Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Definitely, Anakin Skywalker's development wasn't done well, there is no doubt there. Same about the romance, it could have done better, but I thought that it wasn't that bad.

I have seen a lot of people complain about why Skywalker (and also Boba) were shown as kids, which is quite a stupid critic IMO. We needed to know how Vader was before he became Vader, and showing him as actually a nice guy who cared for others was good in my book. Having a lot of 'press the button, I don't know where the button is', 'yipes', 'I hate sand' and 'if you're not with me then you are my enemy' followed by Kenobi's wisdom words 'Only a Sith deals in absolutes' * wasn't fine though.

* Was Lucas actually taking the piss with that statement?
Just completed a Star Wars marathon with my 9 year old

Episodes 1-7 since xmas eve

I enjoy them all, even the prequels are fun but some of the writing is inexplicably bad

Anakin: You are so beautiful.
Padme: It's only because I'm so in love.
Anakin: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

feck me. What was he thinking?
Just completed a Star Wars marathon with my 9 year old

Episodes 1-7 since xmas eve

I enjoy them all, even the prequels are fun but some of the writing is inexplicably bad

Anakin: You are so beautiful.
Padme: It's only because I'm so in love.
Anakin: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

feck me. What was he thinking?

If you've ever read the original draft screenplay for Star Wars [A New Hope], you'll begin to understand how the prequels were so bad.
Just completed a Star Wars marathon with my 9 year old

Episodes 1-7 since xmas eve

I enjoy them all, even the prequels are fun but some of the writing is inexplicably bad

Anakin: You are so beautiful.
Padme: It's only because I'm so in love.
Anakin: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

feck me. What was he thinking?

I watched a few over Xmas, just catching bits of them, but they were all the new versions.
The new ending to return of the Jedi is abysmal.
Just completed a Star Wars marathon with my 9 year old

Episodes 1-7 since xmas eve

I enjoy them all, even the prequels are fun but some of the writing is inexplicably bad

Anakin: You are so beautiful.
Padme: It's only because I'm so in love.
Anakin: No, it's because I'm so in love with you.

feck me. What was he thinking?

FFS :lol:
Has George Lucas ever heard humans speak?
I watched a few over Xmas, just catching bits of them, but they were all the new versions.
The new ending to return of the Jedi is abysmal.
Yup Darth says "nooooo" again when killing the Emperor. They have Hayden Christianson as force ghost (although that bit makes sense I think)

But for me, changing the songs at the end and in especially jabbas palace are the worst things
Yup Darth says "nooooo" again when killing the Emperor. They have Hayden Christianson as force ghost (although that bit makes sense I think)

But for me, changing the songs at the end and in especially jabbas palace are the worst things

That force ghost change is daft imo.

I still don't think any of the changes make sense, apart from the one adding Mcdiarmid to Empire. Even then they changed the dialogue during the scene which spoils the big reveal at the end.
Needs more lightsabers.
Also fun fact: This is the first movie, where the name "skywalker" isn't mentioned in the series
I didn't like it. All felt a bit too fudged together. Particularly the last battle scene.

- If they transmitted the plans to the ships above, how come the plans ended up on a disc on one of the ships instead of just being an electronic transmission stored on the ship itself? Why did it even matter if people had presumable already had a chance to look at them?
- Why was it such a big deal to get a message to the ships above to destroy the shield barrier? If the ships weren't already there to try and destroy the shield barrier, then why were they there at all? This was literally the only useful reason for them to be there.
- How come that cable that didn't quite reach the ship on the ground suddenly did when the guy just sort of waited a few minutes then tried running to the ship again?
- How many characters in one film can you introduce by having them appear with their back to the screen and then slowly turn around? It happened about 6 times
- I liked the miserable robot. I liked that it was miserable
That force ghost change is daft imo.

I still don't think any of the changes make sense, apart from the one adding Mcdiarmid to Empire. Even then they changed the dialogue during the scene which spoils the big reveal at the end.
Some of the changes were good. Removing cardboard rebels. Seeing more of sky city. Seeing the yeti.
I suggest if you have the time and patience, download (actually don't, because that would be illegal) the "Despecialised" editions of the original trilogy. The guy who made them has done an amazing job of removing all the junk they have added to those films since they were released the first time round.

Also, especially those with younger kids, get hold of Lego Star Wars Droid Tales series. The basic story of the first 6 films is told from C3P0's point of view, but there's a lot of tongue in cheek humour and ridicule of the plot holes and weak points to enjoy.
Some of the changes were good. Removing cardboard rebels. Seeing more of sky city. Seeing the yeti.

Cardboard rebels?

I didn't really like that we saw the wampa. It felt all the scarier because we didn't see it, and we didn't really need to. Still, the more aesthetic changes i can deal with, it's when he started dicking around with things like new dialogue, who shot first, etc.

The force ghost change is up there with the worst for me. Firstly how would Luke even know who that is? He only ever saw the old guy. Secondly, i believe the change was made to infer that Anakin died when he became Vader in episode 3, thus that is Anakin's 'true' self. Yet he was still redeemed at the end, and became Anakin again, albeit for a brief few seconds. That was the culmination of his whole story arc and three films, so to just chuck that away seems daft.
Cardboard rebels?

