Film Star Wars: Pogue One

Agreed. I thought the whole light saber battle in RotS was daft epitomised by the even worse conclusion. "I have the higher ground", seriously. Bullshit. :lol:

Phantom Menace imo had the best light saber battle as it had a nice blend of drama and looking cool, thats the only redeeming feature of that entire film. Force Awakens had one of the best moments in a light saber battle though when Rey force pulls the light saber, the music combo was perfect.

Yep, plus it has excellent music to acompany it (the other redeeming feature of that film... all the music is fantastic) and it came before they became obsessed with jumping and twirling all over the place (though there are a few unnecesarry spins and flips and what not, which brings it down a little bit).

Plus, a double-sided lightsabre is feckin' cool.
Am I the only one who loves the Empire duel between Luke and Vader above all the others? Dramatic moments + scary Vader + emotion + not geriatric + awesome ending.
My favourite is Anakin/Obi-Wan in RotS (because I ignore how it ended).
Am I the only one who loves the Empire duel between Luke and Vader above all the others? Dramatic moments + scary Vader + emotion + not geriatric + awesome ending.

It wasn't much of a light saber fight though. It was basically Vader trolling Luke throughout, which was good to be fair.
In terms of cinematic enjoyment, Empire's is definitely top. Though I also love that tracking shot with the music blaring in Return of the Jedi.
Am I the only one who loves the Empire duel between Luke and Vader above all the others? Dramatic moments + scary Vader + emotion + not geriatric + awesome ending.

Jedi is the best for me. It's the only really character driven battle, where you get a sense of the emotion involved. Also the only fight in the OT with music, which is a bonus.

The ending of Jedi is just perfect. My favourite scene from all 6 movies is where Luke hands himself over to Vader and they have that chat on their own.

That line about his father being truly dead knocks him for six. It's amazing how even though he's wearing a mask you can tell how much that hurt. Things like this are something the prequels sorely lacked.
Jedi is the best for me. It's the only really character driven battle, where you get a sense of the emotion involved. Also the only fight in the OT with music, which is a bonus.

The ending of Jedi is just perfect. My favourite scene from all 6 movies is where Luke hands himself over to Vader and they have that chat on their own.

That line about his father being truly dead knocks him for six. It's amazing how even though he's wearing a mask you can tell how much that hurt. Things like this are something the prequels sorely lacked.

Jedi without the teddy bears is very good..
It wasn't much of a light saber fight though. It was basically Vader trolling Luke throughout, which was good to be fair.

Which is pretty much same as TFA with Kylo trolling Finn until hes tagged (though a lot of people were saying " HOW COULD FINN HOLD HIS OWN"... lol)

Also speaking of Darth Maul, I really wish he wasnt a one movie thing. I think they should have had him across the three, maybe dying in the third one at the beginning as a way to transition from him to Vader.
Which is pretty much same as TFA with Kylo trolling Finn until hes tagged (though a lot of people were saying " HOW COULD FINN HOLD HIS OWN"... lol)

Also speaking of Darth Maul, I really wish he wasnt a one movie thing. I think they should have had him across the three, maybe dying in the third one at the beginning as a way to transition from him to Vader.

Except worse because Kylo had a hole in his stomach.
Which is pretty much same as TFA with Kylo trolling Finn until hes tagged (though a lot of people were saying " HOW COULD FINN HOLD HIS OWN"... lol)

Also speaking of Darth Maul, I really wish he wasnt a one movie thing. I think they should have had him across the three, maybe dying in the third one at the beginning as a way to transition from him to Vader.
I hated Maul. A character with absolutely no depth who doesn't even speak, but weirdos like him for the same reasons they like Boba Fett.

Count Dooku was a much better character than him.
Except worse because Kylo had a hole in his stomach.

Oh yea, of course, a shot that kills most people from Chewwy, but hes standing losing blood trying to brush it off, yet people still think that doesnt make him look badass.

I hated Maul. A character with absolutely no depth who doesn't even speak, but weirdos like him for the same reasons they like Boba Fett.

