Television Suits

She's just such a fecking shit character.

Getting all upset because the death row guy's aunt doesn't believe in him, ffs.
She and her husband are both really annoying. Unfortunately, she's not going away anytime soon.
This show used to be daft, albeit fun, now it's just a bit rubbish. They keep focussing on secondary characters, for some unfathomable reason.
I seriously don't get why they are doing this shit with Rachel, she is just terrible. I think it would be fairly watchable show if it wasn't for her and her tears in every goddamn scene.

What's weird is that in the first two seasons she was trying to be a tougher person because of that thing with Bunk where he wanted her to be a stronger person when he told her that she'll never be a lawyer if she acts like a pussy in every situation and she did some things back then to prove him wrong if I remember well. But now it looks like they forgot all about that and they want her to be even bigger cry baby than she ever was.

Also the thing with Gallo is boring, Harvey can make Mike leave the prison for few hours but he can't ask the warden to tell the guards to watch Mike's back or just corrupt the guards or many other obvious solutions.

Btw isn't it great that everyone in the prison have his own mobile phone? :lol:

Hopefully this show will finish soon.
Tbf WW would like the show if he was going to drink every time they say "goddamn". It could become his favourite TV show.
Jessica is fit as feck, though, tbf. And not just for an old skin either.
That new Louis' girl looks great too, way out his league.
Rachel is literally still on the show because she has a marvellous ass. That's why she's always wearing that tight skirt.
It's a popcorn show. Great to watch when you've got nothing else to watch or do.
Another meh episode.. This was the first episode in the entire season though where Mike didn't ask Harvey "what are you doing here?" when he came to the prison. Probably a miss during editing but still refreshing.
Another meh episode.. This was the first episode in the entire season though where Mike didn't ask Harvey "what are you doing here?" when he came to the prison. Probably a miss during editing but still refreshing.

But did Harvey tell him:"Sit down Mike, we need to talk".
Disappointing season all in all. The only thing I enjoyed was the Leonard Bailey case and everything that surrounded it, because that's how the show used to be in the beginning, actually solving some goddamn cases from time to time.
The only thing I enjoyed was the Leonard Bailey case and everything that surrounded it, because that's how the show used to be in the beginning, actually solving some goddamn cases from time to time.
I agree. Hopefully this wasn't just a one-off.
I liked the 'A Few Good Men' quote.
Yeah I like all the movie references. Except when it's The Wire because that's just weird with Bunk being in the show.

The Louis-Tara storyline is also weird and unrealistic as feck though. For starters she's way out of his league but then she agrees to marry him after saying no to her longtime boyfriend and days after finding out she's having his baby. Uhh yeah, sure...
I posted above as Mile first referenced the movie, and the continuing references also worked well. I actually quite enjoyed that episode for the most part.
Good episode overall that.

Hoooooowever.....the Louis storyline really is ridiculous, doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Also, Donna is the most annoying person in the show. I hate how she appears out of nowhere every time something important is going on. She needs to feck off.
Good episode overall that.

Hoooooowever.....the Louis storyline really is ridiculous, doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Also, Donna is the most annoying person in the show. I hate how she appears out of nowhere every time something important is going on. She needs to feck off.

Yea, she used to be great but she's seriously annoying these days. Getting people to do absolutely anything just because she'll owe them one, or knowing what anybody is thinking at any given time because "she's Donna" and "she's awesome", it's been waaaaaay overplayed.
A lot of that felt rushed imo.. The trial was over before it even began and pretty much everything about Litt's relationship that would take about two full seasons in a normal series all happened in about 3min worth of screentime.

Yea, she used to be great but she's seriously annoying these days. Getting people to do absolutely anything just because she'll owe them one, or knowing what anybody is thinking at any given time because "she's Donna" and "she's awesome", it's been waaaaaay overplayed.

It's like her character was actually meant to be in Heroes with the ability of mind reading and knowing everything that you can possibly know but some producer screwed up the paperwork and she ended up on Suits instead.
Always like to come in here moaning about something. So given I enjoyed the episode I'll just moan about the lack of much to moan about cos I found that goddam annoying.
Weird final episode for mid season.
The death row case was crap all season, I mean I don't know what's worse, the us justice system or the police department that was on the case. I mean it seems like the guy got on death row for randomly passing by some dying kids, trying to help them and being there when the police arrived. How the hell did they even convict him without proof that he had a weapon or something? 'Blood all over him' can't surely be enough.

About the rest:
The Jessica thing feels like the actor deciding to leave the show and them making something up to let her disappear. I mean she suddenly decides that it's "enough" and is now going to do what exactly?
Louis stuff was also cringe worthy, all the relationship come across bad in this series because they (thankfully) don't focus at them much but still trying to push things. I mean as a viewer it felt like he and that architect were together for like two weeks and are now getting married, it's just awkward.

So Mike's way back in is as a 'consultant'. I wonder why they didn't come up with that way earlier instead of gambling on no one discovering mikes secret. Anyway I'm fine with that if we might get back the quality of season 1/2, although I'm doubtful that will happen.
The Bailey case was ridiculous. He's spent 12 years in jail for having the blood on his shirt?!
I'm not one who moans about this show in general but everyone ending up with the perfect love life at the end was a bit cringeworthy and rushed to me.
Playing catch-up (just watched Ep 09): The sum of all the switchback, plot-changing, ridiculous legal shite, that the viewer is supposed to wantonly swallow is no-where near as farcical as some gorgeous, successful, independent, career woman choosing Louis Litt over a marriage proposal from anything more evolved than a rhesus monkey!

Oh, and mudding nipps!
So many issues over the course of the season, but the 1 positive I'll give them, is that they never balls up'd the Mike storyline. He actually did some prison time.

Looking forward to seeing them rebuild the firm now.