Television Star Wars -The Acolyte

There's a great illustration of the problem this show has, which is Mae's master unsheathing his red light saber in the first episode. It's 100% only done to show the audience what he is.

Same as the giant MORDOR on screen in Rings of Power. It's hand-holding, our viewers are morons and we should show and tell everything television.
Reminds me of the first episode of Those about to die, where the people are rioting. For about two and a half minutes everyone is yelling "The palatine! Make for the palatine!" on repeat. So they cut to the palatine and put "The Palatine" in big block letters on the screen.

To be honest that was probably my favourite part of that show. I was in stitches.
Only worse thing than this show in general is "performance" of Amandla Stenberg. She should change career because acting is not for her. Literally one of the worst performances in leading roles of some show/movie which i ever saw.

is she angry? Confused? Happy? Sad? I don't know! I can't see any difference in her "acting".
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This is my reaction to every film / tv show / whatever that was 'review bombed' by misogynists / facists / whatever - its just a bad show. I'd have a hard time remembering the last show that didn't have a bunch of black woke lesbians. So why are they targeting this one specific show / movie?
Its reaching a point where it nearly feels a bit racist itself. Like the director / producer can't accept they made a bad movie so they decide it was the black / gay / nearest minorities fault and it wouldn't have happened if they cast a boring, white dude.
Nah some review bombed stuff is definitely unfairly criticised (like the last of us 2) and this show isnt worse than most of the other Disney stuff imo. Obi One is much worse even.

It's also definitely not good though.
Nah some review bombed stuff is definitely unfairly criticised (like the last of us 2) and this show isnt worse than most of the other Disney stuff imo. Obi One is much worse even.

It's also definitely not good though.

Nah some review bombed stuff is definitely unfairly criticised (like the last of us 2) and this show isnt worse than most of the other Disney stuff imo. Obi One is much worse even.

It's also definitely not good though.
Yeah there's a lot of facists reviewing stuff out there with terrible takes. The last of us 2 not being universally loved doesn't feel surprising, i wasn't a fan really, it was a tough slog and i dont think i could play it again. I respect it, it was very well put together but i didn't enjoy it at all.
Obi wan had fan service and some of it was even good fan service. Maybe theres an element of fatigue. Maybe the score for acolyte is especially bad because the first episode is especially bad and a lot of people wont go past that point.
Your probably right, some stuff is probably seen as vulnerable and the vultures descend but my reaction when hearing something is getting review bombed is to go in with low expectations.
Yeah there's a lot of facists reviewing stuff out there with terrible takes. The last of us 2 not being universally loved doesn't feel surprising, i wasn't a fan really, it was a tough slog and i dont think i could play it again. I respect it, it was very well put together but i didn't enjoy it at all.
Obi wan had fan service and some of it was even good fan service. Maybe theres an element of fatigue. Maybe the score for acolyte is especially bad because the first episode is especially bad and a lot of people wont go past that point.
Your probably right, some stuff is probably seen as vulnerable and the vultures descend but my reaction when hearing something is getting review bombed is to go in with low expectations.
Yeah my low expectations somewhat subverted my opinion in the first half, but it just gets really bad at some point.

It's just so obvious they're going for quantity not quality at this point. It's poorly thought out and everything's just so on the nose.
Nah some review bombed stuff is definitely unfairly criticised (like the last of us 2) and this show isnt worse than most of the other Disney stuff imo. Obi One is much worse even.

It's also definitely not good though.
I disagree. That shit about racist fans became just an easy excuse for Disney.
Last of us, House of Dragon and The Boys all have that famous diversity in casting and look; they all kicked ass in ratings. Because those are all excellent tv shows. Story, casting, acting...everything is good.
Disney's material is just awful in last decade. Flop after flop. And that is the only truth.

And Obi Wan bad as Acolyte? Come on, man. It wasn't great but it was watchable at least.
the thing is, it's easier when you're watching a shit show for the first time, for obvious reasons. like push ups, there's no difference between the first and your last, but the last one you do is a lot harder because at that point you're already tired.

people are less forgiving because they're getting tired of shit content. to me, Obi and Ahsoka were garbage as well, but now this too? what can you think and how much patience can you possibly show after watching the first episode? to me it was just a teen shyte and I'm experienced enough to know which show won't improve enough to remain at least on watchable level.

if this was first and Ahsoka second, it's Obi-Wan that I'd probably turn off after the first episode, but it's only a guessing from my part. in the end, this always came across like that cheap young adult shows that have models instead of real actors.

btw, The Wire had black lesbian officer among the main characters.
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I disagree. That shit about racist fans became just an easy excuse for Disney.
Last of us, House of Dragon and The Boys all have that famous diversity in casting and look; they all kicked ass in ratings. Because those are all excellent tv shows. Story, casting, acting...everything is good.
Disney's material is just awful in last decade. Flop after flop. And that is the only truth.

