Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Some of the changes would've helped in giving the movie a darker tone and fleshing out characters more, but I'm not sure it'd have fixed some of the fundamental problems like the ridiculously silly villain.
Yeah, the villain is basically what screws the film up for me. Not just because she's crap and the actress is crap, but because the main antagonist should be Waller, and what they're being sent to do shouldn't be the run-of-the-mill superhero "do this or the world ends" CGI bollards.
Yeah, the villain is basically what screws the film up for me. Not just because she's crap and the actress is crap, but because the main antagonist should be Waller, and what they're being sent to do shouldn't be the run-of-the-mill superhero "do this or the world ends" CGI bollards.

Yeah, I actually let my hopes up a bit at the halfway point when they "rescued" Wallers and her true motives were shown. Made me think the weird alien things had been decoys and Waller would be the main villain, until it reverted to what had happened before. I get that people want to think this was only a mess because it was tampered with, but even with the cut bits in it would've still been a bit of a mess.
I loved Batman vs Superman and I prefer the darker tones of DC. I had high hopes from Suicide Squad but I think the harsh reviews BvS got made them change SS a bit and make it a lot more light hearted. Felt too much like a Marvel movies for me so I'm a bit disappointed. Also it seems like a lot of the Jokers scenes were cut. His role was embarrassingly imo.

I'm with you mate, I much prefer the darker style of the DC universe - but they just haven't managed to produce a convincing movie as yet. I enjoyed BvS much more than most people.

The problem with having Superhero movies is that we all know at the end of the day they will prevail. The DC world should really take the movies further into the darker direction to contact with DC, but I imagine they will get a little more watered down (as like you said) after the BvS reviews.
Yeah, I actually let my hopes up a bit at the halfway point when they "rescued" Wallers and her true motives were shown. Made me think the weird alien things had been decoys and Waller would be the main villain, until it reverted to what had happened before. I get that people want to think this was only a mess because it was tampered with, but even with the cut bits in it would've still been a bit of a mess.
Yeah that was unbelievable, they literally show her murdering her own team in cold blood. Surely a major turning point! Oh no, you just make Will Smith say it's gangster and revert to type. FFS!

Of those deleted scenes, the only bits I can really see as having improved things would've been the Killer Croc history, given that you were left wondering in the end why he was even there.

The more I think about this film, the worse it gets to be honest. I should probably just stop!
Killer croc on land = just hire a WWF/MMA fighter
Deadshot = bring 1 squad of SEAL who's good at weapon (amazing that the same bullets from deadshot can kill mutants but catridges of seal squad weapon can't. They're basically both are human made weapon)
Inferno dude = Napalm? Hell Fire?
Ice climber dude = wtf? You need a special meta human just to climb building? What about elevator?
Harley Queen = armed with a wooden bat, but somehow she's more badass than a navy seal. It's a wooden bat ffs
Captain Boomerang = so a boomerang is more deadly than an M16, the whole US arsenal

amazing, it would have been ace if it's a parody
Agree. Marvel films don't get better reviews because of some bias on the critics part. They get better reviews because critics tend to think they're superior films, simple as. Pretty ridiculous to act like critics are picking sides for any other reason when they likely couldn't care less about this fanboy rivalry.

Unfortunately the film we saw in the cinema's is the studios/trailer parks version and not the directors versions. Apparently they got spooked by reaction to BvS and was scared the film wouldn't match up to the lighthearted trailers.... that trailer parks cut.

Hopefully they'll release a directors cut like BvS.
Harley Quinn was shit too. Robbie just rehashed her accent from Wolf of Wall Street and her quips were lame.

I quite liked Harley Quinn in this movie. She put that accent back on and off I think purposefully to show how bipolar crazy she is.
Unfortunately the film we saw in the cinema's is the studios/trailer parks version and not the directors versions. Apparently they got spooked by reaction to BvS and was scared the film wouldn't match up to the lighthearted trailers.... that trailer parks cut.

Hopefully they'll release a directors cut like BvS.

