Television Star Wars -The Acolyte

I don't understand why the nice twin wants to be a jedi? She's had literally no contact with them before, she's been raised in a rival sect, and she's going to abandon everyone and everything she knows for... what? What's her motivation?

Are the witches the precursor of the Sith or something?
Ep4 was better than ep3. But I found myself watching whilst working which isnt a good sign.
The anti-woke stuff is clouding all of the sincere criticism of the show's quality. I bet Disney are privately pleased that they can hide behind the 'our critics are bigots' excuse.
The anti-woke stuff is clouding all of the sincere criticism of the show's quality. I bet Disney are privately pleased that they can hide behind the 'our critics are bigots' excuse.
I don't understand Disney. They want to lose money? How shareholders accept debacle after debacle?
I think Disney Star Wars was pretty much doomed from this scene onward

Forget any other complaint, who in their spaceballs loving mind thought that Marvel shit was what Star Wars needed. Cinema audibly groaned.

I had genuinely forgotten this scene existed/happened. Holy feck.
I don't understand Disney. They want to lose money? How shareholders accept debacle after debacle?
Kathleen Kennedy should probably have lost her job by now certainly. They've kind of moved closer to that by making Dave Filoni the creative head of the franchise and shoving her to the background.
I had genuinely forgotten this scene existed/happened. Holy feck.

Started the movie by immediately undermining the threat posed by The First Order, which also makes the rebellion/republic look pathetic, all for a your ma joke in a parody style. The film constantly does stupid shit like that, constantly shifting tone not just between scenes but within as well, just exhaustively dumb. It has about 20 mins of decent ideas and some beautiful shots, and this is the film that some praise as a great film.
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It’s is just terrible. Fair enough with the witches, there is loose precedent for that, even a different opinion on the force isn’t unreasonable if don’t properly. Sadly the witches are just very poorly written.

They have the whole redefining of the force in direct contradiction to the lore, then the chief witch comes out with “the force/thread is not a weapon” before using it as a weapon seconds later. They are apparently stronger than some of the Jedi, which surely should have registered on the Jedi’s as they can sense powerful users of the force wherever they are in the universe. They had either conveniently found or built a huge rock temple/hideout/fortress, that is enough to shield them from the Jedi and erm….bigots who don’t like the witches, but then this temple/hideout/fortress is seemingly burned down because of the burning book/diary, and again it is rock. The omnipotent Jedi killing/beating witches also all die in this fire apparently.

The introduction of a legacy character, who wasn’t actually born in that timeline and also in direct contradiction (there were no Sith for a 1000 years etc) to earlier stuff is desperate. Then you have the whole ignoring of all the reasons they didn’t want to take Anakin as a Jedi in the first place being ignored to take Osha. The Jedi being portrayed as morally questionable could be feasible if done properly, but it’s not, the writing is gash.

The fight scenes are truly dire and I can’t get it out of my head that the fat Jedi (which also contradicts the lore that Jedis undertake great mental and physical training) is Manny from Modern Family.

I gave it a chance, like I have with all the later Star Wars stuff, it is just letdown after letdown, and this is 100% the worst
It’s is just terrible. Fair enough with the witches, there is loose precedent for that, even a different opinion on the force isn’t unreasonable if don’t properly. Sadly the witches are just very poorly written.

They have the whole redefining of the force in direct contradiction to the lore, then the chief witch comes out with “the force/thread is not a weapon” before using it as a weapon seconds later. They are apparently stronger than some of the Jedi, which surely should have registered on the Jedi’s as they can sense powerful users of the force wherever they are in the universe. They had either conveniently found or built a huge rock temple/hideout/fortress, that is enough to shield them from the Jedi and erm….bigots who don’t like the witches, but then this temple/hideout/fortress is seemingly burned down because of the burning book/diary, and again it is rock. The omnipotent Jedi killing/beating witches also all die in this fire apparently.

The introduction of a legacy character, who wasn’t actually born in that timeline and also in direct contradiction (there were no Sith for a 1000 years etc) to earlier stuff is desperate. Then you have the whole ignoring of all the reasons they didn’t want to take Anakin as a Jedi in the first place being ignored to take Osha. The Jedi being portrayed as morally questionable could be feasible if done properly, but it’s not, the writing is gash.

The fight scenes are truly dire and I can’t get it out of my head that the fat Jedi (which also contradicts the lore that Jedis undertake great mental and physical training) is Manny from Modern Family.

