Film Suicide Squad (2016)

The more of it i see the worse it looks. It's seems to be littered with really childish one liners. Jared Leto's joker laugh is awesome but the one scene where it shows him walking in to the room he looks an absolute mess. He's not intimidating or crazy looking at all.
You mean the bit which was about half a second long? :lol:
Don't know many of these characters, but I think it looks pretty good. Still not a fan of those shitty Joker tattoos but Leto will probably give us a pretty good/messed up Joker.
I was hoping this was going to take itself a little more seriously, like the Dark Knight. I'm sure I'll still enjoy it but it sounds like it'll be full of jokes and one liners that risk cheapening it. We'll see.
The more of it i see the worse it looks. It's seems to be littered with really childish one liners. Jared Leto's joker laugh is awesome but the one scene where it shows him walking in to the room he looks an absolute mess. He's not intimidating or crazy looking at all.
Agree, based on very little of course. But he does look weak and lacking in intimidation. Reminds me more of Jim Carrey's Riddler than Joker who has an aura of intimidation even if he isn't the biggest. Ledger's Joker wasn't a big fellow but his voice, scruffy hair and facial features made him pretty darn badass.
It still looks like a mess. It seems the writers think Harley will strike it big and are trying waaaay too hard with her. Will Smith just seems like Will Smith. Hate to say it but jai Courtney looks the best so far :lol:
It still looks like a mess. It seems the writers think Harley will strike it big and are trying waaaay too hard with her. Will Smith just seems like Will Smith. Hate to say it but jai Courtney looks the best so far :lol:

Will Smith looks like Will Smith


Agree on Harley as well. Seems they're overselling her a tad.
Margot Robbie has a great body though.

I trust in David Ayre more then I do Snyder.
What's the timeline for this? Could it be set before BVS?

Smallish spoiler about Bats V Supes...
Batman has history with the Joker in BvS but seemingly long in the past. The Joker in this seems a bit too young to have been battling Bats 10-odd years ago.
What's the timeline for this? Could it be set before BVS?

Smallish spoiler about Bats V Supes...
Batman has history with the Joker in BvS but seemingly long in the past. The Joker in this seems a bit too young to have been battling Bats 10-odd years ago.
At very earliest, 18 months before BvS given Superman's mentioned in the trailer as the reason the squad's set up. Still not entirely clear what role Joker plays, some clips he's in seem like flashbacks, but you'd expect him to be the main antagonist.

Pretty hopeful for this really, at least it's got a decent director and Affleck as Batman was one of the redeeming parts of BvS.
At very earliest, 18 months before BvS given Superman's mentioned in the trailer as the reason the squad's set up.

Of course! Doh.

You can never tell given the editing but it did seem that Harley was very familiar with the Jokers laugh. I wonder how much they'll go into her backstory.
You can never tell given the editing but it did seem that Harley was very familiar with the Jokers laugh. I wonder how much they'll go into her backstory.

Didnt the initial trailer or teaser or something show that they did? Or show her talking to Joker pre Harley Quinn days?
Think the "I'm just gonna hurt you" bit with the electrodes is supposed to be him turning her, isn't it? But not entirely sure how the Batman of this continuity has left Joker alive...
That looks alright. Goes against the reports of not being any more comedy past what was shown in the last trailer.
Im excited about this. Its the weakest of the three trailers but thats probably down to not wanting to give away the plot (a plus point)
Think the "I'm just gonna hurt you" bit with the electrodes is supposed to be him turning her, isn't it? But not entirely sure how the Batman of this continuity has left Joker alive...

Well, unless he kills Jason in this, sends Batman over the edge and Batman actually does kill the Joker in this?
Well, unless he kills Jason in this, sends Batman over the edge and Batman actually does kill the Joker in this?
Maybe, though that display of Jason's suit didn't look too new. Plus it would kind of suck to kill Joker off before we even get going. Could've pretended to be dead I suppose, but you'd think Batman's the type that would double-tap.

Alternatively, Snyder/Goyer just haven't thought through the actual story implications of things...
Alternatively, Snyder/Goyer just haven't thought through the actual story implications of things...

I'd go with that. Don't trust either of them. Snyder's explanation as to why Superman couldn't find his mother in BvS was laughable :wenger: Snyder hasn't a clue, and I'm one of the ones who actually didn't hate BvS
He actually had an explanation of that wrt Superman?

This is a prequel right? So it wouldnt surprise me if they go with Batman followed a code (as seen in this movie if timeline is around MOS), this Joker did something (take out Robin) which pushed Batman over the edge and close to retirement (as we saw in BvS)
I'd go with that. Don't trust either of them. Snyder's explanation as to why Superman couldn't find his mother in BvS was laughable :wenger: Snyder hasn't a clue, and I'm one of the ones who actually didn't hate BvS
What was his answer? Was it as spectacularly point-missing as "in Star Wars they blew up planets"?
What was his answer? Was it as spectacularly point-missing as "in Star Wars they blew up planets"?

