Television Suits

Can't watch this anymore. Every lead character outside of Harvey is annoying as feck these days. Harvey's character still has some mileage left in him, but the rest of them are completely done in this show.
Has the budget been slashed? I know their firm took a hit but it's rare to see anyone beyond the main characters in the office.

As for the season, I'd like to see them work on a case throughout the season, Harvey in particular is perfect for such scenes. Oh and fix Louis. He's so pathetic, every episode he's getting coddled by one of the women as they talk him off the ledge or out of a temper tantrum. Enough!
Has the budget been slashed? I know their firm took a hit but it's rare to see anyone beyond the main characters in the office.

As for the season, I'd like to see them work on a case throughout the season, Harvey in particular is perfect for such scenes. Oh and fix Louis. He's so pathetic, every episode he's getting coddled by one of the women as they talk him off the ledge or out of a temper tantrum. Enough!
Having watched to the end of ep2 I think they have used the beginning of this series to address everyone's issues with the show. They may have lost a few viewers along the way (ref: posts above) but I think a good clean out was needed.

I've made my prediction in the spoiler above (post #1400 ) I think she's not gone!
Stopped watching at the end of season 5. Did I make the right call..
2nd episode was better than the first one but I'm not convinced at all that they're moving in a better direction.
Louis basketball analogy was great tho. "And they went on two win back to back Super Bowls":lol:
I genuinely can't take one more episode of Mike being a fake lawyer being mentioned and used for more than 10 seconds of footage.
Christ Donna is the most annoying character in the history of TV.

This show has declined a lot. Still find it an easy and enjoyable enough watch, though.
Making Donna a partner was such a cringe worthy moment. This season is off to a rough start. Don't even know why Rachel is in the show anymore. Absolutely useless. This show needs drama. It's too smooth now and it didn't make a name for itself being a "smooth" show.
It's been declining but this season has gone off a cliff. The secretary makes Senior Partner? Really?

Every character has become a parody of themselves. Only Harvey is worth watching now.
After each episode me and my wife discuss who is the main villain of the story.

Towards the end of last season and the beginning of this one it was normally Mike... who just moans all the time, demands Harvey he be there for him/do things for him when he really needs it, but can't be arsed to be there for Harvey when Harvey says he really needs him. He also changes his mind on whether he will or won't do something shady at the drop of a hat, and constantly goes back on his word/promises.

Then after Mike you get Harvey, who constantly strong arms/manipulates people with shady practices into doing his bidding. He also takes out all his anger on poor Louis, often scolding him for no real reason, and then never apologies for it and just waits for Louis to say "yeah we're fine" or whatever.

They're usually one and two, then after that the order usually goes Donna (though she literally just tricked the closest person in the world to her (Harvey) into becoming a COO (which I can live with due to how dumb it would have been if she'd been a partner), Jessica and then Louis as the white knight shining hero. Rachel doesn't count as her character is literally pointless these days.
Christ Donna is the most annoying character in the history of TV.

This show has declined a lot. Still find it an easy and enjoyable enough watch, though.

Agree with all of these points.

If you have watched it to this point, you may aswell see it through. It is still ok on the whole and I think they will wrap it up probably next season.
I've given up on this I think. I watched the first episode of the new season and haven't had any interest in watching the next one.

It's been crap for a while but it's well and truly jumped the shark now. It's utterly ridiculous.
Stopped watching at the end of season 5. Did I make the right call..

You should have stopped sooner, but yes. You made the right call.

1 season of fabulous television.
3 seasons of exponential dilution.
Horrific show since 5 onwards.

The latest episodes are terrible the Wikipedia entries are better. Read the whole episode in a minute or two and ask yourself if you'd want to take almost an hour to watch.
Also how is Katrina up for senior partner promotion so soon? How did Donna come up with $500,000 out of nowhere? Also does the money get returned to her now that she isnt a partner but a COO?
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After each episode me and my wife discuss who is the main villain of the story.