I gave it a chance, like I have with all the later Star Wars stuff, it is just letdown after letdown, and this is 100% the worst

The writers of this show definitely don't seem to understand how fire works do they. :confused:

I don't mind all the breaks in canon, logic, common sense and contradictions but this show is absolute wank. I've literally no idea how Disney greenlit this for £180m and half way through didn't get someone else into course correct.

The main problem with Disney Star Wars isn't that they keep making shite, it's that they don't seem to have any idea that they're making shite, until they release it then they're shocked at the reactions. In the build up to the release of The Last Jedi they were talking about Oscar buzz ffs.

The writers of this show definitely don't seem to understand how fire works do they. :confused:

I don't mind all the breaks in canon, logic, common sense and contradictions but this show is absolute wank. I've literally no idea how Disney greenlit this for £180m and half way through didn't get someone else into course correct.

The main problem with Disney Star Wars isn't that they keep making shite, it's that they don't seem to have any idea that they're making shite, until they release it then they're shocked at the reactions. In the build up to the release of The Last Jedi they were talking about Oscar buzz ffs.


They not only greenlit it, it was also allegedly approved by Dave Filoni, who was supposedly brought in to sort all this shit out.
The writers of this show definitely don't seem to understand how fire works do they. :confused:

I don't mind all the breaks in canon, logic, common sense and contradictions but this show is absolute wank. I've literally no idea how Disney greenlit this for £180m and half way through didn't get someone else into course correct.

The main problem with Disney Star Wars isn't that they keep making shite, it's that they don't seem to have any idea that they're making shite, until they release it then they're shocked at the reactions. In the build up to the release of The Last Jedi they were talking about Oscar buzz ffs.

Nah that was just the buzz for Oscar Isaac in the movie
The fight scenes are truly dire and I can’t get it out of my head that the fat Jedi (which also contradicts the lore that Jedis undertake great mental and physical training) is Manny from Modern Family.
Show is mid. The action is fine but the screenplays are very superficial.

However, it breaks zero lore and the reaction to it has been hyperbolic. Shocking I know for SW.

There is a horrible toxic side of the fandom that I, naively, thought would give up and move on to something else by now. But not sure that's ever happening. And it is what it is at this stage.
The writers of this show definitely don't seem to understand how fire works do they. :confused:

I don't mind all the breaks in canon, logic, common sense and contradictions but this show is absolute wank. I've literally no idea how Disney greenlit this for £180m and half way through didn't get someone else into course correct.

The main problem with Disney Star Wars isn't that they keep making shite, it's that they don't seem to have any idea that they're making shite, until they release it then they're shocked at the reactions. In the build up to the release of The Last Jedi they were talking about Oscar buzz ffs.

A bit like United throwing money at average players and being surprised when we finish 8th.
They not only greenlit it, it was also allegedly approved by Dave Filoni, who was supposedly brought in to sort all this shit out.

Going off the shows he's did on his own I don't know if he's the man for the job. Favreau might have been a better candidate.
So, men are at fault for bad writting and casting? Gotcha.
This "lets shit on our fans" trend is fascinating.

It’s an easy way out for them. What’s telling now though is that they have lost the “normies”, like Rings of Power did, and they usually don’t have a clue who writes these things, they are also not subscribers in general to nerd culture on social media.

Can’t even blame people being anti-activism really, even though that is probably a factor for some who don’t like having lore replaced by blatant agenda driven nonsense, because there have been plenty of successful tv shows and movies that are heavy on activism. They are just usually written and produced better.
It’s an easy way out for them. What’s telling now though is that they have lost the “normies”, like Rings of Power did, and they usually don’t have a clue who writes these things, they are also not subscribers in general to nerd culture on social media.

Can’t even blame people being anti-activism really, even though that is probably a factor for some who don’t like having lore replaced by blatant agenda driven nonsense, because there have been plenty of successful tv shows and movies that are heavy on activism. They are just usually written and produced better.
It annoys me the most how Kennedy, Headland and Filoni have decency to say that rating is bad because fans are racist and hate women. Same as it was with new Cap Marvel movie.
Same fans who highly rated DS9, Voyager, Terminator, Alien, Kill Bill, Predator: Prey.....

Fans just want good a story and good casting. Disney offers neither of those last 5 years.
Were Disney not pushing it for awards consideration?
Probably. Was just a lame joke by me

So, men are at fault for bad writting and casting? Gotcha.
This "lets shit on our fans" trend is fascinating.

