Film Star Wars: Pogue One

If you're looking for continuity through the six films (which I'd imagine even Lucas was to some extent) then the Christensen addition makes more sense than having an actor in there who looks nothing like Anakin originally did. I don't see why he gets to appear in younger form though since Obi-Wan remains old when he appears.
The argument is that Anakin died when he became Vader, so would look like Christensen, whereas Obi-Wan was himself till he conked it. But then, he is redeemed at the end and is presumably Anakin once more, so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. I'm not sure why everyone that dies needs to become a force ghost anyway, just stay dead dammit.
The argument is that Anakin died when he became Vader, so would look like Christensen, whereas Obi-Wan was himself till he conked it. But then, he is redeemed at the end and is presumably Anakin once more, so that doesn't make a whole lot of sense either. I'm not sure why everyone that dies needs to become a force ghost anyway, just stay dead dammit.

It's also a bit of a plothole, really. I mean...if Obi-Wan was able to become a force ghost, why didn't he spend the whole time annoying the shit out of Vader and the Emperor? Being dead would give you the ability to troll and traumatise your enemies massively. Imagine how quickly Vader would become demoralised if he's been on a back-shift on the Death Star, goes for his lunch hour, and can't order fish and chips without Obi-Wan constantly annoying him.
I'm not sure why everyone that dies needs to become a force ghost anyway, just stay dead dammit.

I buy it more than Midi-Chlorians in a universe where you suck an energy from the star to make planets explode like they would survive without a sun to begin with.

Lucas should stop feckin with the force a long time ago. Even in Rogue One where the focus isn't on Skywalkers force is present and subtle enough to make the Star Wars' literal magic enjoyable.
The original doesn't make any more sense in the context of the movie though, now we know Anakin looked nothing like the original guy. It's shite for the actor obviously, who's been thrown out the franchise but he doesn't look like the actual character.

Realistically it should just be Vader in his deformed self version.

Yeah the deformed version would have probably made more sense. But at least the original looked more like what Luke had seen of Anakin than actual Anakin / Hayden. Luke would never have seen that, so should have been like "who the F are you?".
Dunno, maybe its nitpicking, but the change really didnt need to happen lol
Is that bit still in ROTJ where Luke takes off his dad's mask and you see Mr. Potato Head finally? Does it look the same or did Lucas feck with that too?
Is that bit still in ROTJ where Luke takes off his dad's mask and you see Mr. Potato Head finally? Does it look the same or did Lucas feck with that too?

Thankfully he never fecked with a potato but I bet he would still make Rogue One Special Edition... (trying hard not make a CGI Leia joke)
It's also a bit of a plothole, really. I mean...if Obi-Wan was able to become a force ghost, why didn't he spend the whole time annoying the shit out of Vader and the Emperor? Being dead would give you the ability to troll and traumatise your enemies massively. Imagine how quickly Vader would become demoralised if he's been on a back-shift on the Death Star, goes for his lunch hour, and can't order fish and chips without Obi-Wan constantly annoying him.

:lol: Ffs
Way better than episode VII. For me it's up there with the original trilogy.
Watched it last night. I thought it was absolutely brilliant. Much darker and grittier in tone. Actually seeing stormtroopers getting blasted up close in the face was shocking for me to see. There were some really cheesy cringey dialogue but it didn't take anything away for the entire experience. Soundtrack was superb as always. The Vader scene at the end was great and the entire ending to the film was sad but satisfying.

Far better than episode VII.
Is that bit still in ROTJ where Luke takes off his dad's mask and you see Mr. Potato Head finally? Does it look the same or did Lucas feck with that too?

They actually removed his eyebrows.. Cos he was burned so shouldn't have eyebrows... Cos burned eyebrows never grow back or something.
I liked the movie, though I am more curious of the sequels (episodes VIII and onwards), this one was quite good and I did appreciate the fact that it's a sort of tragic ending. It also has the right mix of actions and humour.
I have a genuine question. Does the star wars cannon originally from books? Comics? Or movies?

I dont think lucas has the old trilogy pictured up when he made sw

Movies were the only Star Wars thing up to beginning of nineties. Since then there have been more than 200 novels/novellas in addition to a lot of comics and a TV show, all of which were cannon, and elements from which were added to the new movies (the rule of two, Coruscant etc). Then after Disney bought Lucasfilm they decided to decannonize everything bar the movies and the Clone Wars TV show, with some games like TOR being officially supported, other people not being able to add stories on that timeline, but at the same time not categorized as canon. Then since 2014, everything that has been written officially is in the same level of cannon as the movies and TV shows. It needs to be said that a lot of stuff from the old cannon has been added into the new one (like Thrawn).

