Film Suicide Squad (2016)

It's a shambles of a movie, objectively speaking. I don't give a feck about DC or Marvel and only know the difference because of the fanboys' silly arguments on the internet. I didn't read any reviews and I really wanted to like this, as I thought the trailers and cast were great.

It was just a fundamentally awful movie, really, no need for nipticking at all. Read the above comments for details.

Yes, I read the above comments, that's what made me reply, some arguments about the movie are downright silly. Don't want to go into details because that leads into infinite loop. Looking at the Rotten Tomatoes critic score, anyone thinking that new Ghostbusters movie is better than Suicide Squad, I can't take that person seriously.
So given it looks like theyre building towards Suicide Squad vs Justice League, when do people think that will happen? In an already announced movie or a new one?
About half way through this, I started to question the critical panning. Sure, it wasn't very good. The structure was terrible and the editing all over the place. The basic concept made no sense, at all, to the point where the entire plot relied on the formation of a team of meta humans, that contained at the very least no more than 2 (and probably only one) actual meta humans. And their treatment of the Joker was bizarre to say the least, written like a bog standard, one dimensional mob boss and not given even one plausiblely jokey line. Leto may have been awful, or may have been great, but no actor could've built a good Joker out of such pitiful material.

And yet by about the hour mark, I was still marginally onside with a flick that was messy, sure, but not completely disastrous.:.

And then it went full f**king retard. The last third of this film is so ubiquitously rubbish in every conceivable area that it rivals Fant4stic and The Room for the title of biggest incomprehensible 3rd act meltdown.

What is the villain even doing? What is the point of her giant golden henchmen? Why and how do they engage a magical witch in hand to hand combat and then defeat her with a bomb? How are they able to throw said bomb past a character previously established as able to teleport vast distances in seconds? Why does the only actual metahuman suddenly turn into a giant flaming skeleton creature out of nowhere? Why should any of these people feel part of a "family" after literally one evening of sparse interaction? And why, in a superhero film with no interesting character drama, does the final big combat action scene take place in the dimly lit, overly smokey cinematic equivalent of an underfunded, ghetto outskirts laser quest?

It's one of those films that ends so badly that even the few things I found vaguely positive about the first half, I've now retroactively revalued as terrible by association and hindsight. I mean, Captain Boomerang? What!? How is throwing small non-deadly objects over short distances useful in this scenario? WHAT!!?


I didn't really have much interest in seeing this movie, but now I feel like I have to watch it as soon as possible.
You just can't watch these films expecting anything these days. When Justice League comes out it will be hard to answer why anything was ever a threat with The Flash who is probably the most overpowered hero in all of DC. I've been reduced to watching them just to say 'oh that looks cool, wish I could throw fire' when someone does something. I haven't seen Suicide Squad but I'm guessing the witch lady could have just snapped her fingers and killed them all if she wanted to, which makes the entire film pointless let alone any hand to hand combat stuff. Even with suspended disbelief, as they confronted her one by one she would probably just wave her hand and say 'aaaand you're a frog, aaannd you're a frog, and you're a frog, and you. And you. And you. Now, where were we?' The Flash for example, can run 13 trillion times the speed of light. There is no plot you can write him into where the answer isn't 'have The Flash just run in there and stop them' and since that would make for a boring movie, it will just be full of complaints like 'why didn't the guy who can run 13 trillion times the speed of light just run in there and grab it and run away with it.'
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You just can't watch these films expecting anything these days. When Justice League comes out it will be hard to answer why anything was ever a threat with The Flash who is probably the most overpowered hero in all of DC. I've been reduced to watching them just to say 'oh that looks cool, wish I could throw fire' when someone does something. I haven't seen Suicide Squad but I'm guessing the witch lady could have just snapped her fingers and killed them all if she wanted to, which makes the entire film pointless let alone any hand to hand combat stuff. Even with suspended disbelief, as they confronted her one by one she would probably just wave her hand and say 'aaaand you're a frog, aaannd you're a frog, and you're a frog, and you. And you. And you. Now, where were we?' The Flash for example, can run 13 trillion times the speed of light. There is no plot you can write him into where the answer isn't 'have The Flash just run in there and stop them' and since that would make for a boring movie, it will just be full of complaints like 'why didn't the guy who can run 13 trillion times the speed of light just run in there and grab it and run away with it.'
The Flash is just a broken character though (btw I don't agree on him being the most op hero in DC. Maybe among the most known ones, but for example isn't Lucifer DC? edit: Just realised you wrote hero, not main character). Obviously the writers don't give a crap when they write his stuff, even the feats contradict each other time and time again.