I actually think having a good female lead can easily appeal to a fan base of men. And one that doesn't have to be sexualised
Probably. Was just a lame joke by me

I actually think having a good female lead can easily appeal to a fan base of men. And one that doesn't have to be sexualised
I disagree with that thinking about "appealing fans". Fan base (so, those who are real fans of some content) want quality. Alien and Terminator have women in leading roles and i don't recall that was ever a talking issue for fans. DS9 is labelled as best Star Trek tv show and it has black actor and couple of women in leading roles. Also, never an issue.
Nearly all Tarantino's movies have that famous Disney "diversity". Were they ever a talking point about it? No.

It is all about quality.
I disagree with that thinking about "appealing fans". Fan base (so, those who are real fans of some content) want quality. Alien and Terminator have women in leading roles and i don't recall that was ever a talking issue for fans. DS9 is labelled as best Star Trek tv show and it has black actor and couple of women in leading roles. Also, never an issue.
Nearly all Tarantino's movies have that famous Disney "diversity". Were they ever a talking point about it? No.

It is all about quality.
Tbf times have changed. Especially with social media now.
Tbf times have changed. Especially with social media now.

Not in terms of what makes good TV. Those films are as good now as they were back then. Disney/Marvel just have a warped view of a 'strong female character', but when everything to do with their projects is shit, of course they will screw up the female characters too, as well as the male. Ain't nothing to do with gender, they are just shit at storytelling. Clickbait media is a new thing though, so criticism ends up in the wrong place.
Not in terms of what makes good TV. Those films are as good now as they were back then. Disney/Marvel just have a warped view of a 'strong female character', but when everything to do with their projects is shit, of course they will screw up the female characters too, as well as the male. Ain't nothing to do with gender, they are just shit at storytelling. Clickbait media is a new thing though, so criticism ends up in the wrong place.
Right but I'm not talking about good TV and story
Moreso with criticism and all. Anybody and everybodys complaints can be seen now Vs back decades ago
The Expanse is the best Sci-Fi of the last 10 years in the TV/Movie scene, has a massively diverse cast, multiple strong female characters, LGBT representation, and it is almost universally beloved.

The characters and their struggles feel real, and not that they are just there to tick a box. More of that is needed.
The Expanse is the best Sci-Fi of the last 10 years in the TV/Movie scene, has a massively diverse cast, multiple strong female characters, LGBT representation, and it is almost universally beloved.

The characters and their struggles feel real, and not that they are just there to tick a box. More of that is needed.

That’s the second recommendation I’ve seen for that show, will have to give it a trial
Not that it excuses some of the bad writing Disney has put out but Lucas really wrote any future creators into a corner for canon with some of his bad ideas for the prequels. He has an immensely popular IP that influenced a generation and already knows there is tons of demand for EU stuff but he creates this rule of only 2 Sith that have to be in hiding and not interact with the Jedi for 1000 years?

I guess Disney could have avoided the entire 1000 years before the prequels and just done stories from earlier like KotOR of they wanted Sith characters to remain more true to "canon". They maybe could have done something more gritty, darker and Andor like with Sith in hiding manipulating and coming out on top without any Jedi which I think could be really cool but it wouldn't be very G rated kid friendly toy and video game friendly.

It's a shame Disney won't start an R-rated wing and really explore the SW universe the way a lot of us adults that grew up with it as kids would like to happen. I'd love some neo-noir massively flawed anti-heros and grey morality characters but alas it won't happen. I want to see some story of a down on his luck former Jedi that loves to drink and shag women get wrapped up in dark conspiracy.
TV show of the timing of the old republic MMO, the sith returning and half destroying the Jedi would be the ideal point, you could do anything there, no restrictions. Coould even add revan into the mix.
So, men are at fault for bad writting and casting? Gotcha.
This "lets shit on our fans" trend is fascinating.

To be fair its kind of a two way straight(Edit: street:lol:) these days. And if you want to speak plain then by "male dominated fanbase" they specifically mean white men, who, obviously, are still a majority of folks in the western escapist nerd culture. This culture has realistically been hijacked from the top by toxic people who's penchant for identity politics and "modern audience" rhetoric is what this core fanbase despises, mainly because its proponents despises them in turn for their "hetero-normative" skin colour and sexual orientation.

