Film Suicide Squad (2016)

I actually think they vastly overused Joker. They could've been so much more creative, hinting at him being around without ever showing him. Then reveal at the end.

Seemed like they thought including him would make the film better without actually considering how they were going to use the character to make the film better.
I'm sure the main reason he was included was to help sell the film and more toys. Same with Batman.
Given the number of cuts they said, I wouldnt actually be surprised if it made more sense in the full version. Although I could have done without seeing him and Quinn jumping into vats of gloop then kissing (even if it was a throwback to how he became the joker)

For me it was BvS > XMen > Deadpool > Civil War
Funny how everyone's opinion is different eh?

Defo, and its all about preferences.

The way they teleported in front of the elevator Harley was going up on (they were behind her when the elevator started)...
How her bat is stronger than hundreds of Seal's bullets
The Flash, who delivered them the Boomerang dude, could've just killed the witch literally in a second...

This is a problem for extended universes. The simple answer is, they mentioned Superman was on their side, but where was he? Was he battling Batman at the same time? In terms of timeline they probably could / should have established this was happening at the same time the two good guys were going at battle but I guess we have to ignore them at certain points (despite them being shown to say, hey, were the same universe, remember them for later)...
This is a problem for extended universes. The simple answer is, they mentioned Superman was on their side, but where was he? Was he battling Batman at the same time? In terms of timeline they probably could / should have established this was happening at the same time the two good guys were going at battle but I guess we have to ignore them at certain points (despite them being shown to say, hey, were the same universe, remember them for later)...
They established this was after his death at the beginning, it was the reason for her setting up the project (they couldn't hope for Superman to rescue them anymore).
I just call him Eko from Lost :nervous:
That was Mr Eko?! Good lord.
Don't understand the OTT bad reviews. I just saw it in cinema and thought it was brilliant.

I thought the Joke was great in his own right, no matter what they did everyone was going to comparing or expect it to be Heath Ledgers joker. So it was a bold movie making him completely different but it paid off in my opinion.

Packed with action, bad ground stories, likable characters, hated characters & shock deaths.. what more were you expecting from a ''super hero'' movie?
Over all a solid movie.

The script struggled with introducing so many characters and powers so quickly, did we need 3 helicopter crashes?

It was a thrill to see Deadshot cut loose, great scene
I thought it was ok.

I liked Deadshot, Flag, Harley (even though she was overused, which would have been annoying if she wasn't played by Margot), and I thought Joker was excellent, very charismatic. There were also some pretty good action sequences.

The main problem for me was the vilain. Jesus christ that was bad. Bubble head zombies? Fire tenticle dude? The witch?

All in all, it wasn't too bad, but it could have been so much better.
They established this was after his death at the beginning, it was the reason for her setting up the project (they couldn't hope for Superman to rescue them anymore).

Ahhh ok, then thats on me.
But during the time of this, what was Batman doing? Or WW? Or the Flash doing? He stops Boomerang but when this big thing happens, hes off doing something else? Ahhh, as I said, maybe im over thinking it and it might be (probably not) explained away in a future movie, lol.

Also I think it would have been good if instead of turning humans into zombies, they had kept the mindless humans in human form. Imagine Suicide Squad shooting away at turned humans with no remorse. Cos lets be honest, regardless of what they turned into. that was a whole load of humans turned without much mention to it.

At least if they were still human form, the whole "were bad guys" thing could have been shown instead of just being said all the time.

Agree with @Donut last line there.
I actually think BvS is rather harshly mocked. It was a disappointment given the characters it had to play with, but I still enjoyed it more than the likes of Avengers Age of Ultron or Civil War.

And I guess that's also to do with having strong iconic superheroes. Suicide Squad doesn't seem to have that to rely on. Harley Quinn was always a sidekick. The Joker looks terrible in this movie, mostly delirious and barely intimidating. Having both in abundance is necessary. The rest just seem generic.
Kept hoping The Joker would get reservations at Dorsia's so Patrick Bateman would show up, axe in hand.

Also, there are people living in the Amazon rain forest that know you're the "bad guys." You don't have to tell us every few mins

Also, worst Joker I've ever seen. I can't, for one second, imagine Two Face, Penguin, Riddler etc being in awe or beneath this version of the character
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Ahhh ok, then thats on me.
But during the time of this, what was Batman doing? Or WW? Or the Flash doing? He stops Boomerang but when this big thing happens, hes off doing something else? Ahhh, as I said, maybe im over thinking it and it might be (probably not) explained away in a future movie, lol.