Count Dooku was a much better character than him.

Overall, yeah but thats based on what we were given.
But I think Maul could have been explored in ep2 which would have made it much better than what we got. I think he was a damn silent badass.
Boba Fett is awesome just for the way Vader says "and NO DISINTEGRATIONS." to him.
Boba Fett is awesome just for the way Vader says "and NO DISINTEGRATIONS." to him.

Knowing Disney, there's enough of a story behind that line for a spin-off film.
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Boba Fett is awesome just for the way Vader says "and NO DISINTEGRATIONS." to him.

Plus he's kinda badass for the way he talks back to Vader with the "He's no good to me dead" line. Pretty much one of the few characters who questions Vader in a movie where he kills or puts down just about anyone who tries to do so. But he works as a small character in that sense...ideas of Fett getting his own movie seem silly because he's someone who's interesting because of his minimal role and the respect we see Vader having for him.
Plus he's kinda badass for the way he talks back to Vader with the "He's no good to me dead" line. Pretty much one of the few characters who questions Vader in a movie where he kills or puts down just about anyone who tries to do so. But he works as a small character in that sense...ideas of Fett getting his own movie seem silly because he's someone who's interesting because of his minimal role and the respect we see Vader having for him.
Yeah, agree with that. Anything that carries the Star Wars name is always going to have kids in mind as audience, and a Boba Fett antihero protagonist wouldn't work there unless they mangled the character.

Trouble is they're going to want to mine the franchise for all they can, but I hope they'll be a bit braver and more creative. Something entirely new and unrelated to the main storyline would be welcome, perhaps from way way back.
I hated Maul. A character with absolutely no depth who doesn't even speak, but weirdos like him for the same reasons they like Boba Fett.

Count Dooku was a much better character than him.

That's why Maul was such a good character, he's doesn't have any of the god awful dialog that kills off everyone else. He has a mystery about him and actually looks like a believable threat. Agree with others saying his fight is best of the prequels.
I hate that they brought him back. They should have either left him alive and developed him as the main villain of all 3 movies, or kept him dead. Star Wars is always bowing to fan pressure, and all it means is we get old things cropping up all the time. Like Darth Maul coming back with spiders legs, Thrawn turning up on the cartoons and rehashed movies reliant on past references. Is it that hard to make new things?
The fights from best to worst (IMO), including the fight and the emotions related to it:

1) Kenobi vs Skywalker and Yoda vs Palpatine - I thought this is the best swordfight I have seen ever. It had everything you want from a fight. It was emotional (seeing Kenobi going after Anakin), was done well and Evan McGregor did an excellent job on showing how sad he was for doing what he did. At the same time, the fight was changing from Kenobi - Skywalker which was a total swordfight of two young Jedi, to Palps - Yoda which was a show of Force of two old man.

2) Luke vs Vader (first time) - It would have been lower if if wasn't for 'No, I am your father' at the end of it, but that was part of the fight. Vader toying with Luke.

3) Luke vs Vader (second time) - This had my heart beating too much too. Luke now fully trained defeating Vader, to only refuse to kill him and then getting shocked from Palps. Then Vader going good and killing Palps. Perfect ending.

4) Qui-Gon Jin and Kenobi vs Maul - The first fight in the prequels, and still you didn't know what to expect. Maul does better than them and then killing Liam Neeson. feck!

5) Anakin and Kenobi vs Dooku (second time) - Anakin now fully developed doing much better than the previous time, but Kenobi being totally helpless again. Anakin going very dark by killing Dooku.

6) Mace Windu and Kit Fisto and Saesee Tiin and Agen Kolar vs Sidious - Showing how strong Sidious was and how he easily killed 3 members of the Jedi High Council. Showing that Windu is a fantastic dueler. Still think that Palps would have defeated him but wanted to force Skywalker to choose him.

