Film Star Wars

The trilogy ends with a short, fuzzy haired dofus picking up a jedi holocron on a planets far far away in the distant future?


I was more hoping that it would turnout it was the Ewoks controlling them empire all along.
Boba is very overrated by the fans. He just looks cool and almost doesn't do nothing in the OT, while in PT he is just a kid who again doesn't do anything impressing. In The Clone Wars TV show he does a little more but again it's silly how much overrated it is.

In fact the only other character of the movies who can be compared with him for overrated is Darth Maul who is extremely one-dimensional and doesn't do a lot.

Anyway, back on topic, it seems that there will be a movie for him (which I correctly predicted, money money) and the other seems to be a young Han Solo movie. I don't like the news at all thought that was to be expected. There are a lot of other stories in Star Wars that are much interesting, like the Great Hyperspace War, Jedi Civil War, Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis, Thrawn etc. But we will see again the same characters because well they are pretty guaranteed to have an economical success and are less a risk than to go with something that is new. Wouldn't be surprised to see a return of Darth Vader for the new trilogy, fecking commercialism.
Boba is very overrated by the fans. He just looks cool and almost doesn't do nothing in the OT, while in PT he is just a kid who again doesn't do anything impressing. In The Clone Wars TV show he does a little more but again it's silly how much overrated it is.

In fact the only other character of the movies who can be compared with him for overrated is Darth Maul who is extremely one-dimensional and doesn't do a lot.

Anyway, back on topic, it seems that there will be a movie for him (which I correctly predicted, money money) and the other seems to be a young Han Solo movie. I don't like the news at all thought that was to be expected. There are a lot of other stories in Star Wars that are much interesting, like the Great Hyperspace War, Jedi Civil War, Darth Bane, Darth Plagueis, Thrawn etc. But we will see again the same characters because well they are pretty guaranteed to have an economical success and are less a risk than to go with something that is new. Wouldn't be surprised to see a return of Darth Vader for the new trilogy, fecking commercialism.

I really hope not.
Would be a big mistake.
I had to google Boba Fett. Why would such an insignificant secondary character get a film?
Their gonna milk this dry aren't they. It's going to be like Saw, a new Star Wars themed movie out on a yearly basis, sometimes probably 2.
The choice of actor who plays young Solo is so important.

The origin story could be very good, leading up to his moment with Greedo.

Maybe they will finally reveal who did shoot first.

Joaquin Phoenix? His brother did a good job on being the young Indie.

I kid, I kid
I'd be very surprised if Darth Vader didn't feature in at least one of these stand alone films. He's the only popular character left that they can still pull off, all they need is James Earl Jones. There's a gap between Ep 3 and 4 they can fill up with pretty much whatever they want.
I had to google Boba Fett. Why would such an insignificant secondary character get a film?

He appears a lot in the expanded universe novels. His Mandalorian armour enables him to survive, allwing him to escape from and kill Sarlacc.
I want either a movie that has Darth Maul doing cool lightsaber things, or Count Dooku just sitting there talking.

Because Christopher Lee is awesome.
He appears a lot in the expanded universe novels. His Mandalorian armour enables him to survive, allwing him to escape from and kill Sarlacc.

But he's not Mandalorian, is he? In fact, as far as I recall the Mandalorians aren't mentioned in the OT at all - it's all expanded universe stuff like the Bioware games.
But he's not Mandalorian, is he? In fact, as far as I recall the Mandalorians aren't mentioned in the OT at all - it's all expanded universe stuff like the Bioware games.

He is Mandalorian cause Jango is, and Boba is an identical clone of Jango. Anyway, you're right Mandalorians haven't been mentioned in OT and are a EU invention. Thought they have been mentioned in PT and have been heavily mentioned in The Clone Wars TV Show.
Part of Fett's mystique and appeal was that he barely said anything, he just stood there looking cool and badass, something he can't do if he's leading a movie. It'll be like a completely new character if he has to carry an entire movie.
As someone said earlier, it's because he looked cool and it excited the kids at the time that he has a cult following. Through expanded universe and games, that status has grown. It's the safe option for them, because no matter how shit it is, people will flock to see it.

