Film Star Wars

Did anyone else have some audio issues with A New Hope? The audio occassionally dropped off and would go loud itself in certain scenes. Other than that, the audio on these blu-rays is fantastic, although Jar-Jar is more annoying than ever.
I watched The Phantom Menace last night. There was alcohol involved but I've decided it's my favourite one.
I watched The Phantom Menace last night. There was alcohol involved but I've decided it's my favourite one.

You should see The Phantom Edit:
Opening crawl replaced with a new one explaining why the edit was made
Re-editing of nearly all scenes featuring Jar Jar Binks and removing some of what Nichols dubs 'Jar Jar Antics'
Removal or re-editing of most of the Battle Droid dialogue
Limiting of exposition throughout the film
Trimming scenes involving politics
Re-arrangement of shots and scenes to match the original Star Wars trilogy's presentation style
Removal of "Yippee" and "Oops" from Anakin's dialogue
Removal of dialogue that specifies the nature of midichlorians as a biological basis for Force sensitivity

A total of 18 minutes cut giving a new movie runtime of 115 minutes.

I'd cut most of the podrace out as well and it would be a better film.
I quite like the pod race, but yeah there is a lot of pointless stuff I suppose. Less Trade Federation rubbish and more lightsaber swooshing.
Podrace was good. I am convinced there is a really good movie in the Phantom Menace trying to get out.

George just fecked it up

I still enjoyed it. I am one of the few
Me and my friends were having the discussion of "Things that are good about the Prequels... " ... I can't remember many of them in fairness, but there were a few... namely:

- The Lightsabre fights in Phantom Menace (they become a bit too pointlessly twirly in the other two I find)
- The Music
- Darth Maul's appearance
- Samuel L Jackson
- Liam Neeson

Anymore for anymore?
I think I'll watch the original three again soon. I've never really seen what everyone else obviously does, mainly because I think Mark Hamill is very shit. Anyway I'll give them a go.
Me and my friends were having the discussion of "Things that are good about the Prequels... " ... I can't remember many of them in fairness, but there were a few... namely:

- The Lightsabre fights in Phantom Menace (they become a bit too pointlessly twirly in the other two I find)
- The Music

- Darth Maul's appearance
- Samuel L Jackson
- Liam Neeson

Anymore for anymore?

I agree with the bolded bits. The lightsaber fight and accompanying music (duel of the fates) was very good.
Me and my friends were having the discussion of "Things that are good about the Prequels... " ... I can't remember many of them in fairness, but there were a few... namely:

- The Lightsabre fights in Phantom Menace (they become a bit too pointlessly twirly in the other two I find)
- The Music
- Darth Maul's appearance
- Samuel L Jackson
- Liam Neeson

Anymore for anymore?

Hayden Christensen getting chopped to pieces?
Natalie Portman looking pretty?
Yes, They're two definites... Also

- The world of Naboo looks quite nice... ashame about pretty much everyone on it.
- Same with Coruscant (ish)
- Often, the films excel as unintentional comedies
You get to see Yoda use a lightsaber.
Me and my friends were having the discussion of "Things that are good about the Prequels... " ... I can't remember many of them in fairness, but there were a few... namely:

- The Lightsabre fights in Phantom Menace (they become a bit too pointlessly twirly in the other two I find)
- The Music
- Darth Maul's appearance
- Samuel L Jackson
- Liam Neeson

Anymore for anymore?

The whole second part of EPIII is perfect as it is, actually I think EP3 is far better than Return of the Jedi.
Each to their own and all that... but are you including the last 10 minutes in that "perfect"?? Including, but not limited too

- Yoda saying he's "lost" a fight that he hadn't (at that point)
- Overly excessive pointless sword twirls.
- Obi Wan having "the higher ground"
- Christensen's acting
- Where's Padme?
- The whole birthing scene.

I don't mind the 3rd film generally (though obviously it has a lot of flaws)... but the last 10/20 minutes take me out of it completely.
Each to their own and all that... but are you including the last 10 minutes in that "perfect"?? Including, but not limited too

- Yoda saying he's "lost" a fight that he hadn't (at that point)
- Overly excessive pointless sword twirls.
- Obi Wan having "the higher ground"
- Christensen's acting
- Where's Padme?
- The whole birthing scene.

I don't mind the 3rd film generally (though obviously it has a lot of flaws)... but the last 10/20 minutes take me out of it completely.

Christensen was signed for this episode and I didnt mind him here. Yoda didnt mean the sword fight, but the fight for the republic.

The no was a bit much, but that is just a very minor problem.
Christensen was signed for this episode and I didnt mind him here. Yoda didnt mean the sword fight, but the fight for the republic.

The no was a bit much, but that is just a very minor problem.

I thought that, but then that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... if he defeats Palpatine there and then, there is no Sith leader, and if he has faith in Obi Wan to defeat Anakin, then there are no more Sith and the republic is safe! Sure he get's knocked down... but so does Palpatine, as they are both knocked back by each others lightning blast (I think it's lightning, I know they both fall though)... so why Yoda suddenly decides he's failed I do not know... but then I'm probably thinking too hard.
I thought that, but then that doesn't really make a whole lot of sense... if he defeats Palpatine there and then, there is no Sith leader, and if he has faith in Obi Wan to defeat Anakin, then there are no more Sith and the republic is safe! Sure he get's knocked down... but so does Palpatine, as they are both knocked back by each others lightning blast (I think it's lightning, I know they both fall though)... so why Yoda suddenly decides he's failed I do not know... but then I'm probably thinking too hard.