In that context downright mean and confusing attitudes like this are pretty common we have seen it for years now and its been normalised across established entertainment, not only star wars, but comic books, TV shows, tabletop games, movies, video games etc. These mediums have essentially been appropriated and are collapsing before our eyes, and if not collapsing have been robbed of what made them appealing escapism in the first place. Sales etc are awful, reactions to new stuff is terrible and mocked relentlessly etc. It's pretty bad, and a few youtubers are making videos profiting off of it, which upsets some people who want them to be wrong.

In terms of Star wars, that's exactly how you get "the force is female" on the one hand (said in front of an audience which will have almost certainly been 95%+ male) all the way to "star wars is failing, and its because its fans are sexist and racist". If they didn't have that divisive shit and yes, focused on quality actors/writing etc we wouldn't be in this position, but its also about "the message" as one particular youtuber likes to put it, and generally this message is disliked for both its malicious implications and it taking precedence over pretty much anything else.

Alien and Terminator have women in leading roles and i don't recall that was ever a talking issue for fans. Star Trek tv show and it has black actor and couple of women in leading roles. Also, never an issue. Nearly all Tarantino's movies have that famous Disney "diversity". Were they ever a talking point about it? No.

Yes some of the most successful shit of all time had these none standard roles, clearly this isn't the only reason its the mountain of baggage that comes with inherently forcing it, aye like directors virtue signalling and/or berating people about something which should be inconsequential, often before something has even come out.

Sarah Connor and Ripley are definitely good examples of the differences between old and modern writing, as they were very specifically written to be actual women, they were badass yes but that was manifested very much through motherhood and tenderness, they were also allowed to show weakness and femininity etc. Disney Star wars is the complete opposite, they are generally perfect with strong masculine traits, often but not always with the added bonus of hot takes about how unnecessary men are, where its like these writers can't help but tear us down at the same time rather than sharing a screen presence like Sarah would with Kyle or Ripley would with Hicks.
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To be fair its kind of a two way straight(Edit: street:lol:) these days. And if you want to speak plain then by "male dominated fanbase" they specifically mean white men, who, obviously, are still a majority of folks in the western escapist nerd culture. This culture has realistically been hijacked from the top by toxic people who's penchant for identity politics and "modern audience" rhetoric is what this core fanbase despises, mainly because its proponents despises them in turn for their "hetero-normative" skin colour and sexual orientation.

In that context downright mean and confusing attitudes like this are pretty common we have seen it for years now and its been normalised across established entertainment, not only star wars, but comic books, TV shows, tabletop games, movies, video games etc. These mediums have essentially been appropriated and are collapsing before our eyes, and if not collapsing have been robbed of what made them appealing escapism in the first place. Sales etc are awful, reactions to new stuff is terrible and mocked relentlessly etc. It's pretty bad, and a few youtubers are making videos profiting off of it, which upsets some people who want them to be wrong.

In terms of Star wars, that's exactly how you get "the force is female" on the one hand (said in front of an audience which will have almost certainly been 95%+ male) all the way to "star wars is failing, and its because its fans are sexist and racist". If they didn't have that divisive shit and yes, focused on quality actors/writing etc we wouldn't be in this position, but its also about "the message" as one particular youtuber likes to put it, and generally this message is disliked for both its malicious implications and it taking precedence over pretty much anything else.

Yes some of the most successful shit of all time had these none standard roles, clearly this isn't the only reason its the mountain of baggage that comes with inherently forcing it, aye like directors virtue signalling and/or berating people about something which should be inconsequential, often before something has even come out.

Sarah Connor and Ripley are definitely good examples of the differences between old and modern writing, as they were very specifically written to be actual women, they were badass yes but that was manifested very much through motherhood and tenderness, they were also allowed to show weakness and femininity etc. Disney Star wars is the complete opposite, they are generally perfect with strong masculine traits, often but not always with the added bonus of hot takes about how unnecessary men are, where its like these writers can't help but tear us down at the same time rather than sharing a screen presence like Sarah would with Kyle or Ripley would with Hicks.

I know the writing hasnt been the best on some of these new shows but I never understood the "woke" criticism at all. You're saying its because the female leads are too perfect and some Disney exec said the force is female and a lot of straight white men got all offended because of that?
I know the writing hasnt been the best on some of these new shows but I never understood the "woke" criticism at all. You're saying its because the female leads are too perfect and some Disney exec said the force is female and a lot of straight white men got all offended because of that?

