Film Suicide Squad (2016)

I thought this movie was a bad idea in the first place, and sadly is being proven right. Marvel just makes better movies overall. IMO, the worst they made was Thor 2 which was a pointless movie. But MCU on overall has been making enjoyable movies most of the time. I think the difference between both companies is that Marvel has a clear vision on how they want their product to be, and the base of their movies was Iron Man 1 which is probably one of the best superhero movie ever made. DC on the other hand is betting all their chips on MoS which was bad, and follow it up with BvS which is a worse movie than MoS. They don't look like they have any clear plans on what they want with the movie universe.

And don't think Snyder is making this for the comic fans, rather making the movie to fit his vision of the DC movie universe. His treatment of Superman is ridiculous. All the best incarnation of Superman in movies and comics was always that he is a inspirational character. Superman on Snyder hand was anything but inspirational.
Just watched it. Rubbish movie. Jared Leto's joker is crap, such a disgrace to the character. I really liked Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. What's up with killer crop trying to be a black rapper dude.
Just watched it. Rubbish movie. Jared Leto's joker is crap, such a disgrace to the character. I really liked Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn. What's up with killer crop trying to be a black rapper dude.

Reading a fans forum and they are absolutely slating Leto:
"I applaud him for trying to do something different but, he sucks"
"As for Leto, probably best there wasn't much of him"

Loads saying too that Robbie's problem is not her acting, but the lines she has to deliver are cringe.

People disappointed that Croc done feck all, apparently
Reading a fans forum and they are absolutely slating Leto:
"I applaud him for trying to do something different but, he sucks"
"As for Leto, probably best there wasn't much of him"

Loads saying too that Robbie's problem is not her acting, but the lines she has to deliver are cringe.

People disappointed that Croc done feck all, apparently
Croc was disappointing. They dumbed down his character. Leto's joker was bound to fail from the start, it was just too much of a change to what the joker is about. Possibly one of the worst jokers ever. There was quite a bit of cringe worthy 'acting cute' type of scenes for Harley but i thought Margot Robbie played the character really well.
Croc was disappointing. They dumbed down his character. Leto's joker was bound to fail from the start, it was just too much of a change to what the joker is about. Possibly one of the worst jokers ever. There was quite a bit of cringe worthy 'acting cute' type of scenes for Harley but i thought Margot Robbie played the character really well.

Rumour has it that WB cut out a lot of Leto's scenes in the film due to disappointment in his performance and portrayal. Hence the re-shoots.

Leto confirmed a lot of his scenes were cut

Make of that what you will
Croc was disappointing. They dumbed down his character. Leto's joker was bound to fail from the start, it was just too much of a change to what the joker is about. Possibly one of the worst jokers ever. There was quite a bit of cringe worthy 'acting cute' type of scenes for Harley but i thought Margot Robbie played the character really well.
Not sure why anyone expected Joker - The Marilyn Manson Years to be much of a success.
Jared Leto reactions are pretty split, some ppl are also saying he was great, him, Margot Robbie and Will Smith being best parts of the movie.
I saw Suicide Squad a few hours ago, I enjoyed it a lot. The crowd I saw it with was buzzed too, but that's to be expected with a midnight screening of mostly fans. I suspected that the film would be a lot more grim than it's bright jokey trailers, but the final product lands somewhere in between. Smith, Robbie, and Courtney were the most fun, and Leto was brilliant in the little screen time he had.

In terms of comic book movies this year:
Deadpool > Suicide Squad > Civil War = BvS > X-Men > TMNT II

In terms of David Ayer movies:
End Of Watch > Training Day > Suicide Squad = Fury > The Fast And The Furious > a few truly rubbish movies

Wasn't too impressed and I wasn't convinced by Leto's Joker. I thought Leto could pull it off.

The whole movie felt really rushed.
The first trailer 6 months ago shows Joker riding in a pink Lamborghini I knew at the point this movie would be shite.
I enjoyed it. I really did enjoy it.

