser players. We should pay top dollar only for the best.

Have to say this is spot on. Was frustrated we didn’t get anymore but what was the point of buying Boateng (injury prone), Mina or Maguire when they’re too expensive and not that much of an upgrade on what we have now.

The market is insane. I still feel there were opportunities missed but that’s more the managers fault for looking at CM and CB as priority when most feel LB and RW are more pressing to deal with
If, and it’s a big if, the media reports are true, I’m happy that the board/Woodward wouldn’t sanction some no-mark defender that we would pay over the odds for. We should shop at Harrods not Aldi for the best available. I think JM was after numbers rather than quality but, as usual, it’s all been handled badly and makes the club and the manager look ridiculously unorganised.
Don't enter them if you don't like them.

Also, tention isn't a word.

Tension, tention, you know what I mean.

Don’t enter the thread if I don’t like them? Literally every thread is derailed by negativity. It is hard to avoid them when every thread is ruined by cry babies.
JM can have whatever list he wants. Whether the funds are there is one thing and what price the players are at is another. Turning down a bad deal is a good move and it means there are more funds available for when a real target appears. It seems there is a massive clash in the top tier of the club and I can't see a way back. Excuses are in early.

One first XI player and one for the future isn't a bad plan when there is a promising group of youth players coming through.
He was chief scout so any positions we required players he was involved. He wouldn’t have negotiated transfers but what exactly qualified him to do that? Fair play if he wanted that role but it’s hardly like Juve wanted to give it him otherwise he would still be there

We had an actually Chief Scout in Lawlor(I think it's the one) Martin Ferguson was named chief scout(we had two) but wasn't really one, he was SAF where SAF wasn't. As for Ribalta I don't really know why you are focusing on him when there is nothing that indicates that he was anything else than a scout.
I don't agree that he's head and shoulders above all of our defenders, except for leadership and ability on the ball. But it's not like our defence is going to crumble because we didn't secure Toby this window. Jose wanted to go to 3 at the back and someone like Toby would've been the final piece, for sure.
In Toby's absence through injury & supposedly falling out with Poch, Spurs haven't really missed a beat and their defence concedes more than ours does, so I'm struggling to find the justification to spend an exuberant amount of money for him.

There's a good stat somewhere (and I don't have it to hand right now) which showed Alderwieralds impact on Spurs. How they struggled a lot more without him.

I'd argue he is in the top 3 centre backs of the league and I can't say that about anyone in our side. Our defenders are good no doubt and their structure helps them a lot. But Alderwierald would have added stability and composure that Jose very much needed for this season to play from the back. It's obvious he cited Lindelof as that man but I'm sure by his own admission it went wrong.
Going by the Simon Stone article, Alderwierald was a cash plus player issue. The club source said something like "we would have traded a 5th best centre back for another 5th best centre back, which didn't make sense" .

Its that I don't understand. Alderwierald is head and shoulders above any of our defenders, so there is some serious misjudgement going on by club officials who are undermining Jose.
That quote was referring to Mina. Allegedly his agent tried to bend us over a barrel
There is an obvious mistrust between Ed and Jose now. You don't recover from that quickly, if at all - certainly in football. If we start badly, each will blame the other. It can only end in tears.....(or joy for some fans!)
Going by the Simon Stone article, Alderwierald was a cash plus player issue. The club source said something like "we would have traded a 5th best centre back for another 5th best centre back, which didn't make sense" .

Its that I don't understand. Alderwierald is head and shoulders above any of our defenders, so there is some serious misjudgement going on by club officials who are undermining Jose.

Said this in the other thread (why two?) but:

DoF or not, if there's no spin being put on what's reported then why the hell hasn't Woodward (either before or after seeing Jose's wish list), given Jose a spec of player (position, age range, max price/wages) that we will be willing to buy? It doesn't make any sense.

Until a week ago, Jose was convinced he would get at least one more player. He must be being kept informed by the board as to where negotiations are up to, so either the board outright lied to him about what they were willing to do only one week ago or this is just some face-saving bollocks that's going to achieve nothing but piss off Mourinho further.

