Television Suits

S07E08 (100th)

Liked the courtroom drama but would have been more like the old Suits to have a nod and a wink that they planned it to go that way the whole time.

Everything looking much better again except Harvey and Paula - sorry but I'll never buy that!
Can't watch this anymore. Every lead character outside of Harvey is annoying as feck these days. Harvey's character still has some mileage left in him, but the rest of them are completely done in this show.

I still try to watch it, but the quality sure has taken a nose dive. Basically every episode now is:

-Some cringy love scene with Mike and Rachel
- Mike wanting to take a case, then Harvey saying no for some reason. Then Mike yelling: "I HATE YOU", Then Harvey yelling: "THIS IS STUPID", then it goes ok in the end because one of them pulls a rabbit of the hat and they are pals again
- Louis doing something wrong for the right reasons or something right for the wrong reasons, then him and Harvey have a showdown
- Jessica setting someone straight
I still try to watch it, but the quality sure has taken a nose dive. Basically every episode now is:

-Some cringy love scene with Mike and Rachel
- Mike wanting to take a case, then Harvey saying no for some reason. Then Mike yelling: "I HATE YOU", Then Harvey yelling: "THIS IS STUPID", then it goes ok in the end because one of them pulls a rabbit of the hat and they are pals again
- Louis doing something wrong for the right reasons or something right for the wrong reasons, then him and Harvey have a showdown
- Jessica setting someone straight
And lots and lots of Goddamit Mike/Harvey/Gallow/Donna
Sad to see that Donna has become a caricature of her former self. I miss the old sassy, zesty version of her.
I've enjoyed the last few episodes. Rachel and Donna are annoying as feck though.
This show has always been a bit daft, but it's really been ramped up this season. They've basically abandoned any small amount of realism that was left and are creating and solving apparently career ending dramas within 5 mins of an episode. Every week.

Without even mentioning Donna, the legal secretary-turned COO. It's weird how keen the show is to focus on her and Rachel when clearly they're the weakest parts of the show (and, by comparison, Jessica used to be criminally underused).
Just caught up with this. It's just as bad as it has always been. Louis is still such an idiot - how can his character still be the same as he was season 1? That stuff about "The Donna" was pathetic and so cringe worthy. I still don't understand why Mike insists on leaving the firm every other season only to join back? The story is always just a rehash of previous seasons with Malik being the brown Tanner although it seemed rushed and lasted all of two-three episodes. However, Rachel is much improved from earlier seasons - I don't mind the fact that she's still alive.
After boycotting it since end of season 5, been binge-watching this with the missus. Must say the show whilst jumping the shark massively and being a parody of itself, I kind of missed not watching it.. so the nostalgia basically overrode any cynicism I had when attempting to watch them the first time.

@Annihilate Now! your post nails it though, the main characters of the show are basically a pair of dickheads, yet we can't get enough of them.. well actually I have had enough of Mike.
Been trying to catch up on this lately, but my god is it shit. The prison storyline is painful watching. They've managed to turn every character other than Harvey into the most boring & predictable parody of the characters from the first season.

The writing has never been great, but it's been at an all time low for the past 3 or 4 seasons.
I just saw the news that Mike and Rachel are leaving and they're replacing them with Katherine Heigl and Dule Hill. I'm probably missing something, but I really don't see how they're going to pivot and make the show about Harvey, Donna, Lewis and the newcomers when it's always largely been about Mike and his boring-as-feck missus. Without even mentioning the fact they'll probably have made Donna President by the end of the series, based on nothing more than what may well be wildly misplaced self-confidence.
I think they are working on a Jessica spin off. Maybe they should send Harvey over and give it all a fresh start, if they are determined for it to continue.
I just saw the news that Mike and Rachel are leaving and they're replacing them with Katherine Heigl and Dule Hill. I'm probably missing something, but I really don't see how they're going to pivot and make the show about Harvey, Donna, Lewis and the newcomers when it's always largely been about Mike and his boring-as-feck missus. Without even mentioning the fact they'll probably have made Donna President by the end of the series, based on nothing more than what may well be wildly misplaced self-confidence.