"Superman didn't hear his mother because we had a deleted scene where we showed him looking for her but, she drowned out due to so much potential crimes happening in the city"

OK, Zack....Please explain to me then why the man, faster then the speed of light, more powerful than a locomotive and with the personality of a boy scout, allowed these potential crimes happen? Especially when you had to show him get to Mexico in seconds and needed to hear about it via a fecking TV

I firmly believe, as I've gotten older, that you can have all the talent and goodwill in the world these days but, if chancers like him can make it to the top, it counts for nothing
"Superman didn't hear his mother because we had a deleted scene where we showed him looking for her but, she drowned out due to so much potential crimes happening in the city"

OK, Zack....Please explain to me then why the man, faster then the speed of light, more powerful than a locomotive and with the personality of a boy scout, allowed these potential crimes happen? Especially when you had to show him get to Mexico in seconds and needed to hear about it via a fecking TV

I firmly believe, as I've gotten older, that you can have all the talent and goodwill in the world these days but, if chancers like him can make it to the top, it counts for nothing
Dear god, he makes a 2 and a half hour film and still can't fit in a small scene to progress the story. As lame as that scene would be as an explanation, at least there would be SOMETHING. But no, he obviously needed those extra couple slow-mo replays of young Bruce's open gob, and for Affleck to wrestle a tire lathered in oil.

But this is why I'm quite hopeful that this'll actually be quite decent, as long as Snyder's not been involved making it shit by osmosis.
Its hard to make a realistic, consistent and bullet proof plot when you have a guy like Superman.

If we go with the faster then light shit, he could just kill Lex Luthor and scour the whole of the earth before his time was up. Its a shitty situation for a writer and unfair on Snyder to make pit down that part of the story all things considered. Especially considering everything else he fecked up in the movie.
So basically they sussed out that Robbos done a good job with Harley and they're pushing that as the selling point of the film. Will Smith doesnt feature much in this trailer.
Nah the leader is the colonel. He leads the SS.

Its hard to make a realistic, consistent and bullet proof plot when you have a guy like Snyder.

Agreed. And I dont even hate the BvS movie, but the guy doesnt help himself.
Its his own fault given hes also responsible for this in his other Superman movie at 1:34:

Its hard to make a realistic, consistent and bullet proof plot when you have a guy like Superman.

If we go with the faster then light shit, he could just kill Lex Luthor and scour the whole of the earth before his time was up. Its a shitty situation for a writer and unfair on Snyder to make pit down that part of the story all things considered. Especially considering everything else he fecked up in the movie.
Not asking for anything like that, I'm pretty good at suspending disbelief for fantasy films, but they use his super-hearing on several other occasions so should be consistent with it. And you can definitely blame him for putting together a poorly told story, it's literally his job.

Agreed. And I dont even hate the BvS movie, but the guy doesnt help himself.
Its his own fault given hes also responsible for this in his other Superman movie at 1:34:

I'd even forgotten about that, ffs :lol:
Nah the leader is the colonel. He leads the SS.

Agreed. And I dont even hate the BvS movie, but the guy doesnt help himself.
Its his own fault given hes also responsible for this in his other Superman movie at 1:34:

I still enjoy that movie, just a shame the final 3rd was a bit rubbish.
I see batman is in this. Would his fued and battle with the Joker still be running over from BvS?
What's the timeline for this? Could it be set before BVS?

Smallish spoiler about Bats V Supes...
Batman has history with the Joker in BvS but seemingly long in the past. The Joker in this seems a bit too young to have been battling Bats 10-odd years ago.

Makes sense what you're saying duffer.

edit: just seen Ubik's reply as well :lol:
In the current DCU they don't count but in previous DC films they have had better villains. I'd even say Jim Carrey The Riddler was a better villain then most of these Marvel ones.

Yeah I did like Red Skull, Winter Soldier, Loki too and I though Ultron was good too. It was more the film that let Ultron down. I'd say Iron Man 3 and the Thor 2 were the worst. The rest are ok, forgettable bad guys. The Guardians villain was forgettable the film though was great imo.
The best marvel villians portrayed on screen has to be the kingpin (daredevil) and the purple man (jessica jones).
Last two trailers are edited really great, Joker looks and sounds great, Batman looks a lot slimmer compared to BvS and Margot Robbie is killing it as Harley, really looking forward to this, my most anticipated comic book movie this year!
Marvel villains are all shit. Even Loki was pathetic and non threatening. That's the problem when you have a light hearted feel to films, they tend to undermine the bad guys with it.

In fact, I thought Jeff Bridges was the best villain Marvel have had.
Marvel villains are all shit. Even Loki was pathetic and non threatening. That's the problem when you have a light hearted feel to films, they tend to undermine the bad guys with it.

In fact, I thought Jeff Bridges was the best villain Marvel have had.

The DC bad guys have been fairly shit in the recent films as well.
Lex Luther (Zuckerberg) - awful
Doomsday - ridiculous
Zod - OK
Talia al Ghul - shit
Bane - meh
Ra's al Ghul- meh
Scarecrow - OK
Sinestro - meh
Parralax - ridiculous
Lex Luther (Keyser Soze) - meh
Whoever was the baddie in the Catwoman film - so shit I cant even remember them.

Heath Ledger's Joker was great of course but that's about it.