You haven’t read the whole thread have you?
Not that it excuses some of the bad writing Disney has put out but Lucas really wrote any future creators into a corner for canon with some of his bad ideas for the prequels. He has an immensely popular IP that influenced a generation and already knows there is tons of demand for EU stuff but he creates this rule of only 2 Sith that have to be in hiding and not interact with the Jedi for 1000 years?

I guess Disney could have avoided the entire 1000 years before the prequels and just done stories from earlier like KotOR of they wanted Sith characters to remain more true to "canon". They maybe could have done something more gritty, darker and Andor like with Sith in hiding manipulating and coming out on top without any Jedi which I think could be really cool but it wouldn't be very G rated kid friendly toy and video game friendly.

It's a shame Disney won't start an R-rated wing and really explore the SW universe the way a lot of us adults that grew up with it as kids would like to happen. I'd love some neo-noir massively flawed anti-heros and grey morality characters but alas it won't happen. I want to see some story of a down on his luck former Jedi that loves to drink and shag women get wrapped up in dark conspiracy.

I mean did the Sith ever really abide by it though?

At one point Palpatine had Maul and Dooku and then Anakin. Dooku had Ventress, Vos and Savage. Then Maul was back. Vader had loads of apprentices most likely.

Then all the Inquisitors that worked under Vader. Ray Stevenson's character and his apprentice.

There's plenty of scope for writing dark side force users into a story. You don't have to call them Sith.
I know the writing hasnt been the best on some of these new shows but I never understood the "woke" criticism at all. You're saying its because the female leads are too perfect and some Disney exec said the force is female and a lot of straight white men got all offended because of that?

Come on i didn't talk about anybody being offended, i said the hate goes both ways for different reasons. Wrote 3 or 4 paragraphs for a reason you can't really sum up a point that goes in to the entire entertainment industry across a decade like that, it isn't just one or two facets, but if you have to then no what i am essentially saying is covered here;

If they didn't have that divisive shit and yes, focused on quality actors/writing etc we wouldn't be in this position (IE everybody would be happy), but its also about "the message" as one particular youtuber likes to put it, and generally this message is disliked for both its malicious implications and it taking precedence over pretty much anything else.

Audiences that are still "dominated" by straight white men that once simply enjoyed good products you could use to "escape" from reality now intentionally and prominently features the divisive social issues and corruption of said reality, in part due to hatred of these fanbases being a primarily male space. That's the whole idea behind the (nonexistent, at least in numbers) "modern audiences", and is ultimately what any core fanbase would stand in opposition to as if a primarily "straight male" space is a problematic idea in itself.

If it was just about the destruction of these properties then at the end of the day that is neither here nor there quality is always going to vary, the opposition is to the frankly poisonous ideology that's the driving force behind it, the ideology that places importance on itself as a vehicle for social engineering above the final product.

James bond for instance, can you honestly say whether it matters if the black girl who played 007 is a good enough actor to carry that or not, or whether this even makes a good movie or not? It was done for one reason and one reason only, the fact she replaced a womanising white guy and they could pipe up in the media how it "makes history as the first black female 007 and you are bigoted if you don't like this" already makes it successful. Why would that token inclusivity possibly interest a fan of James bond? A movie where they get rid of him and replace him with some random?
I mean did the Sith ever really abide by it though?

At one point Palpatine had Maul and Dooku and then Anakin. Dooku had Ventress, Vos and Savage. Then Maul was back. Vader had loads of apprentices most likely.

Then all the Inquisitors that worked under Vader. Ray Stevenson's character and his apprentice.

There's plenty of scope for writing dark side force users into a story. You don't have to call them Sith.

The bold is true, you don't have to call them Sith as the Disney and video stuff has done but I think for Lucas he always had a clear idea of Dooku came along after Maul and Anakin then replaced Dooku so there was no overlap. Of course, all the stuff after the prequels muddied everything and not calling them "Sith" seems to have been the workaround.
Come on i didn't talk about anybody being offended, i said the hate goes both ways for different reasons. Wrote 3 or 4 paragraphs for a reason you can't really sum up a point that goes in to the entire entertainment industry across a decade like that, it isn't just one or two facets, but if you have to then no what i am essentially saying is covered here;

Audiences that are still "dominated" by straight white men that once simply enjoyed good products you could use to "escape" from reality now intentionally and prominently features the divisive social issues and corruption of said reality, in part due to hatred of these fanbases being a primarily male space. That's the whole idea behind the (nonexistent, at least in numbers) "modern audiences", and is ultimately what any core fanbase would stand in opposition to as if a primarily "straight male" space is a problematic idea in itself.