Towards the end of last season and the beginning of this one it was normally Mike... who just moans all the time, demands Harvey he be there for him/do things for him when he really needs it, but can't be arsed to be there for Harvey when Harvey says he really needs him. He also changes his mind on whether he will or won't do something shady at the drop of a hat, and constantly goes back on his word/promises.

Then after Mike you get Harvey, who constantly strong arms/manipulates people with shady practices into doing his bidding. He also takes out all his anger on poor Louis, often scolding him for no real reason, and then never apologies for it and just waits for Louis to say "yeah we're fine" or whatever.

They're usually one and two, then after that the order usually goes Donna (though she literally just tricked the closest person in the world to her (Harvey) into becoming a COO (which I can live with due to how dumb it would have been if she'd been a partner), Jessica and then Louis as the white knight shining hero. Rachel doesn't count as her character is literally pointless these days.

S07E03 discussion will be interesting then! :cool:
Louis, Harvey and Donna work well, then argue. Rinse and repeat.

The new lawyer has a bit potential tbf. I bet next episode the clinic is shitting the case and Mike has to consider breaking his word. Yawn.
That ending with Louis going mental on his therapist was rather pathetic. They're about go give him a full on mental breakdown, when they could have done so much more with his character. His role in the show these days is more of Harvey's overtly attached puppy, than an actual lawyer.
Thought that episode was terrible to be honest. Bring back proper cases and not the soap opera stuff.
Louis, Harvey and Donna work well, then argue. Rinse and repeat.

The new lawyer has a bit potential tbf. I bet next episode the clinic is shitting the case and Mike has to consider breaking his word. Yawn.

Mike will break his word and then Harvey will blow up at him and then he'll be reminded that he broke his word once to the new partner and he'll realize that Mike is just like him and he'll begrudgingly say yeah fair enough.
I actually enjoyed season 5/6 and the start of this one until I started rewatching season 1 a couple of days ago. The show is utter crap now. Anyone who is enjoying it, rewatch the first 4 episodes and you'll realise how bad it has become. The whole premise of the show is closer to Emmerdale now than the first Season of Suits. Barely any actual law cases are featured now.
I actually enjoyed season 5/6 and the start of this one until I started rewatching season 1 a couple of days ago. The show is utter crap now. Anyone who is enjoying it, rewatch the first 4 episodes and you'll realise how bad it has become. The whole premise of the show is closer to Emmerdale now than the first Season of Suits. Barely any actual law cases are featured now.

That's exactly how I felt. Now I'm finding it a chore to get through it and often find myself checking my phone etc
S07E03 discussion will be interesting then! :cool:

Harvey soared to number one (he basically spent the entire episode being a dick), Mike still staying strong at number 2 (Didn't do much wrong this episode, bar whinge, but he's still riding high off the past 2 episodes), Donna came in third (her associates things took her close to Mike - also, why is she qualified to manage associates? Doesn't she have to check their actual law work? how would she do that), then Louis, with Rachel being so blandly inoffensive again that she doesn't register.
I personally think that they are having a much-needed spring clean and we could be mistaking it for lazy script writing because they had let the show deteriorate so badly.

Their dumb decisions that we've come to expect are slowly getting rectified show by show.

Every bad decision made by Donna is proved to be so by the next episode. It's like they are highlighting the flaws that we have in the structure and fixing them one-by-one.

They are clearly demonstrating Donna is out of her depth as anything other than an organiser and motivator. I'm pretty sure she'll be back to being a happily over-qualified personal assistant by the end of the season as opposed to a vastly unhappier, massively under-qualified COO.

Point in case check out Donna's solution in what must rate as the most hilarious scene of S07E04:

Louis: Harvey, what are we going to do? I just don't see a way out of this!
Alex: I have a way out. Give them what they want.
Harvey: I'm not giving up your clients Alex. If I do that I might as well let you go.
Alex: Then let me go because I'm not going to be responsible for driving you into the ground.
Harvey: No, I'm not going to do that.
Alex: Why the hell not?
Louis: Because you're one of us now.
Donna: And I agree …

… wait for it …

Donna: … but, what are we going to do?