Thing is you don't have to use this version of Flash in the movies. They change (lower) the powerlevel of most comic characters for movies anyway. Did they already say anything about his speed? Because I expect him to be slightly above superman level and that's about it.
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You just can't watch these films expecting anything these days. When Justice League comes out it will be hard to answer why anything was ever a threat with The Flash who is probably the most overpowered hero in all of DC. I've been reduced to watching them just to say 'oh that looks cool, wish I could throw fire' when someone does something. I haven't seen Suicide Squad but I'm guessing the witch lady could have just snapped her fingers and killed them all if she wanted to, which makes the entire film pointless let alone any hand to hand combat stuff. Even with suspended disbelief, as they confronted her one by one she would probably just wave her hand and say 'aaaand you're a frog, aaannd you're a frog, and you're a frog, and you. And you. And you. Now, where were we?' The Flash for example, can run 13 trillion times the speed of light. There is no plot you can write him into where the answer isn't 'have The Flash just run in there and stop them' and since that would make for a boring movie, it will just be full of complaints like 'why didn't the guy who can run 13 trillion times the speed of light just run in there and grab it and run away with it.'

Even if you ignore issues like heroes being overpowered and minor plot contrivances (which I can deal with), the actual plot itself, the characterisation/character motivation, and the general flow of the film is just terrible.
I preferred it to Avengers, Iron Man and Captain America. Sure the storyline was an incoherent mess but I wasn't expecting Akira Kurosawa's Ran.
It was alright, not great, but not outright terrible... I guess the disappointing thing is, with the premise they had and the actors on hand, they could have done something really creative, fun and inventive... but instead it just felt a bit too much like another comic book movie.

Ultimately I just don't think David Ayer is a talented enough writer and director to handle a project like this. I mean, the film had a fairly nice style about it, and there were some fun flourishes, but the action wasn't anything spectacular nor overly memorable, and the writing was just there... not overly clever and certainly not all that funny. I mean, this is a scenario made for comedy, and yet I laughed more during Star Trek Beyond.

I still had fun, largely because of Margot and Big Willie, who are fun in their roles... but yeah, I wish someone more talented had taken charge of this movie... (I say that a lot with these DC films it seems).

Also, Leto wasn't bad as Joker... but he was just doing his best Nic Cage impression, which I guess is playing the Joker to some extent.
Went in expecting it to be awful after reading all the outrage but thought it was decent enough. Casting was largely spot on apart from the DeLevigne who i thought was terrible.

People have strange expectations of these movies. You get too much hype and then if its not oscar worthy iPitchforks
Went in expecting it to be awful after reading all the outrage but thought it was decent enough. Casting was largely spot on apart from the DeLevigne who i thought was terrible.

People have strange expectations of these movies. You get too much hype and then if its not oscar worthy iPitchforks

I thought the movie was terrible. And I liked BvS.

Its very hard to get me knocked down with DC flicks, I love the franchise so much I'll take most dross. But suicide squad was truly terrible.
I enjoyed it more than BvS as far as a cinema experience. May need to watch this again though (seen this once vs BvS three times).
I think the problem occurred about half way, it did seem like different directors were in charge of different parts of the movie.
So ended up watching it again tonight. Some of the flaws did stick out more:
-Boomerang was pretty useless except for comedy but he didnt add much to the squad.
-The one member they decided to kill of to show the explosion was real was the one wit the least development so was kinda a meh moment. (think he was in the movie a whole 2 minutes or so)
-Their initial mission was to rescue Waller, who they then helicopter out, but would have been easier to helicopter in.
-Enchantress was an ultimate waste

Also still believe that they made a mistake by using this as a Joker intro. I know a Harley Quinn story needs Joker, but I think they should have had a standalone Batman movie before this, with Joker introduced into that. That way the Joker cameo wouldnt be underwhelming.}~

