Television Suits

Agree with the Louis Litt storyline, Very unrealistic and massively rushed. Apart from that I think the season so far has been ok, Not ground breaking but pretty fun so can't complain.

Going to be interesting to see what happens with no Jessica going forward.
Hold on a sec!

I've just watched the "Previously on Suits" catch up at the start of the second half of series 6 after the mid-season break … and I can't remember any of this. Better go back and watch 06:09 and 06:10 to refresh my memory … mad cow!

OK …

Just watched S06:10 … Bottom Feeders, wrong female lead leaving, Louis cuckolded etc, now it's all coming back to me … the one thing that's sure is there's no way Mike can screw things up now he's a "consultant" especially after everything everyone's sacrificed and done for him!

Started the new one and got to 6 minutes in and couldn't watch any more. Not sure I will ever again to tell you the truth – it's just pathetic expecting people to swallow these plot twists. Someone let me know if Mike's decision was yet another dream sequence on the back of Harvey's wet one but I seriously doubt it was and if not, I think I'm out!
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a) Those dreams are hilariously bad.
b) The flipping "I hate you"/true friendship relationships between some characters are just way over the top. Just to get some drama they decide that Mike suddenly goes apeshit at Harvey with his " stop messing with my life". Combined with the fact that thy coincidentally bump into each other (which happens all the time, they must be the only people in times of phones and the internet to have every conversation face to face) when something was about to happen just to trigger mostly the opposite.
Harvey decides to tell Louis kindly and in a nice way that he isn't fit to be managing partner. On his 2 minute way to Louis office he suddenly bumps into Mike who makes him angry so that he instead goes apeshit at Louis. That's just lazy writing.

c) Thank god that Mike as a teacher storyline died quickly, that was horrible.
The IT guy hacking together tech singularity in his lunch break ranks up there with the ageing pill as one of the dumbest storylines ever
The IT guy hacking together tech singularity in his lunch break ranks up there with the ageing pill as one of the dumbest storylines ever
Yeah, they've experimented with some odd storylines, Mike the teacher was another one. I think they just don't know what to do with Donna. Soon or later they're gonna restart the Harvey&Donna love story I guess they're trying to keep her relevant until then. She really has gone from one of the best to one of the worst characters.
Overall (dare I say it) I actually think the season has improved quality wise after mid season break. They've binned all the relationship drama, maybe they've realized no one is watching the show because of that. It's back to more law related content and even the dialogues have less over the top 'Goddamn it' stuff in it. Hope that this trend continues.
Yeah, they've experimented with some odd storylines, Mike the teacher was another one. I think they just don't know what to do with Donna. Soon or later they're gonna restart the Harvey&Donna love story I guess they're trying to keep her relevant until then. She really has gone from one of the best to one of the worst characters.
Overall (dare I say it) I actually think the season has improved quality wise after mid season break. They've binned all the relationship drama, maybe they've realized no one is watching the show because of that. It's back to more law related content and even the dialogues have less over the top 'Goddamn it' stuff in it. Hope that this trend continues.
Agreed. I hadn't realised the series had resumed until today but I watched a couple of episodes and it seems to be a lot more like the older episodes even if a little rough around the edges. It'll be interesting to see whether it lasts.
Playing catch-up Season 6, Episodes 12, 13, 14 general notes … and 15 (spoilered)

After me spitting the dummy and storming out #1365 I felt I'd invested too much time after 5.5 seasons and simply had to revisit (also, we played so early last night and I had no interest in watching Leicester play so I had a free evening, far too much Chinese food, a cold crate of beer). I was so hoping that this show would get back on track again!

The annoying Mike thread is part and parcel of the show and now it's finally out in the open I expected him to naturally take a position back at the firm (with the people who have fought so hard for him risking all along the way) while he works out a way to become legal. The other bug-bear I guessed I'd just have to live with as it seems (soon to be Princess) Rachel is a turd that just won't flush!

But no, Mike is still raging against the machine, Rachel's more pathetic than ever, the shows funny guy has become far too serious and the plot lines are more out-there than ever! To top it all, there's now a fecking machine called the Doris that has the ability to learn human empathy and could very well take over the world!