Bringing us nicely right back round to Louis's original question :lol:

I'm going to stick with the show because, while it's never been amazing, it is kind of interesting to see if they do fix it. And as someone said above, the music's always top notch!
I said I might give up on this show but I figured if I had stuck with it all this time I can't just stop midway through.
Seeing Louis do some actual lawyer work in the latest episode was a bit shocking since he hasn't done that for what feels like 2 seasons now, but hopefully there's more of that to come instead of him just going more and more insane. But the way they handled his meltdown was appaling imo. I truly felt he had lost it and him throwing himself off the building was probably the most probable scenario. Instead they just start the next episode with him being a bit snarky with Donna.. it was like nothing had ever happened.

Another highlight was this prison case where Oliver were only finding dead ends until Mike told him to "look in the right places" and he just happened to find everything they want and then some.. things like that is this show in a nutshell I guess but it's just such lazy writing. One positive thing was that Rachel probably had her first good line ever with her telling Mike how his word doesn't mean anything anymore. I almost wanted to applaud her.
They also seem to have added a ton of feel good scenes this season with everyone becoming best friends or mending their relationships every 5min (only to turn it to sh*t the next episode, but still), not so sure I like that..
Latest ep (S07E06) a bit more on track but still a lot of "I don't really buy that's"

Stupid indian associate thinking she's something
Louis out of his comfort zone dealing with said stupid indian associate
But mostly:
Mike just continually crapping on the last person that helped him escape (delete where applicable) disbarment / death / shame / the ridicule of his peers / losing his fiancé / losing the trust of his best friend and mentor / losing his firm a valuable client … AGAIN!

Not quite ready to give up on it yet, but there are so many different directions this show could go in and choosing "Mike's a liar (albeit for honourable reasons)" is just not one I find easy to swallow!

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention: DO NOT BUY Harvey's crush even a little bit! There is no way he would be interested in her … and nor am I! Bring back Scottie! :drool:
Latest ep (S07E06) a bit more on track but still a lot of "I don't really buy that's"

Stupid indian associate thinking she's something
Louis out of his comfort zone dealing with said stupid indian associate
But mostly:
Mike just continually crapping on the last person that helped him escape (delete where applicable) disbarment / death / shame / the ridicule of his peers / losing his fiancé / losing the trust of his best friend and mentor / losing his firm a valuable client … AGAIN!

Not quite ready to give up on it yet, but there are so many different directions this show could go in and choosing "Mike's a liar (albeit for honourable reasons)" is just not one I find easy to swallow!

EDIT: Oh, forgot to mention: DO NOT BUY Harvey's crush even a little bit! There is no way he would be interested in her … and nor am I! Bring back Scottie! :drool:

Yeah agree with the Mike thing. I think at this point you just have to look at him as a crap human being as any empathy towards him got lost a long time ago.

I've said it a few times here, but the next season surely has to be the last. I'd rather they finish it with closure than just get cancelled in 2 seasons and we get no closure.
Yeah agree with the Mike thing. I think at this point you just have to look at him as a crap human being as any empathy towards him got lost a long time ago.

I've said it a few times here, but the next season surely has to be the last. I'd rather they finish it with closure than just get cancelled in 2 seasons and we get no closure.
Pity as Harvey is such a strong character and some of the "bro" interaction between him and Mike is great to see at times.

Mike alone and Louis alone (and even Donna alone) are not a show … but i really feel Harvey is!
Pity as Harvey is such a strong character and some of the "bro" interaction between him and Mike is great to see at times.

Mike alone and Louis alone (and even Donna alone) are not a show … but i really feel Harvey is!
This, basically the show could do without Mike and his creating problems all the time.