Plus don't forget the bounty hunter game coming out this year, that'll probably set it up nicely too.
Plus don't forget the bounty hunter game coming out this year, that'll probably set it up nicely too.

1313 is it this year? I haven't seen anything that confirm that it will be launched during 2013. Probably they're waiting for the new consoles.
They should make a film about the Max Rebo band. How they got involved with becming Jabba's house band and the shit they saw and went through. Kind of like Sinatra and the mafia, but in a sci fi setting.
They really REALLY should adapt either the X-Wing series (No Luke Skywalker so you avoid the whole debate of 'oh he was a shit Luke / Han (Not in the Rogue Squadron side of the series).

That or if they are going to keep the original characters and replace them with new Actors, There's only one choice. The Thrawn Trilogy. That would make an Epic film. Especially as the introduction of the Ysalamir would be a really 'wtf moment' for Luke.

Their just going to feck the whole expanded universe if they don't keep to the novels or at least do it in such a way that doesn't completely ruin like 200+ books.
They really REALLY should adapt either the X-Wing series (No Luke Skywalker so you avoid the whole debate of 'oh he was a shit Luke / Han (Not in the Rogue Squadron side of the series).

That or if they are going to keep the original characters and replace them with new Actors, There's only one choice. The Thrawn Trilogy. That would make an Epic film. Especially as the introduction of the Ysalamir would be a really 'wtf moment' for Luke.

Their just going to feck the whole expanded universe if they don't keep to the novels or at least do it in such a way that doesn't completely ruin like 200+ books.

The thrawn trilogy woud be good. I think the actors are too old now though.
The thrawn trilogy woud be good. I think the actors are too old now though.

They are too old. If they would have gone with The Thrawn Trilogy they should make a recast cause they story is 4-5 years after ROTJ. Also, it would have been a good choice making a trilogy based on Heir cause it's the nearer thing to the OT.
I'd like them to do the Thrawn trilogy but 'sources' have said it will be an original story and not based on books. For the sequel trilogy, there has to be some continuation from the events of Jedi for me and they should include the characters from Episode 6.

The stand-alone films don't appeal to me that much, especially if they don't involve Jedi to a large degree. A film about Solo would be cool, provided they cast an actor who could pull off the portrayal of the character, but a film about Boba or Jabba would bore me.

I'd love for them to do a few films on the Old Republic.
JJ Abrahms is a good choice, but the perfect choice would be Joss Whedon, he knows that universe, he's the best ensemble cast director today and his Avengers prove he can do movies with the right amount of action and comedy.
Whedon would have certainly been in the running if he didn't have Avengers 2 to make, which is also due 2015.
JJ Abrahms is a good choice, but the perfect choice would be Joss Whedon, he knows that universe, he's the best ensemble cast director today and his Avengers prove he can do movies with the right amount of action and comedy.

Is it just me who wants no comedy at all in the next Star Wars movies?
Damn shame that the Thrawn trilogy is not in consideration. It was excellent...

This is what I had hoped for when I first heard they were making more movies. Admiral Thrawn was easily one of the more captivating villains in the SW universe.
This is what I had hoped for when I first heard they were making more movies. Admiral Thrawn was easily one of the more captivating villains in the SW universe.

Surely he is the best general in SW universe. And his greatness is even bigger considering that he is not a force sensitive.
They really REALLY should adapt either the X-Wing series (No Luke Skywalker so you avoid the whole debate of 'oh he was a shit Luke / Han (Not in the Rogue Squadron side of the series).

That or if they are going to keep the original characters and replace them with new Actors, There's only one choice. The Thrawn Trilogy. That would make an Epic film. Especially as the introduction of the Ysalamir would be a really 'wtf moment' for Luke.