I don't understand why they waste their time hiring someone like David Ayer if they're just going to do whatever they want anyway. And doing this in response to the BvS reaction makes no sense. The director's cut of that makes it clear the theatrical cut was badly edited and meddled with. They're just repeating the same mistake again.
Warner Bros. are basically trying to kill DC it seems.
Killer croc on land = just hire a WWF/MMA fighter
Deadshot = bring 1 squad of SEAL who's good at weapon (amazing that the same bullets from deadshot can kill mutants but catridges of seal squad weapon can't. They're basically both are human made weapon)
Inferno dude = Napalm? Hell Fire?
Ice climber dude = wtf? You need a special meta human just to climb building? What about elevator?
Harley Queen = armed with a wooden bat, but somehow she's more badass than a navy seal. It's a wooden bat ffs
Captain Boomerang = so a boomerang is more deadly than an M16, the whole US arsenal

amazing, it would have been ace if it's a parody
Why would you hire a WWE wrestler? To cut a promo at him?
Yeah that was unbelievable, they literally show her murdering her own team in cold blood. Surely a major turning point! Oh no, you just make Will Smith say it's gangster and revert to type. FFS!

Of those deleted scenes, the only bits I can really see as having improved things would've been the Killer Croc history, given that you were left wondering in the end why he was even there.

The more I think about this film, the worse it gets to be honest. I should probably just stop!

Which highlights another major problem - the way they handle violence in the movie. I mean, I know most action/violent movies aren't going for some sort of anti-violence message, but most are able to sort of handle it in a way that shows the repercussions it has on the protagonist, or show the negative effects in some form.

This was almost pro-violence to a disturbing extent; the slow-mo kills shots and all that were obvious parts, but even the more subtle aspects highlighted it. Harley Quinn and the Joker were almost supposed to be this quirky couple when it's quite obviously an abusive relationship in which he's damaged her. The squad of villains, many of whom are brutally evil, are suddenly likable just cause they begin to get on with each other. I mean...what? I don't have a problem with a movie focusing on villains, but at least try not to pretend that them all teaming up together somehow makes them better people.
Which highlights another major problem - the way they handle violence in the movie. I mean, I know most action/violent movies aren't going for some sort of anti-violence message, but most are able to sort of handle it in a way that shows the repercussions it has on the protagonist, or show the negative effects in some form.

This was almost pro-violence to a disturbing extent; the slow-mo kills shots and all that were obvious parts, but even the more subtle aspects highlighted it. Harley Quinn and the Joker were almost supposed to be this quirky couple when it's quite obviously an abusive relationship in which he's damaged her. The squad of villains, many of whom are brutally evil, are suddenly likable just cause they begin to get on with each other. I mean...what? I don't have a problem with a movie focusing on villains, but at least try not to pretend that them all teaming up together somehow makes them better people.
The triumphant moment was Will Smith convincing Diablo to kill again :lol:
The triumphant moment was Will Smith convincing Diablo to kill again :lol:

Pretty much.:lol:

I mean, again, I'm not looking for some social commentary on violence and its impact, but this just felt a bit too pro-violence. Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy had negative consequences for Batman at times caused by violence. Even something average like Man of Steel had the implications of violence upon Superman. This seemed to be completely cool with the protagonists all being murderous psychopaths, though, to the point where it was just joked about. They could've at least made the humour, if they wanted it there, a bit darker and less zany.
I do agree, Amanda Walker just out right killing innocent people just cos they knew too much, and it pretty much being brushed over like it was nothing made me laugh for the wrong reason.

The triumphant moment was Will Smith convincing Diablo to kill again :lol:

TBH, that wasnt that bad. It was a "badguy" getting another "badguy who wants to be good" using his power to help them out of a situation with other "bad things trying to kill them".
They are teaming up together for a good cause, right? After that cringeworthy bar scene, they volunteer to fight on...which is a good person act too. It has got pretty much the same plot as The Dirty Dozen (1967) with metahumans thrown in.