If it was just about the destruction of these properties then at the end of the day that is neither here nor there quality is always going to vary, the opposition is to the frankly poisonous ideology that's the driving force behind it, the ideology that places importance on itself as a vehicle for social engineering above the final product.

James bond for instance, can you honestly say whether it matters if the black girl who played 007 is a good enough actor to carry that or not, or whether this even makes a good movie or not? It was done for one reason and one reason only, the fact she replaced a womanising white guy and they could pipe up in the media how it "makes history as the first black female 007 and you are bigoted if you don't like this" already makes it successful. Why would that token inclusivity possibly interest a fan of James bond? A movie where they get rid of him and replace him with some random?

I realize you're writing more than can be summed up in a sentence but I think so e of what you're capturing (not saying you believe it) is just rubbish nonsense. The stuff about "ideology" and the "message".

The problem is solely in the writing and, as someone put it earlier, this bizarre obsession with always focusing on the Skywalker line and Palpatine big bad when SW has tens of thousands of years and plenty of undiscovered eras that could be mined for new original stories. Like what KotOR did a video game.

I think if they tapped some talented writers that get the core themes of Star Wars, set it in a new era like 1500 years before the prequels, cast the right actors then it's perfectly fine to have a black female lead, a non binary character and someone that believes the Force is feminine. The problem is in the writing and plotlines not any of this "message" stuff.
It's a shame Disney won't start an R-rated wing and really explore the SW universe the way a lot of us adults that grew up with it as kids would like to happen. I'd love some neo-noir massively flawed anti-heros and grey morality characters but alas it won't happen. I want to see some story of a down on his luck former Jedi that loves to drink and shag women get wrapped up in dark conspiracy.
‘Monster of the Week’ Star Wars in the Old Republic where a group of bored Jedi get dragged out of bars to fight some random monster in between trying to find out which types of alien they can shag with occasional glimpses to the current overarching evil Sith Lord fecking around - it‘s so easy.
The problem is solely in the writing and, as someone put it earlier, this bizarre obsession with always focusing on the Skywalker line and Palpatine big bad when SW has tens of thousands of years and plenty of undiscovered eras that could be mined for new original stories. Like what KotOR did a video game.

I think if they tapped some talented writers that get the core themes of Star Wars, set it in a new era like 1500 years before the prequels, cast the right actors then it's perfectly fine to have a black female lead, a non binary character and someone that believes the Force is feminine. The problem is in the writing and plotlines not any of this "message" stuff.

A skilled writer who knew what the lore was about and could put out a well written show without all that divisive shit in the press? That actually wanted a black female lead (or whatever) as an interesting idea for a character and set out to find the best actor for the role without just being given the job to tick a few boxes? People would be ecstatic, of course they would, not right away because of what has transpired but if it was good it wouldn't matter.

What you see as incompetence though i see as deliberate, objectively so, im sorry i wish i could be as optimistic as that but its too widespread across the entertainment industry to be incompetence. All of these companies are aided by the same media outlets using the same rhetoric to attack the same group of people for the same reasons and they all happen to have the same "problems" with writing and casting these aren't isolated cases, call it whatever you like they simply care more about diversity than quality.

Favreau fits your description to a T and was left alone without interference to create the Mandalorian where its easily the best thing Disney have put out, why wasn't he given the next big star wars movie instead of that girl? That's rewarding competence, instead;

Star Wars' Director Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy Says It's About Time a Woman Shaped a Star Wars Film - IGN
Activist and documentarian Obaid-Chinoy is a Canadian-Pakistani journalist, filmmaker and political activist known for her work in Ms Marvel and films that highlight gender inequality against women.

Like i said... deliberate. How can you even argue otherwise, if you have just been hired and feel forced to point out that its "about time" a (completely inexperienced) sex/color/race/age/sexual preference needs to shape the narrative then you have an agenda, and that agenda is not “good Star Wars”, it is “your agenda” inside of Star Wars. Apparently she even has a history of misandry she's perfect, buckle up for three movies where all the men are either black, a villain or weak, insecure and intolerable can't wait.