And Obi Wan bad as Acolyte? Come on, man. It wasn't great but it was watchable at least.
The chase scene from Obi Wan is the worst piece of television in history. And so is the mighty Darth Vader being thwarted by a tiny fire. It's such blatant fan service. And when done right, fan service is fine, but there are just no stakes in that show.

Didnt The last of us 2 receive enormous amounts of bile online by the way?

I do agree this show is also shite, but the diversity isnt helping it either.
Mixed bag - a lot of really bad, some really good. Overall it wasn't as bad as made out but it's still far from good.

I think if anything, the awful reviews/toxic discourse made me want to like it more than it probably deserved.
Yep, I take back whatever benefit of doubt I was giving the show earlier as well.

I got angrier and angrier towards the end at the sheer insult to the viewers' intelligence. Then I started reading up online about what Leslye and Amandla and the others were saying in defense, and it pissed me off even more. The worst Star Wars show ever written by an absolute narcissist of a director. There are so many things wrong about this show, I don't know where to begin - but can I just say this Disney-esque destruction of existing canon to prop up new characters is getting really insufferable. The plot of this show was not affected at all by the 10-second Yoda and Plagueis cameos, it was just eye-candy to keep viewers in for the next season because Leslye realized no one cared about the characters in the show, not even The Stranger. But the damage those cameos do to the lore, and the inconsistencies they create is monumental, and Leslye didn't give a feck about that.

Characters with no consistency/belief, plotholes everywhere, no sense to the motivation of the plot or the conflict, the horrible, horrible acting (didn't know Leslye was PA to Weinstein, explains some of the glorification of Mother Aniseya's mind rape scenes, or that Venestra was Leslye's real-life partner - nepo casting). The whole show was a trainwreck and I will avoid anything created by Leslye in the future.

A solid 1/10.
So… it’s pretty good then? I’m sensing you’re on the fence.
Sadly I tend to get a bit dubious these days about a shows quality when we start hearing the "Racist/Homophobic/Right wing chuds are targeting the show" stuff before it has even been released. I don't doubt there are a significant numbers of arseholes posting hideous and unhinged stuff, but there is a suspiciously parasitical relationship between the antiwoke youtube critics and some of the studios, don't put it past the likes of Disney to leverage that to deflect criticism, which contributes to the toxicity in genre fandom.

As others have mentioned, The Boys, The Expanse, GOT/HOTD, Last of Us, Andor, Arcane, genre stuff that is all full of representation and diversity, all drawn acclaim.
Watching it was like watching one of those low budget 22 episode network TV shows. How they managed to spend $180 million over 8 episodes baffles the mind.

Lightsabre fights in episode 5 were pretty cool though!
Finished it. Actually enjoyed it more than all the Disney stuff bar Andor. It's inconcistent and handholdy, but I liked most of the characters.

And that the jedi arent so fecking perfect.
Love this rollercoaster

I sort of like it so far. Are we sure the fandom doesnt hate it, because it's full of women and even worse, black women? Ew ew ewwwww.

I mean, it's hardly the Wire, but almost all Disney Star Wars stuff is at least as mediocre.
Yeah, I take it back, this is crap.
Finished it. Actually enjoyed it more than all the Disney stuff bar Andor. It's inconcistent and handholdy, but I liked most of the characters.

And that the jedi arent so fecking perfect.

but i mostly agree with your last post there. Its mixed but theres some really good stuff in here.
I disliked the early flashback episode though.
Love this rollercoaster

but i mostly agree with your last post there. Its mixed but theres some really good stuff in here.
I disliked the early flashback episode though.
Yeah I started out thinking, cool, jedi, then I thought meh, but then the characters kind of grew on me. I get that it's inconsistent and that saying "go to hell" is weird in a universe without Christianity, but I'm not a purist, so feck it.

What I like most is the portrayal of jedi as being flawed. The pure, infallible, perfect goodness thing was fun in the 80s, but it aged poorly.
Yeah I started out thinking, cool, jedi, then I thought meh, but then the characters kind of grew on me. I get that it's inconsistent and that saying "go to hell" is weird in a universe without Christianity, but I'm not a purist, so feck it.

What I like most is the portrayal of jedi as being flawed. The pure, infallible, perfect goodness thing was fun in the 80s, but it aged poorly.

A cartoon show with less than 1% of this how's budget has managed to show the Jedi as flawed with good, convincing, writing. Watch the second half of S5: Clone Wars.

This show doesn't do that at all. When Mother Aniseya, with her history of mentally controlling Jedi, turns into smoke along with the child Sol wants to protect, there is simply nothing wrong in Sol trying to defend the child by attacking her. There was no mistake there, so no guilt needed.

Similarly, in the scene where he goes Sophie's choice on the falling kids, he can simply Force hold the kids instead of the platform. It is difficult to believe his guilt there because it's just contrived writing.