Also I think it would have been good if instead of turning humans into zombies, they had kept the mindless humans in human form. Imagine Suicide Squad shooting away at turned humans with no remorse. Cos lets be honest, regardless of what they turned into. that was a whole load of humans turned without much mention to it.

At least if they were still human form, the whole "were bad guys" thing could have been shown instead of just being said all the time.

Agree with @Donut last line there.
To be fair that's a suspension of disbelief required in every superhero movie in a shared universe isn't it?
Good film but not great imo. There were too many flat moments.

I think Leto did his bit as Joker but wasn't given much to work with. Jack Nicholson & Heath Ledger had their own torture scenes or standalone crazy montages that they could work with and glow in. Jared wasn't really given much at all, but I do think he did well in his part and can do the Joker justice in Ben Affleck's Batman.

Enchantress is also a v. interesting comics character but they ruined it with the casting. I think it would have been better to cut out Diablo/Crock completely and focus on a 3 man Task Force X. That way they could have added greater depth and more to the story line.

Just to add - its certainly not as bad as reviews slate it for. Same goes for BvS. There are blatant Marvel fanboy critics out there.
Good film but not great imo. There were too many flat moments.

I think Leto did his bit as Joker but wasn't given much to work with. Jack Nicholson & Heath Ledger had their own torture scenes or standalone crazy montages that they could work with and glow in. Jared wasn't really given much at all, but I do think he did well in his part and can do the Joker justice in Ben Affleck's Batman.

Enchantress is also a v. interesting comics character but they ruined it with the casting. I think it would have been better to cut out Diablo/Crock completely and focus on a 3 man Task Force X. That way they could have added greater depth and more to the story line.

Just to add - its certainly not as bad as reviews slate it for. Same goes for BvS. There are blatant Marvel fanboy critics out there.

I read a Leto interview with IGN saying half his scenes were cut, he seemed pretty pissed. I thought he was ok but it's tough to judge.

I thought the whole cast was the best part of this even Jai Courtney was good expect as you say Cara Delevingne as Enchantress. She wasn't help by the rushed writing but she was bad.

Over all I thought it was decent a lot of fun. I got a long list of this I didn't like but it's worth it's 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. I strongly disagree with the last bit. DC fans need to stop whinging about bias fans boys, its so stupid. I'm pretty sure people like Mark Kermode don't give a crap about Marvel or DC.
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I read a Leto interview with IGN saying half his scenes were cut, he seemed pretty pissed. I thought he was ok but it's tough to judge.

I thought the whole cast was the best part of this even Jai Courtney was good expect as you say Cara Delevingne as Enchantress. She wasn't help by the rushed writing but she was bad.

Over all I thought it was decent a lot of fun. I got a long list of this I didn't like but it's worth it's 27% on Rotten Tomatoes. I strongly disagree with the last bit. DC fans need to stop whinging about bias fans boys, its so stupid. I'm pretty people like Mark Kermode don't give a crap about Marvel or DC.

Personally, I prefer BvS over Suicide Squad though.

But I actually liked BvS, contrary to most reviews/some posters here. Things that could have improved the movie further would be playing on the protect Rick Flagg angle. The scenes were they had to save him were a bit meh and they could have built some bettter suspense around it.
Not too much of a biggie I suppose - the actor that played Rick Flagg was pretty good casting too imo.
I guess the fact this is marginally lighter, but somehow even worse structurally than BvS will end up helping it at the box office....BvS just died at the box office after one week thanks to the disastrous dour and dull affair it was, at least this is getting a partial acceptable audience feedback, similar to Transformers....shite but easy to kill 2 hours.
DC fans need to stop whinging about bias fans boys, its so stupid. I'm pretty people like Mark Kermode don't give a crap about Marvel or DC.

Agree. Marvel films don't get better reviews because of some bias on the critics part. They get better reviews because critics tend to think they're superior films, simple as. Pretty ridiculous to act like critics are picking sides for any other reason when they likely couldn't care less about this fanboy rivalry.
I thought it was pretty shit.

What was the point of the Joker? Did he do anything at all to advance the plot?

What was the spiralling light show the Enchantress created all about?

Pretty poor.
Just watched this. Shambles. I'm very disappointed because I desperately wanted to like it. I was hoping for brilliance but this wasn't even good. The plot was ridiculous at times and the CGI is just cringy. The ending was rushed and predictable, the dialogue was banal and just not at all clever. The script was a train wreck.