I havent really read the reviews, but what was the major criticisms about the movie?
I do know one thing which was mentioned, that there wasnt much humour, but I thought it had a nice mix of it. Jai Courtney was good for that.

It was a pretty simple movie in terms of plot, but it didnt feel rushed nor choppy. I liked the Jokers time in the movie (did read about some of his scenes being cut,. but didnt think it affected the movie,. but am interested to see what they cut). I liked the few cameos as well.

I do wish some of the other members of the Squad were given a bit more time / dialogue though.
Also wasnt a huge fan of Crocs voice.
Saw it tonight. Very in it's relatively entertaining with good performances from Smith and a couple of others, but also poorly paced, inconsistent in tone, with an incredibly generic villain with an even more generic, dull plan.

The problem is that this doesn't know if it wants to be a comedy, or something with a darker tone. The fact it's main cast is largely consisting of massive villains would tend towards the latter...yet it often leans towards the former, which makes it kind of bizarre. As a result, the more comic, light-hearted tone means that the bad guy protagonists (who really, really like to remind you they're bad guys when they think you're about to forget), aren't really all that bad. Hell, it even briefly tries to go into more artsy territory on one or two occasions, before reverting back to a more generic formula. And that's another problem: it's a movie that both wants to be subversive by having bad guys as the leads, but is also very formulaic. They're mostly just playing the roles of typical heroes, only with more cynicism and smark in the process. Which is something Deadpool did, only it was a far better movie which was mostly more aware of its tone.

Some of the characters are just there, too. The scaly guy, who looks like the thing out of Fantastic Four if he'd fallen into an oil spillage, just kicks around for some reason. He doesn't do anything bad, like many of the others. Why's he considered evil? He could've easily been a side character to a protagonist in another movie.

The villains (main ones) are by far the biggest problem though. They are beyond silly, to the point you'll struggle to take anything they do/say seriously at all.

Leto's Joker is alright. The problem is that he doesn't really have anything to do that's overly iconic or memorable. He's more just evil and quirky for the sake of it, and doesn't have a patch on Ledger's...who was admittedly given much better material. All of Leto's method acting techniques seem kind of, well, overdone in retrospect, and bit silly too, considering they'd have been over the top anyway, even if it'd been an Oscar winning role.

It's a shame since there was clearly a good movie there...or at least a good concept lying around somewhere, but no one thought to come up with a solid plot. Nice soundtrack, though.

Shit dialog
Will Shit smith? The man has no character, nothing, worst actor of all the Squad
Viola Davis is shit by her own great standard, trying to be cool as feck but looks like she's trying to hard
No chemistry between them, not even flag and june, nobody has any sort of chemistry
Incoherent flow : the squad kills half a town's badguy only to find it's a drill?? WTF
The Enchantress : greatest meta human ever yabba dabba doo wtf, she can blink to teheran and grab something something but she can't beat 5 human? At least she could have fecking run away? Or something?
Margot Robbie, no nudity... bad, at least show us some cleavage ffs.
The power balance is shit, Harley doens't have a super power but her bats can kill things that a navy seal squad can't. Deadpool is just a sharpshooter, but llike hell the US government can't just send 5,6,7,8 more squad and get the job done. Croc is just a strong goone. And that climber dude? WTF is his superpower to climb anything when you got a blackhawck helicopter???
El' Diablo is just a glorified flamethrower
and the list could go on and on and on

PS: It's not an adamantium bats, it's a fecking wooden bads with a cute sticker in it

Margot Robbie is good in there, too bad she just got little to work with
Letto wasn't so bad IMO, bland, but after Heath Ledger's Joker anything is bland. Letto isn't menacing, he's more like a lovesick psycho rather than a psycho in love.
Margot Robbie, but even they're not being generous with that. feck the PG13
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I refuse to watch any movie with a character called Harley Quinn. DC really do have some pathetic character names. Scott Free, the escape artist, E. Nygma, the riddler.
I refuse to watch any movie with a character called Harley Quinn. DC really do have some pathetic character names. Scott Free, the escape artist, E. Nygma, the riddler.