I did however like Letos take on Joker and thought it was the right move to make it different from Heaths.
Amanda Waller was really good (especially comparing to how Waller was portrayed in Arrow)
Deadshot was good too. (Only issue is that I see "too Will Smithy")

I think DC (Snyder) are trying too hard to not be like Marvel that its affecting the quality of their universe.
So ended up watching it again tonight. Some of the flaws did stick out more:
-Boomerang was pretty useless except for comedy but he didnt add much to the squad.
-The one member they decided to kill of to show the explosion was real was the one wit the least development so was kinda a meh moment. (think he was in the movie a whole 2 minutes or so)
-Their initial mission was to rescue Waller, who they then helicopter out, but would have been easier to helicopter in.
-Enchantress was an ultimate waste

Also still believe that they made a mistake by using this as a Joker intro. I know a Harley Quinn story needs Joker, but I think they should have had a standalone Batman movie before this, with Joker introduced into that. That way the Joker cameo wouldnt be underwhelming.}~

I did however like Letos take on Joker and thought it was the right move to make it different from Heaths.
Amanda Waller was really good (especially comparing to how Waller was portrayed in Arrow)
Deadshot was good too. (Only issue is that I see "too Will Smithy")

I think DC (Snyder) are trying too hard to not be like Marvel that its affecting the quality of their universe.
Joker would've worked much better if hinted at throughout the film (with stuff like Jason Todd's suit in BvS) before having him appear at the end. I personally really dislike what they've done to the character but then at least there'd have been some anticipation and intrigue.
Joker would've worked much better if hinted at throughout the film (with stuff like Jason Todd's suit in BvS) before having him appear at the end. I personally really dislike what they've done to the character but then at least there'd have been some anticipation and intrigue.
I liked the rumours of Jason Todd potentially being the joker, for this DC universe would of been at least interesting, but rumours are that Slade Wilson (deathstroke) will be a villain in the solo batman.
What made no sense at all was the mood of the Squad throughout the movie.

Harley misses the Joker when she's with the Squad and is constantly texting him. Shouldn't she be moopy and sad? She is for a moment and the next minute she's all hyperactive and making cringey jokes. She breaks a shop window "We're bad guys, it's what we do". So cringey. Then she's mooping around again.

Another rather bizarre occurence. After spending some time with the Squad, she gets attached to them. Then the Joker appears and she promptly ditches them and runs off with them. Then she's back the them. And then reunited with him in the end! Made no sense.

And Deadshot. He misses his daughter. He too is mooping around. Then he starts acting all badass. Then he's mooping around for a bit. Then badass mode returns.
Another rather bizarre occurence. After spending some time with the Squad, she gets attached to them. Then the Joker appears and she promptly ditches them and runs off with them. Then she's back the them. And then reunited with him in the end! Made no sense.

TBF, this isnt as bad as you write it. She obviously is texting Joker and waiting for the time to reunite with him / get rescued. She does and goes back to him.
Then when she thinks hes dead, and has nothing else to do, she joins back up with the Squad.
At the end, shes reunited with him as he breaks her out.
The only times shes really sad is when she thinks hes dead and on the stair case when she has a flashback.

Joker would've worked much better if hinted at throughout the film (with stuff like Jason Todd's suit in BvS) before having him appear at the end. I personally really dislike what they've done to the character but then at least there'd have been some anticipation and intrigue.

Dont think that would have been a bad idea at all especially as it gives a hint to the Joker without revealing too much. This was in the middle which was the worst thing for Joker (not his story nor just a short hint cameo that makes you want to see him in his own movie) If that makes sense...
TBF, this isnt as bad as you write it. She obviously is texting Joker and waiting for the time to reunite with him / get rescued. She does and goes back to him.
Then when she thinks hes dead, and has nothing else to do, she joins back up with the Squad.
At the end, shes reunited with him as he breaks her out.
The only times shes really sad is when she thinks hes dead and on the stair case when she has a flashback.

