Film Suicide Squad (2016)

Of all the comic book heroes, Batman has the best rogues gallery. Spider-Man's baddies come close too. But yeah, most heroes have one or two good villains, then the rest are mostly shite.
Usually, the weaker characters have better bad guys. Something about super strong baddies who can crush cities with their pinkies makes them much more bland. The characters need less effort to actually cause carnage and less planning/proactivity, all things that draw humans to empathising and liking a character.
Of all the comic book heroes, Batman has the best rogues gallery. Spider-Man's baddies come close too. But yeah, most heroes have one or two good villains, then the rest are mostly shite.
You're the Weaste of Comics.
Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eisenberg are perfect choices for their respective characters. The only choice im against would be Will Smith as Deadshot. Henry Cavill is the most superman person alive, Jai Courtney looks great as Captain Boomerang, Michael Shannon as a genocidal lunatic is great, Jeremy Irons is a great Alfred pick too and Amy Adams is a wonderful actress. Jason Mamoa playing a muscly idiot seems perfect and Ezra Miller is another wonderful actor.
Yeah - from what little I remember of last night I think I was counting Ledger's Joker and Neeson's Ra's Al Ghul. They're not part of the DCU (DCCU?) so don't really count. Blaming the booze for that one.

In the current DCU they don't count but in previous DC films they have had better villains. I'd even say Jim Carrey The Riddler was a better villain then most of these Marvel ones.

I actually liked Michael Shannon's Zod a lot. And honestly, I think the MCU villains get a bad rap. None of them have been as good as the great villains of comic book film history (Joker, Doc Ock, Stamp's Zod, etc), but overall there have been a few that I like. Red Skull, Loki, Winter Soldier, and Ultron all ranged from decent to really good. Some have been terrible though; the Thor 2 and Guardians Of The Galaxy baddies come to mind.

Yeah I did like Red Skull, Winter Soldier, Loki too and I though Ultron was good too. It was more the film that let Ultron down. I'd say Iron Man 3 and the Thor 2 were the worst. The rest are ok, forgettable bad guys. The Guardians villain was forgettable the film though was great imo.
Jared Leto, Margot Robbie, Ben Affleck and Jesse Eis enberg are perfect choices for their respective characters. The only choice im against would be Will Smith as Deadshot. Henry Cavill is the most superman person alive, Jai Courtney looks great as Captain Boomerang, Michael Shannon as a genocidal lunatic is great, Jeremy Irons is a great Alfred pick too and Amy Adams is a wonderful actress. Jason Mamoa playing a muscly idiot seems perfect and Ezra Miller is another wonderful actor.

I think Jesse Eisenberg is a great out-of-the-box bit of casting, but I'm not sure anyone could say he's the "perfect choice" for Lex. Ask 100 people on the street who they'd cast as the next Lex Luthor, and surely 0/100 would choose him. That's not to say I think he'll be bad; I actually have high hopes. But these are unconfirmed hopes at this point.

I will say though that DC seems to be willing to take more risks than Disney Marvel. They aren't afraid to cast someone like Gal Gadot and watch the internet moan and complain about it, whereas Marvel get someone like Benedict Cumberbatch, a piece of casting so fanservice-ish that I didn't actually believe it would happen. Both could turn out great (or both might be shit), but DC is definitely the one running the risky plays. I bet if Marvel owned Lex Luthor they would cast someone as predictable as Bryan Cranston for the role.
I think Jesse Eisenberg is a great out-of-the-box bit of casting, but I'm not sure anyone could say he's the "perfect choice" for Lex. Ask 100 people on the street who they'd cast as the next Lex Luthor, and surely 0/100 would choose him. That's not to say I think he'll be bad; I actually have high hopes. But these are unconfirmed hopes at this point.

I will say though that DC seems to be willing to take more risks than Disney Marvel. They aren't afraid to cast someone like Gal Gadot and watch the internet moan and complain about it, whereas Marvel get someone like Benedict Cumberbatch, a piece of casting so fanservice-ish that I didn't actually believe it would happen. Both could turn out great (or both might be shit), but DC is definitely the one running the risky plays. I bet if Marvel owned Lex Luthor they would cast someone as predictable as Bryan Cranston for the role.
Lex Luthor is an arrogant, socially awkward genius who has no strength but a great conniving mind. Jesse Eisenberg is essentially that. He is also coming off really well in the trailers.
I agree that he's an arrogant genius with a conniving mind, but he's not socially awkward. In fact he is so good with people that he manages to get elected as President of the United States, at a landslide too. Also in some comics he works out a lot, although obviously he'll never come to close to physically matching Supes.
I agree that he's an arrogant genius with a conniving mind, but he's not socially awkward. In fact he is so good with people that he manages to get elected as President of the United States, at a landslide too. Also in some comics he works out a lot, although obviously he'll never come to close to physically matching Supes.
Fair enough. I always assumed he was great at faking but his true personality was very socially inept.
Lex Luthor is an arrogant, socially awkward genius who has no strength but a great conniving mind. Jesse Eisenberg is essentially that. He is also coming off really well in the trailers.

No strength? He was made to look almost as big as Supes in the animated series.
TBF, Marvel doesnt have to take risks and why would they?

DC I think kinda have to as they are playing catch up.
I'm not saying Marvel necessarily have to, I just wish they would. You're right though, what they've been doing works for them, and there's no reason for them to change their approach.