Their just going to feck the whole expanded universe if they don't keep to the novels or at least do it in such a way that doesn't completely ruin like 200+ books.

After reading a few of them out of order as a kid, I've properly read the majority of the X-Wing series over the last month (ie the Rogue Squadron and Wraith Squadron arcs - I have Isard's Revenge, Starfighters of Adumar and Mercy Kill left) and for fecks sake, looking at some of the dross that has been made into television series over the years surely this deserves to get made.

You could do more or less two books to a season of a show

so you'd get the Lusankya lifting off and Coran Horn's fake death/imprisonment as the end of season 1,
the 'defeat' of Isard and liberation of Thyferra as the end of season 2,
Lara Notsil/Gara Petothel going native and Castin Donn dying as the end of season 3,
the 'destruction' of the Iron Fist as the end of season 4

(though I'd be open to doing the Wraith arc as a single series) (if I was producer of this) (which I'm not) (but would be if I was incontinently rich)

I doubt they'd make it into a movie because
there isn't really much by way of the Force in there apart from Coran Horn discovering his father was a jedi and then randomly hacking at storm troopers with a lightsabre, or Tyria, whose use of the force basically amounts to having bad feelings about things. Apparently it's the swinging around of glowsticks while backflipping that the kids are into these days

But then I say this as a kid who thought the coolest thing about Star Wars was not the Force, lightsabre fighting, Boba Fett or whatever, but the space dogfighting. As someone who still plays X Wing v Tie Fighter in 2013 :lol:

As a kid I read a whole bunch of the Expanded Universe stuff out of order, or read bits of a series but never the whole series, so I'm working my way back through the hits in proper order. The Courtship of Princess Leia is proper dross, though I'm looking forward to the Thrawn Trilogy (which I may just start on if I can't be arsed finishing Courtship, which it's looking like, because it's quite terrible).
Fett is terribly overrated and not a character I particularly cared about, but then I say that not as a kid who grew up Star Wars obsessed in the mid 1990s (and thus always had an abundance of Expanded Universe material to delve into), not one who saw the original trilogy as they came out.

Is it just me who wants no comedy at all in the next Star Wars movies?

Not no comedy, just not George Lucas prequel trilogy comedy (eg. Jar Jar stepping in dog shit, or droids attempting to be funny, or ANAKIN I TOLD YOU TO AVOID POWER COUPLINGS LOL IM BEING ELECTROCUTED).

A lot of the humour in the original trilogy was more understated and came about as a result of the circumstances the protagonists found themselves in, as opposed to in the prequel trilogy where basically the flow of the film was broken for anywhere between 5 seconds and 5 minutes to insert needless slapstick japes.

Compare for example Han Solo chasing Stormtroopers through the Death Star and suddenly bursting into a room full of them and having to leg it to when Jar Jar got electrocuted by the pod racer in The Phantom Menace and stumbling around with a numb face making stupid noises for a bit.

Whedon would have certainly been in the running if he didn't have Avengers 2 to make, which is also due 2015.

I'm fairly sure he either was offered and turned it down because of Avengers 2, or said not to bother offering it to him because of Avengers 2.

I'd have loved Whedon to do it, he gets how to use a large and interesting cast of characters.

1313 is it this year? I haven't seen anything that confirm that it will be launched during 2013. Probably they're waiting for the new consoles.

I'm fairly sure 1313 is running on the Unreal 3 engine - if so I can't see them doing a next gen launch.
I saw that the other day - I made it out to be a Mace Windu v Vader finale.

In the last three months I have read

Rogue Squadron
Wedge's Gamble
Krytos Trap
Bacta War
Wraith Squadron
Iron Fist
Solo Command
Courtship of Princess Leia
Heir to the Empire
Dark Force Rising
Last Command
Isard's Revenge
Jedi Search
Dark Apprentice
Champions of the Force
Starfighters of Adumar
Before the Storm

because I'm a popular attractive successful guy.