Also similarly, Trinity breaking the spell on Kelnacca led to the collective death of all witches, which was just terrible writing, because genuine self defense causing unexpected deaths cannot lead to the guilt we are supposed to believe she holds.

There is no reason given for why Sol wants to train the child so badly that he's willing to hide the truth from the council.

Each person to their views, but I think the reason the show failed so poorly is not merely because of racist, anti-woke viewers. I think it is because the Jedi, the witches, the twins, and the Stranger, are all written as incompetent characters who we are being told are flawed in exposition, but shown that they are simply dumb in their actions.
Yeah I started out thinking, cool, jedi, then I thought meh, but then the characters kind of grew on me. I get that it's inconsistent and that saying "go to hell" is weird in a universe without Christianity, but I'm not a purist, so feck it.

What I like most is the portrayal of jedi as being flawed. The pure, infallible, perfect goodness thing was fun in the 80s, but it aged poorly.

I defo think it could have been better. But its not 1/10 like some are saying with their hyperbole. Not everything and every scene and every dialogue was horrible. It had some good stuff. 5/10 is fairer imo. I think it had a promising concept but wasnt executed well enough. But I also agree with the whole, it seemed to get better but that was after it felt like it was bad so it kinda ended up ok.
I'd say the writing of Ashoka in the last couple of seasons of clone wars is a better portrayal of the struggles of being a jedi than anything live action, its much less clumsy than return of the jedi.

Heck, Rebels was written for an even younger audience, and Kanan Jarrus is a much more rounded character who shows how flawed jedi can be in a way nothing in acolyte got close to matching.
So has this already been cancelled?
They probably have so many SW shows in line to poop out, they'll forget it existed after less than few months.

Then again, there's still possiblity of people being excited by Plagueis lurking behind rocks, trees and curtains. It's so riveting.
So has this already been cancelled?
Hasn't been confirmed either way. I can see a second season if they reduce the budget. Apparently andor had the lowest viewing figures before this but andor still had a second season.
Id be more interested in s2 if it focused on the stranger and his training of osha
It’s a bit too “if you give us a season 2 you’ll see more of Plagueis and Yoda “ for my liking.

There are interesting characters that aren’t explored well or are revealed too soon.

I think you could have kept The stranger identity hidden far longer for far greater impact as it would at least keep some mystery about everything.

You find out too much too soon and to be honest I struggled with it. It was predictable despite there being a potentially good story in terms of how the seeds of mistrust in the Jedi order were laid, how they were fallible and how the creation of life using the force was discovered. I just think it was a pretty poor way of putting that together.

The thing that saved it is some pretty cool duels so I’d say it’s a 5/10. It’s passable but could have been done with a lot more care and thought to make it actually engaging to watch. The first 4 episodes were hard to get through.
Guess power of many wasnt enough
Well, it was a shitshow. Having a shot of Plagueis and Yoda didn’t save it.

In a time when we had really low quality Star Wars show (Kenobi, Book of Bobba Fett, Ahsoka), this was comfortably the worst. So while a part of me wanted it renewed, just to see Plagueis story, it most likely would have been terrible too. So this is for the better.

At this stage, I hope Disney does the right thing and just terminates any Star Wars thing. Watching Disney’s Star Wars is like watching your dog getting old, you still love him, but it might be for the best to put him out of his misery.
It's good to see half-baked, cynical corporate slop get punished. They need to make more shows like Andor.
Having watched Ahsoka after this and all the other Disney crap before it, I still have no idea why this show is hated so much over the others. It's not nearly the worst of the lot. Well I do understand, it has a lot of brown people, and the Star Wars fandom loves aliens of all colors, as long is they're not brown apparently.

Disney did manage to sort of redeem the prequels though. I watch episodes 1 and 2 last week, and they're quite good by comparison of all things Disney (bar Andor, Andor is great).
Was obvious this shit wasn't getting a season 2. At this stage I think Disney really need to can everything Star Wars releated in the pipeline, clean house on the creative side and take a 3-5 year break then reboot in a different era of the Star Wars Universe.
Having watched Ahsoka after this and all the other Disney crap before it, I still have no idea why this show is hated so much over the others. It's not nearly the worst of the lot. Well I do understand, it has a lot of brown people, and the Star Wars fandom loves aliens of all colors, as long is they're not brown apparently.

Disney did manage to sort of redeem the prequels though. I watch episodes 1 and 2 last week, and they're quite good by comparison of all things Disney (bar Andor, Andor is great).
I think people are less tolerant of these types of shows since Andor was released and blew everyone away. People realised they could have been eating that good the whole time and don't want to go back.
Having watched Ahsoka after this and all the other Disney crap before it, I still have no idea why this show is hated so much over the others. It's not nearly the worst of the lot. Well I do understand, it has a lot of brown people, and the Star Wars fandom loves aliens of all colors, as long is they're not brown apparently.

