Film Star Wars

A friend of mine just sent me a message about it. I really am shocked and have very mixed feelings.

First of all I started to dislike Darth Lucas after his job in the new trilogy (though I rate it much higher than most of the people). Also, I always liked to see another Star Wars movies, TV Shows (I am still watching The Clone Wars) and also Lucasfilm weren't doing nothing in The Force Unleashed 3.

So the good part is that Disney will be now involved and will make these things (at-least some of them). But the worst part is that without Lucas they can mess some things and ruin the magic for me.

So please Disney, don't do to Lucasfilm what EA is doing to BioWare.

Finally, may the Force be with you Lucas and thanks for the incredible things you have done!
Guess I'm in the minority but don't mind this, Disney has done good work with Marvel and Pixar since takeovers. This means more films without Lucas and a Star Wars theme park which is a good thing.

Is Indiana Jones part of Lucasfilms, so will we be getting of those films?
I would really be excites if Disney decides to make movies/TV shows during the events of The Old Republic. Pretty much material there and many protagonists (Revan, Exar Kun, Meetra Surik, Vitiate etc). That would be really nice.

Also, I really hope that they will not destroy the cannon universe which is one of the best thing that Star Wars have.
I would really be excites if Disney decides to make movies/TV shows during the events of The Old Republic. Pretty much material there and many protagonists (Revan, Exar Kun, Meetra Surik, Vitiate etc). That would be really nice.

Also, I really hope that they will not destroy the cannon universe which is one of the best thing that Star Wars have.

I really like The Old Republic era but I don't think it'll adapt very well to cinema. In gaming its OK, but I have a feeling the setting will confuse a lot of casual movie folks. They'll probably start asking things like why the 'stormtroopers' are the good guys, where Luke/Vader/R2D2 etc are, why are there so many Jedi/Sith etc.
Lucas originally planned to make a trilogy 30 years after episode 6 so I would imagine then, a lot of books have been made set in this time about Luke training his sister and Han Solo's kids in the Jedi arts ( I think one may of been a bit dark)

In EU happened that much after the games that is really difficult to know all of it. Anyway some of the most important events were the return of Palpatine in a clone body (infinitely stronger than the original one), Skywalker rebuilding the order (and yeah training Leia and her twins in Jedi arts, while one of them became a Sith and killed Luke's wife Mara Jade, only than to be killed by his sister) and an attack of a race from another galactic. All of these things were around Luke Skywalker and in that time range.

Anyway, I think that if they make movies at that time then those movies will be destined to fail. Many material there that fans don't want to alter, and of course that the movies will be compared to the original trilogy (which I think that no-one could ever do such a piece of work). So, I think that their best thing to do is to make movies in some other time and continue/remake one of the stories (The Old Republic, Darth Bane story etc) or to start a new story.
I really like The Old Republic era but I don't think it'll adapt very well to cinema. In gaming its OK, but I have a feeling the setting will confuse a lot of casual movie folks. They'll probably start asking things like why the 'stormtroopers' are the good guys, where Luke/Vader/R2D2 etc are, why are there so many Jedi/Sith etc.

But like in every other Star Wars thing in the beginning it will be explained. For example remaking the Kotor game and in the beginning telling that the story is 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin, and people will understand that it is an another story in the Star Wars Universe.
But like in every other Star Wars thing in the beginning it will be explained. For example remaking the Kotor game and in the beginning telling that the story is 4000 years before the Battle of Yavin, and people will understand that it is an another story in the Star Wars Universe.

The thing about the KOTOR games was that they were long games with huge amounts of lore being thrown at you as you progressed through them, and moreover you were given plenty of time to slowly learn about the era. A movie usually wouldn't be longer than 3 hours, which isn't even close to enough time to explain the setting and events of The Old Republic. You're going to get a lot of perplexed faces in the cinema when they see Republic troopers in stormtrooper armour taking on something like 30 Sith at a time.
The thing about the KOTOR games was that they were long games with huge amounts of lore being thrown at you as you progressed through them, and moreover you were given plenty of time to slowly learn about the era. A movie usually wouldn't be longer than 3 hours, which isn't even close to enough time to explain the setting and events of The Old Republic. You're going to get a lot of perplexed faces in the cinema when they see Republic troopers in stormtrooper armour taking on something like 30 Sith at a time.