And as has been said many times, if they are expecting a typical meltdown season, then why the hell haven't they got rid before the season began, as opposed to waiting until, e.g. December, by which time it will be almost certainly too late to salvage anything.

Suggesting that the Glazers are happy to stumble along with top 4 finishes to keep the coffers full is similarly misguided. Our current position as a marketing behemoth is built on a foundation of continuous success and, admittedly, an attractive never-say-die style of play. Top tier sponsors and partners will not want to be associated with the brand of United unconditionally should these fundamentals not be in place. Surely the board see that when you command millions for a shirt sponsorship deal with Adidas that is based predominantly on the years immediately preceding said deal? If renewal for sponsor xyz comes up and we've been largely mediocre, both in terms of silverware and playing style, surely we don't get as much cash? Success breeds success and they seem to be to blind to see it.

Absolutely agreed and good point. Makes zero sense that if Woodward knew about who Jose wanted months ago, and didn't veto them there and then, for him to now be putting a spin on things that the players cited were not better than those we already had / have no re-sale value / too much money for not enough quality. I don't buy it at all, and he must have been trying until very recently to sign these players and is just now trying to save face.

Exactly. It’s an excuse that makes no internal sense. Mourinho said he gave them a list of five players at the end of last season, why didn’t our new uber-scout, Herr Woodward, tell him we don’t want to sign any of them the moment he saw this list?

The timing of the briefing is disgusting too. Why not get the Leicester game out of the way before basically taking the piss out of the manager, in public? Feck it, could this not have waited until the international break? As it stands, he’s rattled Mourinho when our squad is weak and we’re at our most vulnerable.

I’m no fan of the manager but this almost seems calculated to derail our season asap. Either that or Woodward putting his own ego/reputation ahead of the performances/results of the team. Either way, it’s the actions of a devious prick.

Agreed here too. The night before the first game of the season, fecking Hell are you serious? What is the point, as you say Pogue, other than caring about one's own reputation rather than the benefit of the team.

I have no idea how this is gonna end now, honestly. I think a showdown between the board and Jose is the most likely scenario, but that is the LAST thing that is required.
That quote was referring to Mina. Allegedly his agent tried to bend us over a barrel

I've read the article again and he's referring to Toby.

Mina broke down because of agent fees and they didn't want to set a precedent of high agent fees for non World class talent.
Think the message is loud and clear, we don't want to spend money. We don't care about winning the league, we don't care about improving the team. All we care about is the money we are spending.

All the 100m Varane talk is just salesman hot air. I too can say I would personally pay 100m for Varane if he wants to join my pub team. 200m if required. Absolutely 0 chance of it happening. And if he genuinely asked Real about Varane, he knows less about football than what most gives him credit for.

And can you imagine if Ed adopted a galatico only strategy? If it's not Neymar, Messi, Varane or Mbappe, forget about it... We're fecked even if we had billions to buy
There's a good stat somewhere (and I don't have it to hand right now) which showed Alderwieralds impact on Spurs. How they struggled a lot more without him.

I'd argue he is in the top 3 centre backs of the league and I can't say that about anyone in our side. Our defenders are good no doubt and their structure helps them a lot. But Alderwierald would have added stability and composure that Jose very much needed for this season to play from the back. It's obvious he cited Lindelof as that man but I'm sure by his own admission it went wrong.

I'm not doubting his ability, and I would definitely put him top 3 in the league, I just don't think his ability is worth paying £65m for him in the final year of his contract.
I'm not doubting his ability, and I would definitely put him top 3 in the league, I just don't think his ability is worth paying £65m for him in the final year of his contract.

But this is it - I don't think it was £65m. Simon Stone said it was a part cash part player deal which would have probably taken that price tag down a fair bit.