  • Why didn't her genius machine tell her that Donna's idea to go behind Harvey's back would end in tears?
  • Also Donna, old-style suspender straps under that tight white dress (which looks suspiciously like it was from Jessica's wardrobe) whatever were you thinking?
  • Mike is still making bad emotional decisions at an alarming new found rate of … miner-love-righteousness … "Do the right thing, it'll only cost you $90m" / "You dragged Rachel into this? You had no right!" / "Rachel, when were you gonna God-damn tell me?"
  • Rachel trying to be sexy and/or in any bedroom / morning scene is cringeworthy and uncomfortable … Harry, take note!
Best line goes to Louis Litt: "Sometimes I have to do some less than great things, with some less than great people" That's irony right there folks! :lol:

Series finale next week … to set up series 7 which is already commisioned
I could see Season 7 being the final one. I loved the early seasons of this show but it's really dying a death now IMO. They have even sapped the coolness from Harvey freakin Spector.
S06Ep16 Season finale

35 minutes later … one word

Louis getting dumped by answer phone message - one cold bitch!

Might JUST have some potential for S07 if they stay true to the plan at the end!
Season 6 ending wasnt a cliff hanger at all. Everything went too happy my liking especially as the season finale. No one really gives a shit about Louis' love life to be so concerned.
Season 4 now, I used to be in love with Rachel too but she seems a bit too skinny whenever she isnt wearing a skirt. I have taken a fancy on Katrina and Scottie.

She is the most annoying and stupid character ever. She was interesting in the first season, but ever since she and Mike started dating she is just terrible.
Took about 10 minutes to remember how annoying the Rachel character is.

Not buying Donna as SP (ridiculous), Rachel in charge of the associates (or anything really) OR Harvey "Goddamn" Spectre's new crush (note to casting please bring back Scottie :drool:).

Love the score though, clever last track!
I thought the episode was alright. Enjoyed it.

Maybe my standards/expectations for the show has just dropped immensely over the last 3 seasons or so :lol:
This. With little expectation it's not bad...
Just managed to catch few mins of the episode. Donna becoming Senior Partner is just laughably poor.
I used to be a huge fan of the show but this last episode was so bad that I'm not sure if I'm even going to continue watching.

Louis blowing up was the most predictable thing to ever happen, as was him coming to his senses and making friends with everyone later.
Donna being a senior partner is laughable no matter how many things she can take care of just by snapping her fingers. Her argument was basically that she's done a great job and has been there for a long time. Yes of course she should become a SP.... :rolleyes:

But the thing I hate the most about this show is still the fact that everyone knows what everyone else is thinking/doing before they have even had the chance to do it. The combined IQ of the main characters on this show, Louis excluded, must be in the mid 400's, coupled with some sort of ability to see into the past and future just by looking at a facial expression of the person they are talking to. It's almost as if the writers are making way for the cast, Donna and Mike in particular, to join the Avengers after they are done with Suits.
Btw, shouldn't it have been a vote rather than Harvey just giving it to her?
Named partner can name one senior partner every year if I remember correctly. I think that's how Hardman won the vote for managing partner in season 2 as he quickly named Louis a senior partner to ensure his vote.
Are there actually any senior partners left at the firm? I remember them all leaving after Mike pledged guilty. The whole firm process after Mike went to prison and after Jessica left has been poorly presented anyway, I've got no idea how stable they actually are etc.
I sympathize a bit with their attempt to target the Donna/secretary role as its reflecting a general problem of the corporate world/society where secretaries are viewed as funny, witty, pretty models who actually do way more than their job would require but are continuosly looked down to. But it's been done laughably bad and her whole character has been, like the majority of roles in this show, slaughtered. Apart from Jessica and Mike most characters have lost nearly everything that made them interesting in the first two seasons and with that opener I'm skeptical that anything will change for the better.
They're gonna ride out the Harvey Specter as managing partner transformation and his new relationship (which will obviously bring tons of problems), Mike's struggle of doing the "right thing" in the corporate world and Louis starting over again. Oh and they'll probably add some ridiculous storylines for Donna just for the sake of it, like the one from last season with that 'Donna box'.
Watched around 20 minutes of the new episode. I am done with this show. I think its about time, I stop watching shows once they turn crap.
Giving it a go … S07E02

Dr. Lippshitz: "Louis, we spent seven years on the fact that your mother made you wear Esther's hand-me-ups…" :lol:

Hadn't finished laughing at the comedy aspect when Donna started the SP office move swiftly followed by Mike's "problem" rearing it's ugly head again (and I couldn't, for the life of me, even remember if he officially could or couldn't practice law any more???).

I think what I'm saying is … this is me officially giving up on this show!

I might come back and have a look at some point but I'm not sure that I'll ever get that bored!

EDIT: Went and got goddam bored, already!

Had to know how it finished and it seems like they were using their predictability to test viewers patience while they closed a few loose threads. SP/COO is potato/potato but other than that it's looking like a clean slate.

When Jessica accepted her client would be lost she seemed to do so sitting at a desk in an office, not at home … anyone else (that hasn't jumped ship) think they're about to meet head-on?
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