Yeah I've literally no idea where they're headed with the show now.

Still, I find it enjoyable enough and an easy enough watch so I'll stick with it. Back at the end of this month.
I just saw the news that Mike and Rachel are leaving and they're replacing them with Katherine Heigl and Dule Hill. I'm probably missing something, but I really don't see how they're going to pivot and make the show about Harvey, Donna, Lewis and the newcomers when it's always largely been about Mike and his boring-as-feck missus. Without even mentioning the fact they'll probably have made Donna President by the end of the series, based on nothing more than what may well be wildly misplaced self-confidence.

Katherine Heigl? - The worst actor ever. Awful in most films and tv appearances. They should have promoted Amanda Schull and Abigail Spencer.

Not sure if this is going to as interesting with these departures/additions. But will give it a chance.
I can't believe this show still runs with that "you're my bitch so I win this argument *slightly increasing background theme*" shenanigans.

Mike: "This is my case, Alex"
Alex: "Yeah, I know but..."
Mike: Say something rude
Alex: Say something even worse - wins battle.
I think I'm done with this show. What a terrible season finale.

Felt more like a pilot for Jessica's spin-off than saying goodbye to Mike and Rachel.
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I'm glad I realised in season 2 that this is a wank show and cut my losses.
I think I'm done with this show. What a terrible season finale.

Felt more like a pilot for Jessica's spin-off than saying goodbye to Mike and Rachel.

Yeah my thoughts exactly.

The whole premise of the show is the Mike \ Harvey bromance type thing and they end it by throwing the wedding on with 10 minutes left? Terrible.
I really dont know what can make this show good again. The best thing about the show was the dynamic between Harvey and Mike. And mike chasing Rachel was better than him being with Rachel. Also the flirting but not obvious flirting between Donna and harvey was better than the stuff they evolved it into. And it was better with Jessica being there and Louis being ol' school Louis instead of crying Louis.

Basically the evolution of all the characters was pretty bad imo. I dont think they did justice to any of them.
I liked the first season where they actually had cases settled. Has there actually been any cases that went to court and relied on a jury decision to decide the outcome? Even Mike settled on his own fraud/I didnt go to Harvard case! It really is rubbish and yet I feel compelled to see where it leads.
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The spinoff will be called Suits Second City. Terrible title!

Trailer for season 8 looks rubbish. Not convinced by Heigl in that role at all.

I swear this show used to be fun. Even just going on youtube and watching s1 trailer, it just had a good vibe about it.
I really dont know what can make this show good again. The best thing about the show was the dynamic between Harvey and Mike. And mike chasing Rachel was better than him being with Rachel. Also the flirting but not obvious flirting between Donna and harvey was better than the stuff they evolved it into. And it was better with Jessica being there and Louis being ol' school Louis instead of crying Louis.

Basically the evolution of all the characters was pretty bad imo. I dont think they did justice to any of them.

Yeah this show is done. No coming back now.
S8 started this week, it's all the same old crap. Heigl is basically a female Harvey Specter wannabe. The soundtracks played in the background are the only exciting thing about this show now.
I'll probably watch it soon
Hoping to at least see something fun in the show rather than the ott dramatic stuff that isn't really dramatic but the use of music tries to imply we should care
That will be cancelled after 1 season. I'm sure of it.

Maybe, but if anything I'd say it's a better direction. Grittier, more underground raw style. Not that normal suits wasn't a great direction, but the story has gone maybe 2 seasons more than there was quality material.
Maybe, but if anything I'd say it's a better direction. Grittier, more underground raw style. Not that normal suits wasn't a great direction, but the story has gone maybe 2 seasons more than there was quality material.

I was talking about the spin off show at the time but I'm not too optimistic about this normal Suits either tbh. Think the show has ran its course.
S8 started this week, it's all the same old crap. Heigl is basically a female Harvey Specter wannabe. The soundtracks played in the background are the only exciting thing about this show now.

Yeah it was pretty 'meh'. I'll stick with it as I've invested so much time into it, but I struggle to see where they're going to take it and how it's eventually going to end.