I actually would watch it just for her. She is great in the comics and I hope Margot Robbie doesn't disappoint. All the other guys are just meh! Especially when you know Leto as joker is going to be a disappointment.
Having read some of the reviews and their criticisms, I understand most of it especially in terms of trailer vs movie (and the tone of it).
I do think this movie had more pressure on it cos of BvS and how much of a let down that was ultimately. If that was a hit, then SS would have had a bit more leeway to be a different type of movie imo. As I said previously it was a simple movie, but there was an element of predictability to it and there werent many shocks / twists or anything different given it a band of villains being forced to do something. (I think as a story, Arrow TV Show did a better job with Suicide Squad than this)

Regarding the midcredit scene:

Again, it wasnt much of a scene. Maybe a teaser for SS vs JL down the line?
In that case, maybe the movie should have used Enchantress better and possibly gone down the line of SS vs Batman as well as Joker vs Batman. In fact, it might have needed a Batman and Joker movie before this with Batman killing Robin or something similar.
Overall, I dont think DC have a well thought out plan on their universe. It seems like they just want to catch up as quick as possible to Marvel without much structure, which is a shame
Not that it will stop me from seeing the movies though

Boomerang was good for comedic moments, but kinda useless for the team. Again, compared to Arrowverse where we actually got to see him use Boomerangs in action.
In terms of comic book movies this year:
Deadpool > Suicide Squad > Civil War = BvS > X-Men > TMNT II

For me its:
Civil War > Deadpool > Suicide Squad > TMNT > BvS > Xmen

I can see Dr Strange going ahead of SS though by end of year.
Okay, this was not a good film.
I liked the movie tbh, maybe went with low expectations and all but definetely it was much better than Iron Man 2 or Thor 2. Definite harsh criticism. Too much time on Will Smith and that girl playing enchantress was just meh in her last scenes.
So should I watch this tomorrow night? Not expecting miracles tbh
Having read some of the reviews and their criticisms, I understand most of it especially in terms of trailer vs movie (and the tone of it).
I do think this movie had more pressure on it cos of BvS and how much of a let down that was ultimately. If that was a hit, then SS would have had a bit more leeway to be a different type of movie imo. As I said previously it was a simple movie, but there was an element of predictability to it and there werent many shocks / twists or anything different given it a band of villains being forced to do something. (I think as a story, Arrow TV Show did a better job with Suicide Squad than this)

Regarding the midcredit scene:

Again, it wasnt much of a scene. Maybe a teaser for SS vs JL down the line?
In that case, maybe the movie should have used Enchantress better and possibly gone down the line of SS vs Batman as well as Joker vs Batman. In fact, it might have needed a Batman and Joker movie before this with Batman killing Robin or something similar.
Overall, I dont think DC have a well thought out plan on their universe. It seems like they just want to catch up as quick as possible to Marvel without much structure, which is a shame
Not that it will stop me from seeing the movies though

Boomerang was good for comedic moments, but kinda useless for the team. Again, compared to Arrowverse where we actually got to see him use Boomerangs in action.

For me its:
Civil War > Deadpool > Suicide Squad > TMNT > BvS > Xmen

I can see Dr Strange going ahead of SS though by end of year.

For me it was BvS > XMen > Deadpool > Civil War

Not see the other two, watching SS in a few hours.

Funny how everyone's opinion is different eh?
Ah, it's not THAT bad, you great bunch of babies. I mean, sure, Cara Delevingne is fecking woeful as Enchantress, and I have no idea what Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was saying half the time (I'm also a bit pissed off that I'm having to Google how to spell all these names). Pretty much everyone else was quite good, particularly Viola Davis and Will Smith. I even liked Jai Courtney, and I still haven't quite forgiven him for Die Hard #whateveronehewasin (that's a number sign, not a hashtag)

Can't say I liked Jared Leto's Joker though. I get the aim, but it just didn't work for me. I hated the last 30 Seconds to Mars album as well, so me and Mr. Leto aren't on good terms right now.

