Tennis 2022

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So the options are (a) try to deny visa again (per reasons in own laws) and deport him (b) let him stay despite rules for anyone else coming in and despite restrictions for all Australians for 1-2 years... everything they've gone through.

If I was Australian and they choose b, I'd be fecking apoplectic.
That has been and still is my thinking.
If they do that, they will lose a lot of credibility at state and federal level. It would be double standards but on a whole new level. (I know someone who is eyeing his return to Austraila in March this year, because he wanted to avoid the expensive quarantine procedures despite being fully vaccinated.)
It is a huge victory for the right win and one that will open the doors for similar cases in the future. As long as you are able to fabricate a reason why you don't have to get vaccinated you are good to go. It's 'victory for freedom'.
Yeah, complete feck up by the Australian government and their tennis federation. Even when they throw him out now, they've made him into a martyrer when the focus should be how he tested positive on the 16th and then was seen on public events on the 17th and 18th. Either completely reckless or he faked the positive result all together.
That’s the crucial point but nobody cares about it, really, which is strange.

But the rest if us have to comply with the rules no matter what we have been told by third parties or how much money we have to spend on lawyers.

I think the rather dubious grounds imare that what does and doesn't qualify as areason for medical exemption isn't sufficiently specified - after all #scottyfrommarketing has only had 2xyears to write something g on the back of a beer mat and get his flunkies to pass it. But they have been to bust holidaying in Hawaii and covering up for (alleged) rapists in their ranks.

Plus most people are livid that incompetence may let an anti-vaxxer in.

It ramps the stakes up as #scottyfrommarketing reacted to the outrage but also sold it hard to shore up.his base who like his "stop the boats"/hard borders rhetoric. Now he has linked the two he might be prepared to tell the minister to now cancel the visa which would mean Djokovic couldn't enter the country for 3 years.. The next day or two could be interesting or a damp squib.
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That’s the crucial point but nobody cares about it, really, which is strange.

Because it's irrelevant?

Also because he's shown he's a bit of a prick with his actions after the positive covid test.
If I want to go to Australia and I’m unvaccinated but have had a COVID infection in the last 6 months would I be able to enter Australia? If the answer to that is no then why is he allowed in?

Sadly, In this World there are different rules for rich and famous people.
For once we [the UK] aren't the incompetent buffoons in the eyes of the world. For just a single morning. I'll take it.
Boris isn’t out of bed yet. The morning is young.
I get all that’s and it’s fine and dandy - the error isn’t Djokovic’s side. However, does he now legally have a reason to enter the country without being vaccinated? I don’t see what websites or Tennis Australia have to do with anything - the former aren’t final and the latter don’t control borders or declare what the rules for exemptions are. If I want to go to Australia and I’m unvaccinated but have had a COVID infection in the last 6 months would I be able to enter Australia? If the answer to that is no then why is he allowed in?
Now that, I have no idea one but it sounded like the grounds for appeal was on them botching the process. If he wasn't such a high profile player like he would have got through no problem like the Czech lady and other offical.
I get all that’s and it’s fine and dandy - the error isn’t Djokovic’s side. However, does he now legally have a reason to enter the country without being vaccinated? I don’t see what websites or Tennis Australia have to do with anything - the former aren’t final and the latter don’t control borders or declare what the rules for exemptions are. If I want to go to Australia and I’m unvaccinated but have had a COVID infection in the last 6 months would I be able to enter Australia? If the answer to that is no then why is he allowed in?
It appears not. I think Djokovic is definitely not to blame for all the miscommunication caused by Tennis Australia but I also don't think he has any grounds to gain entry into Australia. He has already stated in this interview that he has no medical condition and a prior infection is not grounds for entry either.
Now that, I have no idea one but it sounded like the grounds for appeal was on them botching the process. If he wasn't such a high profile player like he would have got through no problem like the Czech lady and other offical.
Being a dick and putting "I've got a medical exemption from Aus rules, on my way to Aus" all over social media made it hard for people to ignore
So it looks like Tennis Australia were the ones that wrongly advised him. But the buck stops at the visa official who stamped his visa.
Because it's irrelevant?

Also because he's shown he's a bit of a prick with his actions after the positive covid test.

How’s that irrelevant? On the day of Novak’s arrival at Melbourne this was the crucial question- do you have a valid visa to enter the country, yes or no? It appears from the ruling that Djokovic had provided all information required of him.

Sadly, In this World there are different rules for rich and famous people.

Thay Czech lady who received the same exemption is neither rich nor famous. Rules are rules.
General Aussie population must be really angry after years of some of the most strict lockdown rules on the planet and this anti vaxxer cnut gets to walk in freely just because he can hit a ball with a racket well and has a load of money.
How’s that irrelevant? On the day of Novak’s arrival at Melbourne this was the crucial question- do you have a valid visa to enter the country, yes or no? It appears from the ruling that Djokovic had provided all information required of him.

Thay Czech lady who received the same exemption is neither rich nor famous. Rules are rules.