Disney did manage to sort of redeem the prequels though. I watch episodes 1 and 2 last week, and they're quite good by comparison of all things Disney (bar Andor, Andor is great).

I think Obi Wan and Ashoka at least have the nostalgia factor working for them. Acolyte didn't really have that working for it.

I'm still only half way through so there must be some great episodes in 5-8 if it ends up better than Obi Wan and Ashoka.

Episodes 1-3 were probably the worst Star Wars related show/movie/thing I've ever seen.
Was obvious this shit wasn't getting a season 2. At this stage I think Disney really need to can everything Star Wars releated in the pipeline, clean house on the creative side and take a 3-5 year break then reboot in a different era of the Star Wars Universe.
This is a bit drastic. They just need to give people something good to feast on and all will be forgiven.
This is a bit drastic. They just need to give people something good to feast on and all will be forgiven.

Well it seems they are not able to do that under the current leadership. Andor was well reviewed but was it really loved by the wider Star Wars fanbase? It didn't get stellar ratings from what I can remember.

It's been 5 years since there was even an SW movie. I don't imagine Disney envisaged that circa 2015-2018 so by cancelling all the movie projects in the pipeline they obvisouly knew something wasn't right in Lucasfilm. They had to let them soldier on in producing TV shows as they needed them for Disney+.

But for the most part they've fecked up the TV sides of things as well now.
I think Obi Wan and Ashoka at least have the nostalgia factor working for them. Acolyte didn't really have that working for it.

I'm still only half way through so there must be some great episodes in 5-8 if it ends up better than Obi Wan and Ashoka.

Episodes 1-3 were probably the worst Star Wars related show/movie/thing I've ever seen.
Obi Wan is by far the worst Star Wars thing of all time for me. Such a cynical nostalgia money grab with absolutely nothing going for it. Ahsoka was just meh, same as the acolyte.

I forgot The Mandalorian was pretty good at times as well, but very hit and miss. And The book of boba fett..... I just can't.

I dunno, I dont hate the prequels. Thry're crap, but at least they're heartwarming crap.

I'll try rolling, that's a good trick!
Obi Wan is by far the worst Star Wars thing of all time for me. Such a cynical nostalgia money grab with absolutely nothing going for it. Ahsoka was just meh, same as the acolyte.

I forgot The Mandalorian was pretty good at times as well, but very hit and miss. And The book of boba fett..... I just can't.

I dunno, I dont hate the prequels. Thry're crap, but at least they're heartwarming crap.

I'll try rolling, that's a good trick!

Oh I agree Obi Wan was awful, Ahsoka was as you say meh. But so far Acolyte has been as bad or worse, maybe it picks up and redeems itself somewhat in the last 4 episodes. I've been meaning to watch them but can't quite bring myself to do it yet.
If you're an expensive show that doesn't attract either good viewing numbers or critical praise, you're in trouble.

The anti-woke nonsense was definitely a big factor in the review-bombing and more visceral online noise, but this show had problems beyond that.

Shame as I liked it more than some of the other shows that pulled in better numbers.
Well it seems they are not able to do that under the current leadership. Andor was well reviewed but was it really loved by the wider Star Wars fanbase? It didn't get stellar ratings from what I can remember.

It's been 5 years since there was even an SW movie. I don't imagine Disney envisaged that circa 2015-2018 so by cancelling all the movie projects in the pipeline they obvisouly knew something wasn't right in Lucasfilm. They had to let them soldier on in producing TV shows as they needed them for Disney+.

But for the most part they've fecked up the TV sides of things as well now.

I don't think Andor did get the ratings, which is mind blowing as I haven't found a single person that did watch that show and disliked it. Even YouTube twats that shit on shows liked it.

Not that it bothers me as Andor was always meant to be a short project, as far as I know S2 is the last right? I can't wait to watch it.
There were only two or three good episodes in this and they were the ones with the long action sequences. The rest of it was really meh.

I always feel a sense of disappointment when a show is clearly building to something and ends a season on a cliff hanger but I’m not at all surprised this got cancelled. It honestly wasn’t very good
I don't think Andor did get the ratings, which is mind blowing as I haven't found a single person that did watch that show and disliked it. Even YouTube twats that shit on shows liked it.

Not that it bothers me as Andor was always meant to be a short project, as far as I know S2 is the last right? I can't wait to watch it.

It's a very good show. But was it a Star Wars show? Did it have many of the themes common to the rest of the Star Wars movies/shows? I think that maybe turned a lot of SW fans away from it. Because it had very good word of mouth but the ratings weren't great and it seemed to get worse as the show went on.


I watched and enjoyed it for what it was. And if we're being honest while it was set in the SW universe it could have not been and it wouldn't have changed the story much if at all.