Film Star Wars

I like to exclude things that happened about 15-20 years after the movies and afterwards simply because they don't make sense. They are more DragonBallZ then Star Wars. Palpatine returning in a clone body much more powerful then ever, aliens attacking and then that weird creature (Abeloth).

Without including those events I think that Darth Vitiate is the most powerful ever. After him I think that Revan, Naga Sadow, Magna Ragnos, Yoda, Sidious, and possibly Mace Windu (in no order).

If we do not exclude those events then the most powerful is Luke followed by Abeloth and clone Palps.

Anyway, the most famous force user Anakin/Vader is not there with the most powerful though he had the potential to became the most powerful ever. As much as I like Kenobi, Meetra Surik, Galen Marek I don't think that any of them should be in tier 1.

I was just talking about the official EU, which follows a timeline and is coherent in it's story telling, so I don't think you can exclude it.

Anakin did have the highest potential, it's been confirmed by Lucas, but obviously that went when he went crispy
I'd say Darth Nihilus was a more powerful sith though, he wiped out an entire planet.

Vitiate did the same (though he used sorcery and made other Sith Lords to obey him). Nihilius was defeated by Meetra Surik (though she was a 'hole in the force so she nullified his powers) who was less stronger then Revan, and Vitiate defeated Revan two times, in both of them without even using a lightsaber. I think that there were other force users who could have done (or done) similar things to those two, clone Palps for example.

I was just talking about the official EU, which follows a timeline and is coherent in it's story telling, so I don't think you can exclude it.

Anakin did have the highest potential, it's been confirmed by Lucas, but obviously that went when he went crispy

I know it. I just think that it is retarded. Those events are mostly in comic books and every author tried to make his characters more powerful then other authors. Really, clone Palps is infinitely stronger than original Palps.

About Anakin I agree that he could have become the strongest ever, but his ego didn't let him become. About Lucas, to be honest he also said that the story ends with the movies, Luke doesn't marry, Palpatine doesn't return in a clone and Alliens do not attack. Oh, he said that Yoda is a frog too. I think that what Darth Lucas said should be understood that is only for the movies, not for the other things that are written from tens (probably hundreds) of authors.
Anakin did have the highest potential, it's been confirmed by Lucas, but obviously that went when he went crispy

For christ's sake, I read this and instantly thought of Football Manager, trying to imagine Anakin's potential out of 200. That's it, I need a break.

Are the books/comics any good? My only knowledge of the Star Wars universe comes from the films, and the KOTOR games. Also some of the books based on Anakin at the Jedi training school/academy thing.
For christ's sake, I read this and instantly thought of Football Manager, trying to imagine Anakin's potential out of 200. That's it, I need a break.

Are the books/comics any good? My only knowledge of the Star Wars universe comes from the films, and the KOTOR games. Also some of the books based on Anakin at the Jedi training school/academy thing.

A good one to see if you like the books is Steve Perry's Shadows of the Empire, which joins up Empire Strikes Back to Return of the Jedi.

Then there are a few trilogies to get your teeth into - if you want to do them in order, then this will help:
Vitiate did the same (though he used sorcery and made other Sith Lords to obey him). Nihilius was defeated by Meetra Surik (though she was a 'hole in the force so she nullified his powers) who was less stronger then Revan, and Vitiate defeated Revan two times, in both of them without even using a lightsaber. I think that there were other force users who could have done (or done) similar things to those two, clone Palps for example.

I know it. I just think that it is retarded. Those events are mostly in comic books and every author tried to make his characters more powerful then other authors. Really, clone Palps is infinitely stronger than original Palps.

About Anakin I agree that he could have become the strongest ever, but his ego didn't let him become. About Lucas, to be honest he also said that the story ends with the movies, Luke doesn't marry, Palpatine doesn't return in a clone and Alliens do not attack. Oh, he said that Yoda is a frog too. I think that what Darth Lucas said should be understood that is only for the movies, not for the other things that are written from tens (probably hundreds) of authors.


The ONLY reason Surik won that is because she is a hole in the force so he couldn't feed on her energy, it wasn't due to her actual power level, she was paper to his rock!

The ONLY reason Surik won that is because she is a hole in the force so he couldn't feed on her energy, it wasn't due to her actual power level, she was paper to his rock!

Didn't I said the same thing? Surik was a hole in the force so she nullified his powers. In fact she was more like Nihilius negative (knowing that his powers and Surik's absence in the force were born from the same thing).

I really like Surik, though Karpyshyn was evil to let her defeated by Darth Nyhyrius (or whatever she was called). Anyway, I agree that Surik is not in Tier 1 list, while Nihilius is near it if not there.
For christ's sake, I read this and instantly thought of Football Manager, trying to imagine Anakin's potential out of 200. That's it, I need a break.

Are the books/comics any good? My only knowledge of the Star Wars universe comes from the films, and the KOTOR games. Also some of the books based on Anakin at the Jedi training school/academy thing.

Have a look at the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, the Last Command). I started out with those (apart from the Crystal Star, which was shit), found them very enjoyable, and the most enjoyable of all the SW books I've read. They do build a bit on the previous books, but not so much that you won't understand anything, and Zahn's books have a huge influence on the other books in the expanded universe.
Have a look at the Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn (Heir to the Empire, Dark Force Rising, the Last Command). I started out with those (apart from the Crystal Star, which was shit), found them very enjoyable, and the most enjoyable of all the SW books I've read. They do build a bit on the previous books, but not so much that you won't understand anything, and Zahn's books have a huge influence on the other books in the expanded universe.

This man knows what he's talking about.
As stupid as they are, they are so cool :drool:.

I would like that in every game with swords to have a lightsaber.

I hate them in games mainly because they don't act like true lightsabers. You watch boss fights and lightsabers bounce off their bodies, grrrr.

Besides there's more than enough depth in the Star Wars universe not to have them. They are meant to be pretty rare after all!
I hate them in games mainly because they don't act like true lightsabers. You watch boss fights and lightsabers bounce off their bodies, grrrr.

Besides there's more than enough depth in the Star Wars universe not to have them. They are meant to be pretty rare after all!

Yes, of course it could be a good game without them, though it would be strange.

And it's really funny in RPG games how you should strike many times with lightsaber powerful enemies to kill them.
Disney buying ‘Star Wars’ maker Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion from George Lucas

Disney is paying $4.05 billion to buy Lucasfilm Ltd., the production company behind “Star Wars,” from its chairman and founder, George Lucas. It’s also making a seventh movie in the “Star Wars” series.

The Walt Disney Co. announced the agreement to make the purchase in cash and stock Tuesday. Disney added that “Star Wars Episode 7” is scheduled for release in 2015.

The deal brings Lucasfilm under the Disney banner with other brands including Pixar, Marvel, ESPN and ABC.

Kathleen Kennedy, the current co-chairman of Lucasfilm, will become its president and report to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Alan Horn. Lucas will be creative consultant on new “Star Wars” films.

Lucas said in a statement, “It’s now time for me to pass ‘Star Wars’ on to a new generation of filmmakers.”

Edit: @Reuters: Star Wars episodes eight and nine will follow, Disney says in press release. Long-term plan is feature film every two-three years.
This has came out the blue and is great news, Harrison Ford to return as Han Solo surely
I'm excited even though they probably will be shit. I say "they" because I can see them making a lot of new Star Wars movies
Unless I'm mistaken, it seems the plan is to release Episodes 7-9 and then release a new film every 2-3 years after that. They'll milk it until they ruin the franchise.

I wonder if they'll let Pixar do a film?
The only prequel I thought was decent was episode 3. The other two were laughably shit.