""There came a turning point in the clash of the light against the came when Yoda found himself alone against the dark. In that lightning speared tornado of feet and fists and blades and bashing machines, his vision finally pierced the darkness that had clouded the Force. Finally he saw the truth. This truth: that he, the avatar of light Supreme Master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known...Just...didn't...have it...he'd never had it. He had lost before he started. He had lost before he was born. The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves. They had become NEW. While the Jedi- the Jedi had spent that same millennium training to refight the LAST war. The Sith could not be destroyed with a lightsaber; they could not be burned away by any torch of the Force. The brighter his light, the darker their shadow. How could one win a war against the dark, when war itself had become the dark's own weapon? He knew at that instant, that this insight held the hope of the galaxy. But if he fell here, that hope would die with him. Hmmm, Yoda thought. A PROBLEM THIS IS....""

The novelization.
Me and my friends were having the discussion of "Things that are good about the Prequels... " ... I can't remember many of them in fairness, but there were a few... namely:

- The Lightsabre fights in Phantom Menace (they become a bit too pointlessly twirly in the other two I find)
- The Music
- Darth Maul's appearance
- Samuel L Jackson
- Liam Neeson

Anymore for anymore?

I didn't really like the lightsabre fights in the prequels - as the now famous redlettermedia review points out, there's no feeling to them, no emotion.

Compare any prequel lightsabre fight to Luke v Vader at the end of ROTJ and you'll see what I mean.
Christensen was signed for this episode and I didnt mind him here. Yoda didnt mean the sword fight, but the fight for the republic.

Ok so what was the difference between the start of that fight and him randomly deciding to give up and leave that fight in terms of the republic....he went there to defeat the emperor and then gave up as they were having a pretty even fight.

The third film probably has more flaws in it that the first two. Far too many yes men on board these films not telling Lucas his directing and writing sucked.
""There came a turning point in the clash of the light against the came when Yoda found himself alone against the dark. In that lightning speared tornado of feet and fists and blades and bashing machines, his vision finally pierced the darkness that had clouded the Force. Finally he saw the truth. This truth: that he, the avatar of light Supreme Master of the Jedi Order, the fiercest, most implacable, most devastatingly powerful foe the darkness had ever known...Just...didn't...have it...he'd never had it. He had lost before he started. He had lost before he was born. The Sith had changed. The Sith had grown, adapted, had invested a thousand years' intensive study into every aspect of not only the Force but Jedi lore itself, in preparation for exactly this day. The Sith had remade themselves. They had become NEW. While the Jedi- the Jedi had spent that same millennium training to refight the LAST war. The Sith could not be destroyed with a lightsaber; they could not be burned away by any torch of the Force. The brighter his light, the darker their shadow. How could one win a war against the dark, when war itself had become the dark's own weapon? He knew at that instant, that this insight held the hope of the galaxy. But if he fell here, that hope would die with him. Hmmm, Yoda thought. A PROBLEM THIS IS....""

The novelization.



I don't know, and I don't care, but from the way my browser crops the title, I'd like to imagine it's the epic tale of Galactic Tim, an oft overlooked but pivotal character in the Star Wars universe.
I didn't really like the lightsabre fights in the prequels - as the now famous redlettermedia review points out, there's no feeling to them, no emotion.

Compare any prequel lightsabre fight to Luke v Vader at the end of ROTJ and you'll see what I mean.

That's alright. Emotion often gets you killed in a sword fight where one swat at you gets you killed. You see that a lot as well in samurai films. No emotion from the guy who generally wins. George was a fan of those films.

And also, emotion leads to the dark side. That was the whole purpose of winding Luke up. Palpatine wanted him to win with hatred. Darth could easily have won had he no emotional attachments. Which is why he didn't.

Cockyness got Darth Maul killed. He was a better fighter than the both of them.
I watched Episode 4 for the first time in a long time the other night. It was alright but I much prefer lightsaber swooshing to flying and zapping so I was losing interest near the end.

Also Luke seems a lot less bothered about the death of his family than I would have expected.
I watched Episode 4 for the first time in a long time the other night. It was alright but I much prefer lightsaber swooshing to flying and zapping so I was losing interest near the end.

Also Luke seems a lot less bothered about the death of his family than I would have expected.

It's because they wouldn't let him go to the toshi station to get some power converters.
Think episode 3 was the second best in the saga after The Empire Strikes Back which is possibly the greatest movie ever made.

I was looking forward to seeing them all in 3D but very disapointing that they only releasing 1 a year, will have to wait along time.
Think episode 3 was the second best in the saga after The Empire Strikes Back which is possibly the greatest movie ever made.

I was looking forward to seeing them all in 3D but very disapointing that they only releasing 1 a year, will have to wait along time.

I thought Episode three sucked. Empire, then A New Hope and possibly The Phantom Menace or Jedi in third place.
I thought the Darth Maul fight scenes in Phantom were the best of the lot.

Yes, coupled with some excellent music and the stop start nature due to those force field things. It made for a very good close to the film. Just a shame they had Annakin bumbling around in the fighter and accidentally saving the day :(