I didn't really like that we saw the wampa. It felt all the scarier because we didn't see it, and we didn't really need to. Still, the more aesthetic changes i can deal with, it's when he started dicking around with things like new dialogue, who shot first, etc.

The force ghost change is up there with the worst for me. Firstly how would Luke even know who that is? He only ever saw the old guy. Secondly, i believe the change was made to infer that Anakin died when he became Vader in episode 3, thus that is Anakin's 'true' self. Yet he was still redeemed at the end, and became Anakin again, albeit for a brief few seconds. That was the culmination of his whole story arc and three films, so to just chuck that away seems daft.

In the Lego version that is addressed:

Luke (on seeing the ghosts): "Yoda! Ben! Some guy... I don't know..?"
Anakin: "I'm your father"
Luke: "You didn't look like that a minute ago".

Edit: forget that, I've found the clip:

Could someone mention all 'the horrible' changes that were in the original trilogy. I remember only replacing that guy who played Vader (actually he didn't) with Christensen and I heard that they changed the music of Mos Eisley cantina. And finally, I think that in the original version it was ambiguos who shot first.

Regardless, they are hardly changes let alone 'big horrible changes.
Could someone mention all 'the horrible' changes that were in the original trilogy. I remember only replacing that guy who played Vader (actually he didn't) with Christensen and I heard that they changed the music of Mos Eisley cantina. And finally, I think that in the original version it was ambiguos who shot first.

Regardless, they are hardly changes let alone 'big horrible changes.

The ugly CGI creatures that the stormtroopers ride around on stick in the mind.

The song and dance routine added to Janna's palace in ROTJ also. Just lots of unnecessary additions that stick out from the practical effects and sets like a sore thumb. All just because they could.
The force ghost change only makes sense to viewers (esp if you watch it ep1-6 in a row), but it wouldnt/shouldnt to Luke as pointed out above (unless he had pictures of a younger Vader/Anakin lying around and knew what he looked like as a younger man)
Im not too bothered about the music change though:

Could someone mention all 'the horrible' changes that were in the original trilogy. I remember only replacing that guy who played Vader (actually he didn't) with Christensen and I heard that they changed the music of Mos Eisley cantina. And finally, I think that in the original version it was ambiguos who shot first.

Regardless, they are hardly changes let alone 'big horrible changes.

Adding all the prequel stuff into the background. Like Mos Eisley is episode 4, and that guy on the speeder. Then adding Coruscant and Jar Jar to ROTJ.

Additional dialogue between Vader and Sidious as I mentioned above. Totally ruins the scene.

For some reason adding another rock in front of R2 when he's hiding from the sand people in IV annoyed me.

Changing Boba Fett's voice to match Jango's made sense in the grand scheme of things, but still didn't sit right.

The new scene at the end of Jedi with the new music.

Max Rebo band. Ugh.

Adding "Noooooooo" when Vader throws Sidious down the shaft. Much better with him silent.

In fact the only one I can think of that I really approved of was them removing Sebastian Shaw's eyebrows. Makes sense since Anakin got burnt to feck.

There's way too many to list, but here's some videos detailing all of the changes.

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The ugly CGI creatures that the stormtroopers ride around on stick in the mind.

The song and dance routine added to Janna's palace in ROTJ also. Just lots of unnecessary additions that stick out from the practical effects and sets like a sore thumb. All just because they could.
That's the single worst thing. Well, that and adding the Emperor's "noooooo!" to Luke falling down the shaft on Cloud City, which I think they removed again since.

They did some decent stuff too, like changing shots of writing on Death Star controls from the latin alphabet to the one that's in the following films. Should've kept it to that kind of small continuity change.
Could someone mention all 'the horrible' changes that were in the original trilogy. I remember only replacing that guy who played Vader (actually he didn't) with Christensen and I heard that they changed the music of Mos Eisley cantina. And finally, I think that in the original version it was ambiguos who shot first.

Regardless, they are hardly changes let alone 'big horrible changes.

Some of these already mentioned but I already started typing -

Random CGI creatures that looked terribly out of place, Obi Wan's shout to scare away the raiders changed to something laughably bad, Vader saying "noooo" at the end of Jedi, Jabba's scene with Han in Ep 4 and the weird Han steps on his tail "comedy bit" they had to put in, new song in Jabba's palace was terrible, Greedo shot first.
Vader shouting noooo wasnt needed cos he says it twice, as well :lol: No... And then Noooooo when he grabs the Emp.
The Obi Wan shout, is that the one where the added one now has the wooo which sounds like Ric Flair then some echoey stuff? bleh
^^^ Fair points there, to be fair. I don't think that either of those were big deals, but on the other side, there was absolutely no reason to make those changes.

I must say that I didn't know that most of those even existed, though I remember Jar Jar Shit in the end and saying 'what the feck is wrong with Lucas'.
I didn't like it. All felt a bit too fudged together. Particularly the last battle scene.