But I would say that DC doesn't have to take chances with casting either. Sure they are playing catch up, but you'd think the safe choices would be an easier way to do that. It's not like hiring unexpected actors speeds up the universe building in any way. But other than Leto as Joker, pretty much every casting decision post Man Of Steel has ruffled feathers right. And if they all end up sucking then it was a huge mistake, but I do appreciate that we don't know exactly what to expect.
Really dumb marketing from Warner.
Yeah read this yesterday. This film just feels like it has had all it's decisions made on reaction. I mean just look at the tonal shift from the first trailer to the second trailer. Gonna be a nightmare I feel.
Its so stupid. Why market a serious film as a more fun film and put all the jokes in a trailer? What's the thinking here?
Isnt this an Aprils fool though? Im pretty sure I saw the mock video with Doctor Evil from Austin Powers etc in it.
Yeah read this yesterday. This film just feels like it has had all it's decisions made on reaction. I mean just look at the tonal shift from the first trailer to the second trailer. Gonna be a nightmare I feel.
It was similar with the first Ant-Man trailer, no one really knew what direction it wanted to take and it was just a generic movie trailer to get people talking.

Still i didnt have much hope for this movie and that hasnt really changed.
Im hoping its an April Fools joke thing cos any changes after will probably see a FF type movie...
Eh I never believe these sorts of rumours any more. When someone broke the news that WB had a strict no jokes policy last year I stopped listening to these stories.
Still got hope for this movie. Not sure if the trailer was real or an April Fools joke, but it wasn't that bad either way. Was expecting much worse from the reactions above.
This film is going to bomb so hard. I'm amazed some people in this thread can't see it

Critically or financially? The former is possible (although I love End Of Watch and Fury so I'm fairly excited for this), but the I don't see the latter happening.
Critically or financially? The former is possible (although I love End Of Watch and Fury so I'm fairly excited for this), but the I don't see the latter happening.

Oh critically I mean....It will do well financially due to the cast and the fact The Joker is in it, otherwise it would be very hard to get the average Joe into see it....

The lines of dialogue in the trailers is abysmal and all these soundbytes about how Leto "killed it on set" and "really got into the character by sending a rat to Will Smith" is setting alarm bells off with me.......Burton or Nolan didn't have to say that about Big Jack or Ledger. I can't remember the last time directors and producers were mouthing off, trying to get an actor/character across so early before a film's release.

I'll still go see it but, don't hold out much hope
A lot of people will.

I think critics thoughts are not taken as seriously as they used to be tbh.

True....Batman vs Superman being the most recent example...

However, and I know movies shouldn't be judged on trailers but, the dialogue in the trailers is scarily bad. I am very interested in Batman's appearance in it
Oh critically I mean....It will do well financially due to the cast and the fact The Joker is in it, otherwise it would be very hard to get the average Joe into see it....

The lines of dialogue in the trailers is abysmal and all these soundbytes about how Leto "killed it on set" and "really got into the character by sending a rat to Will Smith" is setting alarm bells off with me.......Burton or Nolan didn't have to say that about Big Jack or Ledger. I can't remember the last time directors and producers were mouthing off, trying to get an actor/character across so early before a film's release.

I'll still go see it but, don't hold out much hope

Nicholson or Ledgar didn't need to, but I'll judge Leto when I see him without comparing him to the past iteratons. As for staying in character and being weird or set, that's what he did on previous films he did great in, so I actually take it as a good sign.

Although if you didn't like the lines in the trailer then you might not like it. I thought most of them were great.
Although if you didn't like the lines in the trailer then you might not like it. I thought most of them were great.

C'mon, Will Smith 'save the world' line? Obvious 'some kinda suicide squad?', 'we are bad guys, it's what we do'?

Good writing in this kind of film is nonexistent. Just enjoy the action and campyness, and Margot's fine body, of course.
Well they kind of couldn't oversell Heath too much...given you know, and the fact that Nolan/WB hadn't yet created the insane viral marketing fad that they soon would, so really blame Nolan anyway. Jacks performance was in a completely different time, its pointless comparing the advertising of a blockbuster before TDK to ones after, TDK more or less perfected the overmarketing routine, and it's been getting worse and worse ever since. I'm pretty much of the belief that the Joker is a fairly hard role to fail at as long as you have's the non flashy roles that tend to be harder to nail.

This film does look shit, but partially enjoyable unlike BvS....still I mean it looks bad by comic book film standards too. And whether they are financially successes is hard to know without full budgets. BvS will probably hit $650m this weekend.....but they clearly wanted over a billion, probably a number they need, i'd assume SS needs slightly less.
I could already imagine the reviews from the caf:

It was Shit... A complete mess. Ben Affleck was great as batman, can't wait to see his solo film
As long as it's better than the shit I watch from Man Utd on a weekly basis I'll be content. I have absolutely no standards for anything at this point.
I don't think there has ever been a boring or bad iteration of The Joker. Even Mark Hamil did a great Joker. I'm not worried about him, he is a pretty great character to have for any actor worth their salt.
As long as it's better than the shit I watch from Man Utd on a weekly basis I'll be content. I have absolutely no standards for anything at this point.

:lol: :( Kinda a sad but true statement.

This film is going to be interesting to see how much money it makes and direction they take it in. Pretty much needs a strong showing for the DCCU imo.
That's a pretty good trailer but the other characters apart from Harley look slightly weak. Will Smith looks like Will Smith and Jared Leto doesn't seem imposing enough for a Joker from everything I've seen.
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Harley getting dressed was a good addition :P

Im looking forward to it. Batman :D
The more of it i see the worse it looks. It's seems to be littered with really childish one liners. Jared Leto's joker laugh is awesome but the one scene where it shows him walking in to the room he looks an absolute mess. He's not intimidating or crazy looking at all.