But...why? Why are there characters suddenly prompted to make such a change? They spend one night all briefly fighting alongside each other, yet despite mostly being cold-blooded monsters, are suddenly best mates with a conscience after a short while? It doesn't really make sense. This one night of tenuous alliance, forced upon them cause they die otherwise, somehow makes them better people, determined to take down the evil villain. Harley Quinn is happy to abandon them for the Joker, then helps them defeat the villain, yet then regresses by joining the Joker again at the end. I mean...what? There's no real motivation or reason to believe they're actually all mates or suddenly have a reason to become good other than the plot requiring it.
But...why? Why are there characters suddenly prompted to make such a change? They spend one night all briefly fighting alongside each other, yet despite mostly being cold-blooded monsters, are suddenly best mates with a conscience after a short while? It doesn't really make sense. This one night of tenuous alliance, forced upon them cause they die otherwise, somehow makes them better people, determined to take down the evil villain. Harley Quinn is happy to abandon them for the Joker, then helps them defeat the villain, yet then regresses by joining the Joker again at the end. I mean...what? There's no real motivation or reason to believe they're actually all mates or suddenly have a reason to become good other than the plot requiring it.

I agree with you that the overall movie was pretty shit. I did post my views in Movie Review thread too. Just saying that getting criminal together for good cause has been done many times before.
I agree with you that the overall movie was pretty shit. I did post my views in Movie Review thread too. Just saying that getting criminal together for good cause has been done many times before.

Yeah, true. The idea itself is a solid one, but the execution in this movie and the overall message/implication of it was really poorly done.
What a load of fecking shite. I was laughing at that witch doing her weird dancing at the end. Why does a super-powerful witch engage in a sword fight with a gang of nutters? The Aussie was terrible, why did Joker keep growling in between horrible over-acting? Why does a bomb kill the thingy that couldn't be touched by bullets?

So much shit.
What an awful movie..
Bad summer to begin with but this is by far the worst..
My son is 9 and loves this shit can´t wait until he can go to the cinema alone!

PS Will Smith needs to stop this acting fab he thought he was good at...

The Flash's
cameo in it decent? Or did it look like his involvement in future movies is going to be dire.
It was about 5 seconds and I was not impressed. I know nothing about the character but he looked stupid and said something cheesy.
It was about 5 seconds and I was not impressed. I know nothing about the character but he looked stupid and said something cheesy.

That's pretty much his character, but the looking stupid part I was worried about. Guess I'll wait and see how it turns out. I read that his suit isn't the one he'll be using in his own film and that Batman gives him a new one in time for his own film so I guess we will see what happens.
That's pretty much his character, but the looking stupid part I was worried about. Guess I'll wait and see how it turns out. I read that his suit isn't the one he'll be using in his own film and that Batman gives him a new one in time for his own film so I guess we will see what happens.
He looked like a giant toy. More Iron Man than Deadpool. But maybe that's how it's supposed to be. You can see him in google images.
How did the woman with the bat fall out of an exploding helicopter crashing at high speed and just do a forward roll and come out unscathed?
I actually liked it. I don't really expect a lot from superhero movies, apart from Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy, and I felt it was sufficiently entertaining. It was better than the awful Avengers 2. Felt the music used in the movie made some scenes enjoyable. Thought the cast were good as well.
This was fecking awful. Much, much worse than Batman v Superman.

I thought it would at least be in the 'rubbish but fun' category but it wasn't... it was just so dull, cringeworthy, poorly executed and dull. Awful.
It was about 5 seconds and I was not impressed. I know nothing about the character but he looked stupid and said something cheesy.

Yeah, it was a very brief cameo. In fact, you could say he was there and gone in a flash.
Leto's Joker :lol: I understand Heath Ledger's joker is a hard act to follow, but that was shite, almost felt like a parody
Leto's Joker :lol: I understand Heath Ledger's joker is a hard act to follow, but that was shite, almost felt like a parody

"Method acting"
"Oh he stayed in character the whole time. He even made us call Mr. J"

fecking awful Joker. Not even a fecking Joker, just a crazy fecker with green hair. He's like a violent riddler. And that laugh is fecking stupid and annoying. Gobshite missed an open goal with this role

And why is he so love sick for Harley?! He'd throw Harley under a bus for anything.
"Method acting"
"Oh he stayed in character the whole time. He even made us call Mr. J"

fecking awful Joker. Not even a fecking Joker, just a crazy fecker with green hair. He's like a violent riddler. And that laugh is fecking stupid and annoying. Gobshite missed an open goal with this role

And why is he so love sick for Harley?! He'd throw Harley under a bus for anything.
If the alleged list of deleted scenes are true then they changed the character in the reshoots to be far less abusive.