Dont think that would have been a bad idea at all especially as it gives a hint to the Joker without revealing too much. This was in the middle which was the worst thing for Joker (not his story nor just a short hint cameo that makes you want to see him in his own movie) If that makes sense...
Yeah, they basically used him as a pointless plot device which, for a character of that stature, is a bit ridiculous. Instead of showing him doing the "I'm not gonna kill ya" thing to make him look craaaazy! and if they really wanted to aim at adult audiences, they could've shown the squad/somebody chance upon a body that he'd tortured, with no other explanation given, just to show that he's near the action and get the audience asking questions/anticipating something. Maybe for extra awesome points they could add a few stray used batarangs to the scene to imply there'd been a fight (which could also be a nod to the dual storyline in Assault on Arkham, and simultaneously explain why Batman was nowhere to be seen during the whole mess without making him a central figure).

But then I suppose they only really had him in the film to get people in to watch it. Still, annoying that there was potential for something fun there that they squandered.
What made no sense at all was the mood of the Squad throughout the movie.

Harley misses the Joker when she's with the Squad and is constantly texting him. Shouldn't she be moopy and sad? She is for a moment and the next minute she's all hyperactive and making cringey jokes. She breaks a shop window "We're bad guys, it's what we do". So cringey. Then she's mooping around again.

Another rather bizarre occurence. After spending some time with the Squad, she gets attached to them. Then the Joker appears and she promptly ditches them and runs off with them. Then she's back the them. And then reunited with him in the end! Made no sense

And Deadshot. He misses his daughter. He too is mooping around. Then he starts acting all badass. Then he's mooping around for a bit. Then badass mode returns.
That is exactly how some people in relationships act in real life, villainous escapades aside.

Shame if DC / WB keep doing this. Cutting stuff to make sales for extended Blu Ray versions.
Hoping thats not what we see with WW and JL.
WB can feck off tbh. Single handedly ruining the DC franchise with this garbage.
I'm not even gonna bother with that. It did feel like there was a lot of missing parts, yes, but the ones that were there were garbage, as well. Extended cut could fix only one of these problems.
Well let's be real, different cuts of absolute shite ain't gonna do much. It's not like they cut some 4 hour epic which was lost in it's 2 hours.....even with the likes of Alien 3 theatrical, it had more to it before it got fixed, similar with Payback, Daredevil, Kingdom of Heaven etc
Cuts can make a big difference, especially if they were specifically designed to change the tone of the film. Even without cutting large amounts in terms of time it can still have a big impact.

That said, fairly sure this particular film would still be pretty shite.
I finally got around to watching this last night. I'm officially done with DC, awful flick that was marginally better that batman vs superman.
Horrible writing. It is difficult to list all the mistakes, because they have done so many of them. It would have been quite easy to avoid some of the bigger ones, which makes me wonder why they chose to go along with the current version.. I still enjoyed it as light entertainment, but I am not into these comics, so all the additional problems, that might arise by butchering the franchise don't annoy me. Given that I watched it at 4 o'clock in the morning it did the job.
Some of the acting was also surprisingly bad so.
Just watched this. What the feck was that Joker?

The laugh was pretty cool but everything else was ridiculous. Why the feck did they make him gangster?
Ultimate cringe fest for me like some already pointed out. When will Hollywood focus more about the plot and character building?
I feel so cheated watching this crap.
Had high hopes for this, really disappointed.
It seems like every time I see this thread bumped it's someone new coming in and calling it crap :lol:
For someone that does not give a darn if they've took a piss on every character's legacy, could be fun? Basically, would non-fans enjoy it, or it's still a pile of poop, no matter for who the watcher is?
For someone that does not give a darn if they've took a piss on every character's legacy, could be fun? Basically, would non-fans enjoy it, or it's still a pile of poop, no matter for who the watcher is?
it seems to vary wildly depending on the individual. i thought it was alright - nothing more, nothing less.

edit: i think an extended edition has been announced so maybe hold off watching it until then.
Yeah, that might be wise.

I only saw an extended cut of Batman v Superman, and while it was not a very good or just good movie, it wasn't as bad as internet might've told you.
Yeah, that might be wise.

I only saw an extended cut of Batman v Superman, and while it was not a very good or just good movie, it wasn't as bad as internet might've told you.

Extended flowed so much better. Even though it had more content, cos of that, it seemed to drag less. Though I quite enjoyed watching it in the cinema cos of the spectacle.

Suicide Squad was more fun but again in the realm of was decent but could and defo should have been better.