The few good things - Margot Robbie is adorable and I love her. She wasn't helped at all by the writing at times but still comes out as the star of the show. I also liked Leto and have no problems with his take on the Joker. His performance was very good, compared to the overall quality of the cast, his character just didn't fit in at all and was under-developed. Not his fault though. The soundtrack was ace.
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I loved Batman vs Superman and I prefer the darker tones of DC. I had high hopes from Suicide Squad but I think the harsh reviews BvS got made them change SS a bit and make it a lot more light hearted. Felt too much like a Marvel movies for me so I'm a bit disappointed. Also it seems like a lot of the Jokers scenes were cut. His role was embarrassingly imo.
I loved Batman vs Superman and I prefer the darker tones of DC. I had high hopes from Suicide Squad but I think the harsh reviews BvS got made them change SS a bit and make it a lot more light hearted. Felt too much like a Marvel movies for me so I'm a bit disappointed. Also it seems like a lot of the Jokers scenes were cut. His role was embarrassingly imo.

I like the darker tones of superhero movies as well but Marvel movies do well because they are full of humour and not meant to be taken seriously, that's why they are so popular. In fact, one reason BvS was criticised was because it was too serious. That's why DC went in this direction. It's also why Guardians of the Galaxy and Ant Man did well. Superhero movies these days are not meant to be regarded as serious cinema. Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy was a rare thing for being grounded in reality (for a superhero movie) and dealt with issues you wouldn't expect in a summer action movie. His trilogy was viewed as serious cinema even though it was a superhero movie at the end of the day.
Saw it last night and liked it. I know the reviews weren't great but I didn't read into them - ok I am a fan of the Marvel movies much more than DC universe so far - so I enjoyed the light approach. Definitely wasn't as bad as the critics are making it out to be and it is a 7/10 for me. Viola and Margot were really good - Will smith and Jai Courtney were good too.

Holding back on commenting on Leto as I feel it's too early to judge - but I actually felt there was too much of him. Would have been much better to mention him at the start as Harley's backstory -then show up for his final scene.

As for Batman etc. Not showing up - they can get away with it for ther movies eg Flash not showing up for a batman movie as he knows Batman is dealing with it - but I don't think it works for this - considering humans were being turned to weird things. It seems like they couldn't find.a reasonable explanation about it and just ignored it.

Could any explain the final scene btw? Had no idea what was happening
It was funny watching Enchantress do a pole dance at the end whilst the squad were closing in on her.
I quite liked it, it was all over the place of course and the writers/director clearly have no clue about the characters in this universe, but it at least wasn't as boring and pointless as BvS.

Leto was ok, but neither the Joker nor Harley were anywhere near as crazy as they should have been. Especially Joker, he wasn't menacing and was just shoe-horned in.

Perhaps the writers should focus more on actually making the characters behave how they are supposed to, than telling us over and over.
It made me realise just how good The Dark Knight is. It's far superior to any other comic book movie I've ever seen. Heath Ledger's Joker was special, Leto's portrayal made Ledger's even better for me, I was sat there just thinking how much better it'd be if Heath was alive.
I'm not a massive fan of superhero films but I had a near permanent smile on my face through this. Whether it was objectively a good film (plot/character development, shots used, etc) is up for debate but I thought it was just really enjoyable. I don't usually like things overloaded with CGI/special effects but even that didn't bother me much).

Part of that may be down to the fact I'm in love with Harley Quinn (not just Margot Robbie but the character full stop) but there you go.

Also thought the music choice was spot on. Anything that uses Sympathy for the Devil or Fortunate Son is fine by me.
As for Batman etc. Not showing up - they can get away with it for ther movies eg Flash not showing up for a batman movie as he knows Batman is dealing with it - but I don't think it works for this - considering humans were being turned to weird things. It seems like they couldn't find.a reasonable explanation about it and just ignored it.

I agree with you on this especially as something as large scale as was seen here. I do think Marvel have done a better job on that (and no, I dont want to make this a Marvel vs DC)
Ideally, it would be great if both become super stuff cos i Love the era of comics in cinemas (I think the last one I didnt see in the cinema was Iron Man 3, and funnily enough it was one that I was really looking forward to based on the trailer).

Anyway, as I said before, this movie suffered more so cos BvS wasnt as great as they thought it would be (and the rumoured editing was obviously a direct result of that).Well thats my opinion anyway.

Also agreed that Enchantress shouldnt have been the villain.
What an awful movie..
Bad summer to begin with but this is by far the worst..
My son is 9 and loves this shit can´t wait until he can go to the cinema alone!

PS Will Smith needs to stop this acting fab he thought he was good at...