The big issue here is that it's all over the place. Even with a solid chunk of exposition, there's a whole buttload of characters to introduce, and then it's being tied very loosely into the whole Batman/Superman/Justice League thing (mainly in a "hey guys, here's Batman, just in case you forgot this is all part of the same universe" sort of way.

The tone is all over the place as well, there's times when it veers towards being almost a nod to Deadpool or Guardians of the Galaxy, and I hate to say that because it looks like I'm starting a Marvel vs. DC thing, and nobody wants that, but I thought the soundtrack was very GOTG, except where GOTG seemed to have been carefully curated, this was a case of "OK, we've got a scene where Harley is doing stuff, let's just stick some Black Sabbath in there because Black Sabbath are cool."

So there's issues. There's also positives, the action's good, quite a bit of the humour works, and I'd be happy to see the majority of the characters again. Also Margot Robbie is in this, and that's always a bonus.
Their use of Batman was really shit. A couple of flashbacks to some arrests he almost bungles, then there's a massive lightning vortex thing and he doesn't even turn up.

Also missed the mid-credits scene, was it any good?
Ah, it's not THAT bad, you great bunch of babies. I mean, sure, Cara Delevingne is fecking woeful as Enchantress, and I have no idea what Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje was saying half the time (I'm also a bit pissed off that I'm having to Google how to spell all these names). Pretty much everyone else was quite good, particularly Viola Davis and Will Smith. I even liked Jai Courtney, and I still haven't quite forgiven him for Die Hard #whateveronehewasin (that's a number sign, not a hashtag)

Can't say I liked Jared Leto's Joker though. I get the aim, but it just didn't work for me. I hated the last 30 Seconds to Mars album as well, so me and Mr. Leto aren't on good terms right now.

The big issue here is that it's all over the place. Even with a solid chunk of exposition, there's a whole buttload of characters to introduce, and then it's being tied very loosely into the whole Batman/Superman/Justice League thing (mainly in a "hey guys, here's Batman, just in case you forgot this is all part of the same universe" sort of way.

The tone is all over the place as well, there's times when it veers towards being almost a nod to Deadpool or Guardians of the Galaxy, and I hate to say that because it looks like I'm starting a Marvel vs. DC thing, and nobody wants that, but I thought the soundtrack was very GOTG, except where GOTG seemed to have been carefully curated, this was a case of "OK, we've got a scene where Harley is doing stuff, let's just stick some Black Sabbath in there because Black Sabbath are cool."

So there's issues. There's also positives, the action's good, quite a bit of the humour works, and I'd be happy to see the majority of the characters again. Also Margot Robbie is in this, and that's always a bonus.

Eh? :lol:
Their use of Batman was really shit. A couple of flashbacks to some arrests he almost bungles, then there's a massive lightning vortex thing and he doesn't even turn up.

Also missed the mid-credits scene, was it any good?

It was okay.

Jared Leto isn't happy at all that quite a lot of his joker scenes got cut. What a joke, if the ultimate edition again turns out to be better than the released one.
I actually think they vastly overused Joker. They could've been so much more creative, hinting at him being around without ever showing him. Then reveal at the end.
Deeply flawed film. They don't seem to have a clear idea of what they want to do with the tone of the film, or the characters, or the franchise in general. It also suffers from the absence of a proper villain.

Still, better than BvS at least. Certainly more entertaining.
Basically a two hours long trailer.

Characters are flat and uninteresting. The way that they somehow became friends or even family (to the guy who got provoked by all of them because he refused to fight) over the hour of non-existing communication - well, maybe Robbie and Smith had something going between them but that's all.

The way they teleported in front of the elevator Harley was going up on (they were behind her when the elevator started)...
How her bat is stronger than hundreds of Seal's bullets
The Flash, who delivered them the Boomerang dude, could've just killed the witch literally in a second...

I read somewhere that the movie was massively edited after the BvS collapse, destroying the consistent narrative and leaving us with separated unrelated to each other clips