She has earned about $2,000,000 during her career. She’s rich.
Thay Czech lady who received the same exemption is neither rich nor famous. Rules are rules.
The same lady who was later deported and, presumably, didn’t have the means to take on the entire Australian government? Strange example to choose.
I don't understand the complaining. Djokovic has 24 hours a day, just like we do. It's not his fault he worked hard and is now above the law!
Don't get that way of thinking (lose/lose).

This was UK and they threw him out now (and said "we need to look into process for future, we will"), I'd be fine.
Probably the best spin they can put on it right now but it will feel like a loss though because the situation played out the way it did. It's less dramatic than the government winning in court but Djokovic just staying at home would have been the cleanest win for them.
Every time I have applied for a visa it's stated that a valid visa is no guarantee of entry. So doesn't the Aussie immigration has the right to deny entry?
So it looks like Tennis Australia were the ones that wrongly advised him. But the buck stops at the visa official who stamped his visa.
As I understand, vaccination status is not relevant for approval of the Visa but a requirement that has to ensured that it is complied with at the time of entry into Australia.
Into the final 30 minutes - they have to revoke within 4 hours apparently. Can the Czech tennis player come back if he’s allowed to stay? Or is her visa now invalid as she’s left the country?
The two things aren’t related. Her visa revocation hasn’t been quashed and she has been deported. Unless she goes to Court and is successful then she won’t be allowed re-entry.
How long before we have the Aus version of this

The two things aren’t related. Her visa revocation hasn’t been quashed and she has been deported. Unless she goes to Court and is successful then she won’t be allowed re-entry.
Has she? I think she left voluntarily before she could be deported?
Has she? I think she left voluntarily before she could be deported?
Fair enough. It’s much of a muchness in terms of gaining re-entry to Australia for this year’s tournament.
At what point does someone advise Novak that he can back out of this, look the bigger man and at least try to claw back a bit of respect. "I believe I have fulfilled the requirements to be granted a valid exemption, but there is sufficient confusion and concern that it is clear my presence at this time is causing more harm than good. For this reason I will withdraw from this year's AO and will be leaving within 24 hours".

He doesn't need the money, he'll get more chances at #21. Right now it doesn't look to me like he's taking a moral stand, he just wants to win the tournament, which in the context of the COVID pandemic is entirely without importance and in so doing is tarnishing his reputation ("yeah, he won 21 slams, but he was a reckless anti-vaxxer who cared about nothing but himself").
Tennis is better with Novak on court and without his idiotic beliefs (even though they must be respected). Hopefully he just takes a vaccine and doesn't face these issues moving forward.
At what point does someone advise Novak that he can back out of this, look the bigger man and at least try to claw back a bit of respect. "I believe I have fulfilled the requirements to be granted a valid exemption, but there is sufficient confusion and concern that it is clear my presence at this time is causing more harm than good. For this reason I will withdraw from this year's AO and will be leaving within 24 hours".

He doesn't need the money, he'll get more chances at #21. Right now it doesn't look to me like he's taking a moral stand, he just wants to win the tournament, which in the context of the COVID pandemic is entirely without importance and in so doing is tarnishing his reputation ("yeah, he won 21 slams, but he was a reckless anti-vaxxer who cared about nothing but himself").
He just won the court case, why would anyone advise him that?
The fact he went and interacted with children knowing he was covid positive says a lot about him.
He just won the court case, why would anyone advise him that?
Because there's a good chance he will still have his visa cancelled, he still looks like a reckless anti-vaxxer that has knowingly put people's lives at risk. He can at least try to get ahead of this.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there are things more important than winning a tennis tournament? Winning the court case hasn't doesn't actually change the facts of the case at all, which mostly aren't in dispute: he's not vaxxed, he's said he's anti-vax, he's just tournaments during the height of the pandemic where many people caught it, he probably had COVID, he went out in public after he tested positive.
Now that, I have no idea one but it sounded like the grounds for appeal was on them botching the process. If he wasn't such a high profile player like he would have got through no problem like the Czech lady and other offical.

Rather they shouldn't have got through which made excluding Djokovic seem like a special case. They are both now deported btw.
Because there's a good chance he will still have his visa cancelled, he still looks like a reckless anti-vaxxer that has knowingly put people's lives at risk. He can at least try to get ahead of this.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there are things more important than winning a tennis tournament? Winning the court case hasn't doesn't actually change the facts of the case at all, which mostly aren't in dispute: he's not vaxxed, he's said he's anti-vax, he's just tournaments during the height of the pandemic where many people caught it, he probably had COVID, he went out in public after he tested positive.
I dont disagree but in his mind there arent more important things than that, or if they are , preventing the spread of a virus is not one of them. That goes for his entourage as well, so nobody will advice him to take the high road right now.
If he does play what is the likley reaction from the crowd?

Not being down under I dont really know if hes going to be booed and a hate figure, a hero for sticking it to the Government or if Australia is in its own culture war and it will be a very vocal split between opposing views?
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