It will be difficult but I think that with good directing it could be great. Anyway, I would prefer if it will be made a TV show based on that (I always told my friends that a Kotor TV Show could be a very good thing).
On a side note, the new Lucasfilm president is the producer of ET and Jurassic Park.
Let's not beat around the bush here, these films will be unadulterated shite. Just like the prequels, just like all the other remakes and wank sequels that are churned out ever year in the movie industry and people go to see like drones regardless.

Glorified toy adverts to keep the merch selling.
It will be difficult but I think that with good directing it could be great. Anyway, I would prefer if it will be made a TV show based on that (I always told my friends that a Kotor TV Show could be a very good thing).

A TV show would be a great idea since it'll allow enough time to really set the scene and explain the era properly to its viewers. There's a lot of great events to cover too - Mandalorian wars, Naga Sadow and the resurgence of the Sith Empire, etc
I would really be excites if Disney decides to make movies/TV shows during the events of The Old Republic. Pretty much material there and many protagonists (Revan, Exar Kun, Meetra Surik, Vitiate etc). That would be really nice.

Also, I really hope that they will not destroy the cannon universe which is one of the best thing that Star Wars have.

I really like The Old Republic era but I don't think it'll adapt very well to cinema. In gaming its OK, but I have a feeling the setting will confuse a lot of casual movie folks. They'll probably start asking things like why the 'stormtroopers' are the good guys, where Luke/Vader/R2D2 etc are, why are there so many Jedi/Sith etc.

(this is similar to another criticism I made earlier in the thread)

I agree with Kaos more or less. Generally speaking the Old Republic era is far too similar in terms of technology and design to the movies.
They'll milk it until they ruin the franchise.

To be fair, George has already had a fecking good run at that.

Btw, there's already been other films in the Star Wars universe. I remember seeing an Ewok one called Caravan of Courage donkeys years ago.

I saw the second one of those, where the family that we'd come to love in the first one was brutally killed off in the first five minutes leaving just the little girl and her ewok pal.
Fantastic news. Unlike many, I liked the most recent three films and look forward to more.
"A new film every 2-3 years"? feck off. Way to milk a guaranteed cash cow. All logic points to them being a disappointment. Only positive is we're going to get some more John Williams music!
"A new film every 2-3 years"? feck off. Way to milk a guaranteed cash cow. All logic points to them being a disappointment. Only positive is we're going to get some more John Williams music!

A film every three year is what its always been during production cycles. I personally doubt Lucas will be able to keep his beak out of the process and will end up taking the lead again.
Lucas has said this is him sort of retiring. He's passing the baton and will only be a creative sound board. He has no power anymore. Disney can tell him to feck off if he starts meddling.
Lucas has said this is him sort of him retiring. He's passing the baton and will only be a creative sound board. He has no power anymore. Disney can tell him to feck off if he starts meddling.

That they could, but most people at the top of the film world actually know one another well and are more likely to give Lucas a bigger role if he wants it. In this case, Lucas' long time friend Kathleen Kennedy will be overseeing things, and Lucas is supposed to be a "creative consultant", which basically means he will be involved to any extent he wants.
I don't know, I can't see Disney letting him mess it up. He's finally not surrounded by yes men now. He's got a boss, someone to tell him "err George that's actually a terrible idea". Disney isn't going to let him mess up this giant investment they've made based on friendships. Kennedy answers to Disney too at the end of the day.

They'll probably be good films in their own right, but it's impossible to recapture that Star Wars charm. Would have preferred them to be left alone. Maybe they could have started a brand new IP.
Mark Hamill ‏@HamillHimself
Congratulations to George for today's mega-deal! Can't comment on Ep 7 before I have all the facts which are short supply right now-Patience

feck off Mark.

A 60 years old Luke fighting Abeloth. That will be the next movie.
Let's not beat around the bush here, these films will be unadulterated shite. Just like the prequels, just like all the other remakes and wank sequels that are churned out ever year in the movie industry and people go to see like drones regardless.

Glorified toy adverts to keep the merch selling.

Well said. Hollywood movies can kiss my balls.
Disney own marvel and Pixar film rights and they have both produced good and very good movies. I'm quietly confident this could be super.