Given we wanted to offload Rojo throughout the season and the club tag as "5th choice cb" its far to assume it was him. But then bucketing him and Alderwierald together as equals suggests serious misjudgement..
Does anyone else think that the obvious pull of playing for Utd is being mitigated by Utd's style of football and Mourinho's demeanour in the media. I'm genuinely starting to think that some players would/have swerved Utd because of these reasons.

If so, it would probably be in Utd's best interests to get shot of him. However, you may end up with a rebuild job again, unless a new manager (Zidane?) can get a better tune out of a largely talented group of players (not that difficult, you would think)

Big 5-6 months coming up for Utd & Mourinho, I feel.

No at all. Still in the top 3 clubs in the world, with one of the top 3 managers. Players come for this and more importantly to maximise their earning potential. Put a Utd shirt on, you become a world wide football superstar and watch the endorsements follow. Only 2 other clubs in the world can do this. The only thing in football terms that's a measure of your success is what you have won. Jose in two seasons has already delivered that more than the others except City in the league.
If we were playing great football and not, I can guarantee you this forum would be absolutely full of posts of how can we have such great players, play great football but win feck all. This forum would calling them show ponies and questioning whether they are mentally week......
I don't like this one bit. If the reports are true we have a stand off where neither party are wrong and that has no happy ending.

I hated the continual targeting of 29 year olds - it makes no sense for the future of the club but equally any failure this season can rightly be met with "well you didn't get me the players I asked for"

I also wonder who are in this mythical "hierarchy" that is being referred to? The manager HAS to be able to target the players he wants and if he isn't then we must go down the D0fF route that others have suggested and just employ a coach. Any form of half way house with this is a recipe for disaster IMO.
I've read the article again and he's referring to Toby.

Mina broke down because of agent fees and they didn't want to set a precedent of high agent fees for non World class talent.
The articles are confusing in who is beimg talked about but i thought the part about trading our 5th best defender for their 5th best defender didn't match up with Toby.
He let LVG tell him X was better than Y then had to hear Mourinho tell him Y was better than X. So maybe he got some DOF advice? Just saying. Considering he doesn’t rate Mina like most of the people on the CAF didn’t. Isn’t that what we want from Ed? To have a football knowledge to disagree with managers.
He appointed Mourinho and now he clearly doesn't trust him. If the trust is gone and you no longer back the managers decisions, then you part company. But it seems that Woodward has no backbone to sack him.
The articles are confusing in who is beimg talked about but i thought the part about trading our 5th best defender for their 5th best defender didn't match up with Toby.

Yeah, but still very sure it's about Toby as his piece was all in one place on the article. Full segment :

Speculation surrounding a move for Tottenham's Toby Alderweireld rumbled on for much of the summer.

It turned out to be unfounded. United never made a bid for the 29-year-old Belgian.

As one club source said: "We ended up in a situation where if we had done a deal, we would have been swapping our fifth best central defender for another fifth best central defender."

Under the circumstances, United concluded there was no point.

That bold bit is seriously worrying. And if I was Jose I'd be pretty pissed off too. In what world is Toby Alderwierald not better than our 5th choice centre back?
If the board are going to take decisions by themselves, they might as well sack Mourinho if they're won't fulfill his requests. The manager must have full backing of the club and if the club won't support the manager fully, they are going to run into problems. What a disgrace that they are doing it to Mourinho when they had no issue throwing money senselessly when LVG was in charge. This shambles of a window has given the glimpse of the ambition of this board want.

We are becoming the new Arsenal.
Think the message is loud and clear, we don't want to spend money. We don't care about winning the league, we don't care about improving the team. All we care about is the money we are spending.

All the 100m Varane talk is just salesman hot air. I too can say I would personally pay 100m for Varane if he wants to join my pub team. 200m if required. Absolutely 0 chance of it happening. And if he genuinely asked Real about Varane, he knows less about football than what most gives him credit for.

And can you imagine if Ed adopted a galatico only strategy? If it's not Neymar, Messi, Varane or Mbappe, forget about it... We're fecked even if we had billions to buy

Absolutely. Spot. On.

