Yeah I started out thinking, cool, jedi, then I thought meh, but then the characters kind of grew on me. I get that it's inconsistent and that saying "go to hell" is weird in a universe without Christianity, but I'm not a purist, so feck it.
What I like most is the portrayal of jedi as being flawed. The pure, infallible, perfect goodness thing was fun in the 80s, but it aged poorly.
A cartoon show with less than 1% of this how's budget has managed to show the Jedi as flawed with good, convincing, writing. Watch the second half of S5: Clone Wars.
This show doesn't do that at all. When Mother Aniseya, with her history of mentally controlling Jedi, turns into smoke along with the child Sol wants to protect, there is simply nothing wrong in Sol trying to defend the child by attacking her. There was no mistake there, so no guilt needed.
Similarly, in the scene where he goes Sophie's choice on the falling kids, he can simply Force hold the kids instead of the platform. It is difficult to believe his guilt there because it's just contrived writing.
Also similarly, Trinity breaking the spell on Kelnacca led to the collective death of all witches, which was just terrible writing, because genuine self defense causing unexpected deaths cannot lead to the guilt we are supposed to believe she holds.
There is no reason given for why Sol wants to train the child so badly that he's willing to hide the truth from the council.
Each person to their views, but I think the reason the show failed so poorly is not merely because of racist, anti-woke viewers. I think it is because the Jedi, the witches, the twins, and the Stranger, are all written as incompetent characters who we are being told are flawed in exposition, but shown that they are simply dumb in their actions.