7) Rey vs Kylo Ren - The only fight in the new trilogy, and I was a bit disappointed that Kylo fought like a total noob. Still, he was injured though. Daisy Ridley did an excellent job in that fight (and in the entire movie)

8) Anakin and Kenobi and Yoda vs Dooku (first time) - By far the worst fight in the prequels. Dooku defeating them while being quite slow himself, Anakin doing stupid weird things, and then a shitty show from Yoda. Still don't know why Dooku didn't attack Yoda while Yoda was trying to save Kenobi and Skywalker.

9) Obi-Wan Kenobi vs Darth Vader - The first fight in the movies, and by far the worst one. It was clear that neither of them had any idea how to fight, and looked more like a comedy than anything else. While it also has one of the most memorable moments on the saga (the death of my favorite SW character), the fight was done poorly. Had Lucas ever thought of changing it for the 2020 Christmas special edition?
He had a few lines in the movies, and he's been decent in Rebels and TCW.
I thought that returning him was a very bad move, but kids like him and cartoon shows are mostly watched by kids. He should have died when Kenobi chopped him, not return and do an another hundred fights with Kenobi.

He's fighting Kenobi again tonight in Rebels, and they are making a mini TV show for him.

I loved Darth Plagueis book also because it relegated him from a Sith apprentice to just an informal apprentice of the Sith apprentice. The fecker was never a Darth and thinks that he is cool. Look what is a true Darth:

'Rogue One', more like 'Star Wars: Krennic's Ego and Incompetence'.
Way better than episode VII. For me it's up there with the original trilogy.

THIS!...just got back from seeing it finally...excellent fecking SW film...blows that EP 4 rehash shit show out of the water...okay maybe that is a little OTT but all around good film...yeah there were some cheesy parts but enjoyed it the film throughout. The EP 4 cameos were great to see and of course the last scene made me a wee bit teary eyed....loved the scene of Vader fecking up all those rebels in the was certainly a different SW movie but they did it right.....was hoping see an Akbar appearance but not worries....hopefully VIII will be just as good. Oh an poor Jimmy Smits making that comment about heading back to Alderan...if only he knew.

Was Rogue One taken from a book or was it an original script?
Was Rogue One taken from a book or was it an original script?
It was taken from a title crawl.

I'm glad episode 8 picks up on that cliff, immediately after 7 ended because at least that means there'll be no movies showing what happened between the two.
THIS!...just got back from seeing it finally...excellent fecking SW film...blows that EP 4 rehash shit show out of the water...okay maybe that is a little OTT but all around good film...yeah there were some cheesy parts but enjoyed it the film throughout. The EP 4 cameos were great to see and of course the last scene made me a wee bit teary eyed....loved the scene of Vader fecking up all those rebels in the was certainly a different SW movie but they did it right.....was hoping see an Akbar appearance but not worries....hopefully VIII will be just as good. Oh an poor Jimmy Smits making that comment about heading back to Alderan...if only he knew.

Was Rogue One taken from a book or was it an original script?

I looked this up real quick, because i thought Ackbar only joined the rebellion after the destruction of the first Death Star, but I'm wrong. In the legends storyline he even was involved with getting data back about it. Huh, TIL.
Thought it was fairly shit all-told.

It had one redeeming scene, which was obviously Vader at the end.
They're turning Han Solo into a pseudonym? That seems fairly unnecessary, fecking with stuff just because they can.
The Force is with me and I am one with the force. :(
They're turning Han Solo into a pseudonym? That seems fairly unnecessary, fecking with stuff just because they can.

Yeah seems a bit stupid unless his name is something like Hansel Solo.... which now I've said it I definitely think it should be.
I have never been a big Star War fan (not even sure i have watched all of them..) but I didn't even know this was a prequel until halfway through the film. I thought it was just a stand alone film.
Anyway i thought it was pretty decent, i was certainly entertained enough for something i dont really get hyped up for. The final act was cleverly done, tying it all in, and killing everyone.
Chirrut Îmwe, however deserved a better death, for all his feats to get take out like that was anti climatic
The Wan Kenobi trailer reminded me of this movie, and this scene, which is probably the best scene in the entire cinematic history of SW.