It's very easy to say after the window is closed, we would have done this / that.
He appointed Mourinho and now he clearly doesn't trust him. If the trust is gone and you no longer back the managers decisions, then you part company. But it seems that Woodward has no backbone to sack him.

This reminds me Monaco in 2014, Ranieri was like Mourinho upset due to the transfer dealings, things got heated and he got sacked in June. Monaco gave the same argument about different visions with the club focused on the long term.
It's such a dick move to be briefing against our own manager. Well done Ed - you have really surpassed yourself this time!

Effective CEO's deal with conflict and arguments over approach all the time, but what they do is they keep their dirty linen behind closed doors, not gossip and bitch behind peoples backs.

Whenever you see an ineffective manager, clearly out of their depth, what do they spend most of their time on? Self justification and bitching to others about how hard they are working, how unappreciated they are...Wah Wah wah!

The board should take decisive action and remove Woodward immediately. His record of serial incompetence in transfer dealings grows every year and I'm sick of it.

The Godin situation shows he is clearly seen as a joke amongst other clubs.

Whether you are a fan of Jose or not, whether you agree with long term or short term thinking it doesn't matter. Managers have come and gone. Scouting experts like Ribalta have come and gone. He may be great at corporate sponsorship deals, but he should not be allowed within spitting distance of anything to do with Manager / team / player decisions.

This toxic little shrimp needs to be out of the club and replaced with someone that has some actual experience of managing a football club. We need someone with gravitas and who is not seen as a joke by all the agents and executives in other teams.

I know some will swallow Woodward's bullshit and will blame Jose for this. So if he goes do you have confidence in Ed's ability to choose the 4th manager since Fergie retired? I wouldn't trust him to sort out my Nan's weekly shop!
Bad ones, evidently.

Subjective and depends on what is the measure. Our direct competition is in the best position they have been for years, and it still amounts to winning absolute feck all at the end of each season to date. We are still in transition with a manager who's had less time than them, but delivered more. In fact any manager that's been here that's won anything, is better than 90% of managers in the top 5. His biggest problem is Jose is stinking the place out doing it....
Not sure what is wrong about this, we cant keep bringing in 29 year old players. in 2 years we will just need to start getting replacments in for them. its fine every now and again but if jose had his way, he would have brought in Toby, Willian, Perisic on top of having Sanchez and Matic last season, plus we all ready need to really replace the likes of Valencia, Young, even Fellaini and Mata will be needing replaced soon. its fine for Jose because he wont have to deal with the mess he leaves the club in.
But this is it - I don't think it was £65m. Simon Stone said it was a part cash part player deal which would have probably taken that price tag down a fair bit.

Given we wanted to offload Rojo throughout the season and the club tag as "5th choice cb" its far to assume it was him. But then bucketing him and Alderwierald together as equals suggests serious misjudgement..

Cash plus player wouldn't have taken the price tag down a fair bit. Rojo was valued at approx £30m, that's half the valuation that spurs put on Toby. So if we were trying to do a player + cash deal with Spurs (I don't think we were) then Rojo + £30m is still an exuberant fee that I don't blame for the board for backing out of.
Tension, tention, you know what I mean.

Don’t enter the thread if I don’t like them? Literally every thread is derailed by negativity. It is hard to avoid them when every thread is ruined by cry babies.
You being one of them, coming in crying about a thread you don't like that you could have easily avoided. And if you don't like the threads being ruined by people of your ilk then there are other websites you can visit instead.
It's not really that young though is it? Valencia, Young, Matic, Sanchez and even the likes of Mata, Smalling are older players. It's not just the players we've signed but those that Jose has kept on. Adding the likes of Willian/Perisic and Alderweireld would only increase the average age of the team and leave us with a bigger rebuilding job in 2 years time.

Yes it is, undoubtedly its younger than most of our squads.

There's 5 years difference between Smalling and Valencia. I know you've lumped them together to try and paint it as creating a bigger crisis but the above is just a natural steady replacement of aged players that will occur over many windows. Every team has that kind of steady turnover.