Just binge watched all 7 episodes. A bit of up and down, but it was better than I expected. A lot of flak it has received seems unwarranted.
My biggest drawback to the show were:
- A lackluster plot. A twins based revenge is something that has been done to death earlier in all combinations and this does not offer anything new. This is redeemed by good screenplay in couple of eposiodes...which leads to next point.
- Uneven pacing. There's so much talking and not enough showing all through with some episodes having it way worse.
- Lack of SW lore. This seems a revenge story set in SW world, rather than a SW revenge story. They could have worked in some backstory of Sith with Qimir, some intergalactic politics with the council etc, backstory on why Coven was near exterminated etc.....but nothing which ties it to the universe.
- The power balance is all f*cked up. All the Jedi Masters are just lame ducks, the apprentices seem better leading to confusing fight sequences. And some reason, even the apprentices seem to be spouting words of wisdom.
- A useless MC. I'm not sure what Osha brings to the table here. Quit from Coven, quit from Jedi, shows no intelligence or fighting skills, no indication of powerful force attunement. Other than as a perennial slacker, am not sure what she brings to the table. Mae is a better character and her pov is mostly ignored all through.
Did we watch the same show? Their misguided actions violates orders from their own superiors and result in the death of 50 witches who have done nothing wrong. Let's not talk about murdering a mom in front of the child and then pinning the murder on the child itself. That's f*cked up even for a normal person, far less a Jedi masters.