Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Hardy's Bane was ok, aside from the fact that he talks like he has a dick in his mouth.
Hardy's Bane was underrated due to following up Heath Ledgers Joker. All three Nolan villains were good to great IMO.

Except that end for Bane. feckers.
The DC bad guys have been fairly shit in the recent films as well.
Lex Luther (Zuckerberg) - awful
Doomsday - ridiculous
Zod - OK
Talia al Ghul - shit
Bane - meh
Ra's al Ghul- meh
Scarecrow - OK
Sinestro - meh
Parralax - ridiculous
Lex Luther (Keyser Soze) - meh
Whoever was the baddie in the Catwoman film - so shit I cant even remember them.

Heath Ledger's Joker was great of course but that's about it.

Disagree. I thought Crane and Ra's were great. Bane was great until he turned out to be a pawn
I could get over the voice, it was him being Talia's little bitch-boy that I didn't like.
Agreed. The whole ending of that movie was just a load of shit. But he is easily better then Marvels best showing (Loki)
Mandarin looked like he was going to be Marvels best villain, until they turned that into a joke.
Mandarin looked like he was going to be Marvels best villain, until they turned that into a joke.
Yeah. That sucked. Loved Ben Kingsley doing those homemade videos.
DC's villains have been better than Marvel's in the last 10 years, but that's not really a high bar. And also when we say "DC" we really mean the Nolan movies because other than that we've only had Green Lantern and Man Of Steel.

My personal order is Joker > Ra's > Bane > Scarecrow. Heck, even the "kinda" villains like Harvey Dent and Selina Kyle are good. As for the others, Michael Shannon's Zod was decent enough (nothing on Stamp but I won't hold that against him), and it's hard to rate Mark Strong's Sinestro when he was in such a shit movie. He looked great at least.

And I like Ultron, Red Skull, Fisk, and Kilgrave all more than Loki.



I'm guessing he is fighting Batman there?

I've only just seen this trailer.

I don't think it looks very good.
I've gotta pre-warn the wife that my allegiance will quickly switch from Sophie Turner to Margot Robbie as soon as this cones out.
Marvel villains are all shit. Even Loki was pathetic and non threatening. That's the problem when you have a light hearted feel to films, they tend to undermine the bad guys with it.

In fact, I thought Jeff Bridges was the best villain Marvel have had.

Loki is the best thing about The Avengers by a mile.

Hardy's Bane was underrated due to following up Heath Ledgers Joker. All three Nolan villains were good to great IMO.
Agree with this though.

New trailer:

They are gonna make the same mistakes as Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel aren't they...

New trailer:

They are gonna make the same mistakes as Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel aren't they...

Well they don't seem to be trying to sell it as some superhero classic film, it just looks like Ayer was given the greenlight to go mental with it and not push too hard to go for a good film rather than go the Snyder/Goyer of overly dark, depressing and serious.....even if they did feel they still had to lighten it in post-Deadpool production. It's never felt it was a going to be a super dark and broody affair.

Still, epically meh.
The Joker is such an iconic and charismatic character.......He can do his own film....

Yet, Affleck was called in.

Don't hold out much hope for "Paul Allen"
If they decided on the classic look, shouldn't the grin be there?

This seems half-baked. Like they couldn't decide what to emulate over Nicholson's over the top humour or Ledger's full dark/schizophrenic real edge.
If they decided on the classic look, shouldn't the grin be there?

This seems half-baked. Like they couldn't decide what to emulate over Nicholson's over the top humour or Ledger's full dark/schizophrenic real edge.

Apparently, the tattoos and the grills are there to tell a story, for his character.

Don't like Superhero films but, love the Batman universe. Honestly think this is going to be cack

"We're bad guys. It's what we do" ......Seriously, feck off

New trailer:

They are gonna make the same mistakes as Batman vs Superman and Man of Steel aren't they...

Yes, they are. Why would they learn from their mistakes if they keep making such big money regardless?
Yes, they are. Why would they learn from their mistakes if they keep making such big money regardless?

This was always going to make money. It's possible to make a good, clever film that makes a lot of money. Look at Christopher Nolan's films
DC are shite to be honest. I used to love their comics but don't read any now.
Flash TV show is pretty good though.
This was always going to make money. It's possible to make a good, clever film that makes a lot of money. Look at Christopher Nolan's films

It is indeed possible. That possibility decreases when you start including the likes of Jai Courtney though.

Like you said, this will make money regardless, in the same way Batman v Superman did. So why would they bother changing the formula? They don't actually need the film to be good as it is critic-proof anyway.
It is indeed possible. That possibility decreases when you start including the likes of Jai Courtney though.

Like you said, this will make money regardless, in the same way Batman v Superman did. So why would they bother changing the formula? They don't actually need the film to be good as it is critic-proof anyway.
In fairness he's looked like he could be alright in this based on the trailers - though obviously we'll have to wait and see.
So fecking pumped for this film. The soundtrack is on point & I'm loving the take on Joker. Its brave and new - the decision to have Jared Leto is great imo.

Spoiler on where I think Joker fits into this movie:

He's with Harley and tries to free her from the Suicide Squad when she's taken as an Arkham prisoner after a clash with Batman early on in the film. What I love about this is it gives Joker more of a personality. Nolan's one was great but it was focused on chaos and randomness. I couldn't see much depth in that in comparison to Tim Burton's Joker.