- If they transmitted the plans to the ships above, how come the plans ended up on a disc on one of the ships instead of just being an electronic transmission stored on the ship itself? Why did it even matter if people had presumable already had a chance to look at them?
- Why was it such a big deal to get a message to the ships above to destroy the shield barrier? If the ships weren't already there to try and destroy the shield barrier, then why were they there at all? This was literally the only useful reason for them to be there.
- How come that cable that didn't quite reach the ship on the ground suddenly did when the guy just sort of waited a few minutes then tried running to the ship again?
- How many characters in one film can you introduce by having them appear with their back to the screen and then slowly turn around? It happened about 6 times
- I liked the miserable robot. I liked that it was miserable

I can help with at least one of those. It became vital to get the shield gate down to receive the transmission from the surface. Before that, the rebels were fighting on 2 fronts... the imperial ships and the field gate. Once they knew it was going wrong on the surface, they had to turn all their attention on the field gate, regardless of what was happening with the imperial ships.

The cable - french dude moved it over the box it was stuck around?

The plans and the disk. Think that's pretty obvious. The ship was likely to be be boarded and the mainframe wiped. The rebels had nowhere to send the plans so having them on disk was the only way to smuggle them out. Plus this bit had to link in with IV and the plans were on a disk. The rebels capital ship could not have trasmitted the plans quickly as it took that massive dish on the surface to send them.
The force ghost change only makes sense to viewers (esp if you watch it ep1-6 in a row), but it wouldnt/shouldnt to Luke as pointed out above (unless he had pictures of a younger Vader/Anakin lying around and knew what he looked like as a younger man)
Im not too bothered about the music change though:

The music is much better in the new one though.
Ok, I found all the changes:

The first video is particularly terrible, with full of added CGI, Han shooting first and so on. The second and third video add mostly just visually nicer effects, while on the fourth one we have the changed Jabba palace scene and 'Noooo', 'Nooooooooo' which were bad, Hayden Christensen addition which from Luke's POV doesn't make sense at all, but on the other side also visually nicer effects and better music in the end.

Hoping for a new change soon when it fixes some of the problems of new changes.
The thing is, people back in the 70s and 80s working on these films did an amazing and difficult job, for which they won awards. It seems a bit of a slap in the face to those people to go and erase their work and replace it with effects that look every bit as dated now as George Lucas felt the originals did back in the late 90s.
One of the changes I saw was added windows to show more of the area they were in (or the area /city outside) and I thought that was a nice addition / change. More like an enhancement.
Changing how Palpatine looked was better cos it looked ... well he didnt look scary originally. Thing Is I didnt even remember that change and only see Palpatine as the re-done one. (continuity).

The music is much better in the new one though.

This is what I thought as well. It sounds more... star wars-y. lol

The thing is, people back in the 70s and 80s working on these films did an amazing and difficult job, for which they won awards. It seems a bit of a slap in the face to those people to go and erase their work and replace it with effects that look every bit as dated now as George Lucas felt the originals did back in the late 90s.

Thats a fair point. I would hate if I was part of something as big as this and my voice was dubbed over 20 years later and credit taken away, or something I designed was changed into more CGI.

Kind of agree with that. There is essentially no point on making movies look more modern, considering that they will look ancient a decade or two later in any case.

In Star Wars case, I think that tying some stuff between the trilogies might have made sense, but Lucas didn't do that (and I don't think that it was even needed). Putting Christensen just served no point considering that well we get it, but Luke on the other side? And making Vader scream like moron is even stupider.

The other differences were mostly harmless little changes which didn't add much. The only changes he should have made were to color the lightsabers and to remove the latin characters from the keyboards (something that he did), but other than that there were all minor changes that don't add (neither destroy) anything to the movies.
but on the other side also visually nicer effects and better music in the end.

Aye, the second video of A New Hope is a great example of the good things Lucasfilm added in or enhanced, but feck me there's some absolutely terrible stuff in there too, especially part 1. The rock in front of R2 is beyond stupid, how the feck do they expect us to think he got in there? And the whole of Mos Eisley is just a cluster feck of cock-ups.

As for the music, they were with the ewoks, I loved the music as it totally fitted in with their surroundings. Although I can let that go, the new music is nice but the Anakin addition is horrific.
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If you're looking for continuity through the six films (which I'd imagine even Lucas was to some extent) then the Christensen addition makes more sense than having an actor in there who looks nothing like Anakin originally did. I don't see why he gets to appear in younger form though since Obi-Wan remains old when he appears.
If you're looking for continuity through the six films (which I'd imagine even Lucas was to some extent) then the Christensen addition makes more sense than having an actor in there who looks nothing like Anakin originally did. I don't see why he gets to appear in younger form though since Obi-Wan remains old when he appears.

To the viewer, not for the character (Luke) in the movie.
To the viewer, not for the character (Luke) in the movie.

The original doesn't make any more sense in the context of the movie though, now we know Anakin looked nothing like the original guy. It's shite for the actor obviously, who's been thrown out the franchise but he doesn't look like the actual character.

Realistically it should just be Vader in his deformed self version.