Exactly. The recent Iron Man / Avengers / Thor / Captain America / Hulk series wouldn't have happened without Disney's intervention.

But they stayed out, just supplied some help and the money, and let Marvel do what Marvel needed to do. The result? Amazing films we're glad to have.

The same with Pixar.

To be honest, I'm actually quiet pleased they've taken control of the franchise from George "WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE ME RICHER" Lucas.
Guess I'm in the minority but don't mind this, Disney has done good work with Marvel and Pixar since takeovers. This means more films without Lucas and a Star Wars theme park which is a good thing.

Is Indiana Jones part of Lucasfilms, so will we be getting of those films?

Holy shit I didn't even think about this!
Exactly. The recent Iron Man / Avengers / Thor / Captain America / Hulk series wouldn't have happened without Disney's intervention.

But they stayed out, just supplied some help and the money, and let Marvel do what Marvel needed to do. The result? Amazing films we're glad to have.

The same with Pixar.

To be honest, I'm actually quiet pleased they've taken control of the franchise from George "WHAT CAN I DO TO MAKE ME RICHER" Lucas.

neither would John Carter or Mars needs moms without Disney :eek::eek::eek

I'm excited about this - I grew up with Star Wars and although the reboot prequels weren't anywhere as good as they could/should have been I still enjoyed them

I hope Disney make the movies for older teens and adults and keep the kiddie stuff for cartoons
I think the prequels failed for the same reason that anything set in the Old Republic era would - it might be Star Wars to the Star Wars fan, but it ain't Star Wars to the casual fan. It's the same universe, but that's about it.

People liked the idea of the little rebel group fighting the big, oppressive evil empire. The prequel stuff messed with all of that and just fecked it up, really.

Personally, I'd love it if they got the old actors back but had them in more minor roles. I mean, it's forty years later now - set the films forty years later and have those characters in more "advisory" roles. Luke can be there as the head of a new Jedi Council or something, so a 60 year-old Mark Hamill doesn't have to run around doing stunts.
Unless I'm mistaken, it seems the plan is to release Episodes 7-9 and then release a new film every 2-3 years after that. They'll milk it until they ruin the franchise.

I wonder if they'll let Pixar do a film?

That ship has sailed!

I'm hoping Disney can get a decent script writer on board and make a decent new trilogy. Lucas fecked up the last 3 films and did a half decent job of raping Indiana Jones. I hope he has as little creative influence as possible.
That ship has sailed!

I'm hoping Disney can get a decent script writer on board and make a decent new trilogy. Lucas fecked up the last 3 films and did a half decent job of raping Indiana Jones. I hope he has as little creative influence as possible.

Agree with regards to the numerous re-releases & DVD releases of the films but I think it's understandable why he went back and did the prequels. As horrible as they are, the prequels completed the backstory of how Anakin became Vader.

I have no issue with Disney doing the films, they have a good track record and will probably do an excellent job. My worry is that their plan to release a film every 2-3 years after they've finished episode 9 will lead to confusion amongst casual fans as to why there are so many films being released over a short space of time.

I would've preferred if they did episodes 7-9 for the cinema and that's that. They could then explore other parts of the Star Wars galaxy in a TV series similar to Game of Thrones.
I don't see any harm in it. The franchise has already been milked beyond repair and with the right people involved they could easily make something better than the last three attempts.
Agree with regards to the numerous re-releases & DVD releases of the films but I think it's understandable why he went back and did the prequels. As horrible as they are, the prequels completed the backstory of how Anakin became Vader.

I have no issue with Disney doing the films, they have a good track record and will probably do an excellent job. My worry is that their plan to release a film every 2-3 years after they've finished episode 9 will lead to confusion amongst casual fans as to why there are so many films being released over a short space of time.

I would've preferred if they did episodes 7-9 for the cinema and that's that. They could then explore other parts of the Star Wars galaxy in a TV series similar to Game of Thrones.

They'll do both in my opinion. They have a pretty big universe and a couple of timelines to play with, plus a host of novels to convert if they see fit.

I'd like to see a tv series of Timothy Zahn's books with Grand Admiral Thrawn. It would be a bit odd to see Luke, Han, Leia etc played by different actors, but it would translate quite well to tv.
Countdown to Mockney rant - something like 926 days.