So now, there are the eight movies, the two TV shows, and 10-15 books which are categorized as cannon.


Lucas definitely didn't plan the trilogy from the beginning, and originally Star Wars was supposed to be a standalone, with the possibility of sequels (which is why Vader didn't die there). However, a lot of stuff was added later. The Emperor wasn't supposed to be force sensitive, Vader wasn't supposed to be Anakin Skywalker and Luke and Leia weren't siblings in the beginning.
Movies were the only Star Wars thing up to beginning of nineties. Since then there have been more than 200 novels/novellas in addition to a lot of comics and a TV show, all of which were cannon, and elements from which were added to the new movies (the rule of two, Coruscant etc). Then after Disney bought Lucasfilm they decided to decannonize everything bar the movies and the Clone Wars TV show, with some games like TOR being officially supported, other people not being able to add stories on that timeline, but at the same time not categorized as canon. Then since 2014, everything that has been written officially is in the same level of cannon as the movies and TV shows. It needs to be said that a lot of stuff from the old cannon has been added into the new one (like Thrawn).

So now, there are the eight movies, the two TV shows, and 10-15 books which are categorized as cannon.


Lucas definitely didn't plan the trilogy from the beginning, and originally Star Wars was supposed to be a standalone, with the possibility of sequels (which is why Vader didn't die there). However, a lot of stuff was added later. The Emperor wasn't supposed to be force sensitive, Vader wasn't supposed to be Anakin Skywalker and Luke and Leia weren't siblings in the beginning.

Very insightful. Thank you
Movies were the only Star Wars thing up to beginning of nineties. Since then there have been more than 200 novels/novellas in addition to a lot of comics and a TV show, all of which were cannon, and elements from which were added to the new movies (the rule of two, Coruscant etc). Then after Disney bought Lucasfilm they decided to decannonize everything bar the movies and the Clone Wars TV show, with some games like TOR being officially supported, other people not being able to add stories on that timeline, but at the same time not categorized as canon. Then since 2014, everything that has been written officially is in the same level of cannon as the movies and TV shows. It needs to be said that a lot of stuff from the old cannon has been added into the new one (like Thrawn).

So now, there are the eight movies, the two TV shows, and 10-15 books which are categorized as cannon.


Lucas definitely didn't plan the trilogy from the beginning, and originally Star Wars was supposed to be a standalone, with the possibility of sequels (which is why Vader didn't die there). However, a lot of stuff was added later. The Emperor wasn't supposed to be force sensitive, Vader wasn't supposed to be Anakin Skywalker and Luke and Leia weren't siblings in the beginning.

And lightsabers were called laser swords.
Anakin originally got off with Leia...
Getting ready for this in full on IMAX 3D next week. May have to brush up on A New Hope before as its been ages.
I read that Lucas had originally planned for Luke to remove Vader's mask at the end of Jedi, then after Anakin dies put it on himself and say "now I am Darth Vader."

Only for the other writer to talk him out of it. It's funny how the best film of the original trilogy is the one Lucas had the least to do with...
Is that bit still in ROTJ where Luke takes off his dad's mask and you see Mr. Potato Head finally? Does it look the same or did Lucas feck with that too?

It's still Mr potato head mate :D
My favourite passage from the original version:

Will we make it? Is there any hope? Stay
with me. ... I love you.

Starkiller is slightly shocked at this outburst. The princess
starts to cry and clings to him for support.

No-one is going to stop acting like
a child, and start behaving like a queen. What
is this silly talk of love? You belong to the
people of Aquilae, and my job is to return you
to them, nothing more. Now straighten up and
get into a lifepod.
Lucas the romantic poet.

Other fun things about this version - Luke Skywalker is the Obi-Wan role, Darth Vader is a lame bloke in a normal man-suit, Han is a lizard man and Chewbacca and a load of other wookiees have to learn to fly spaceships for the final assault.
Saw this last night, and yeah it was pretty good. Like TFA it just felt more Star Wars then any of the prequels, but unlike TFA it was nice to have a new story.

The only parts I didn't like were the stupid amounts of speeches and the first sighting of Vader just felt a little flat. Also once again the lead character was rushed and slightly annoying.

But all in all we enjoyed it and thought it did service to the originals.
Just been playing the Lego TFA game, which has Daisy Ridley doing voice 'acting' as Rey and it's ridiculously wooden. It's not quite as bad as that in the film, but she stands out for me as one of the worst things about it. One of the things that set Rogue One apart from Episode VII is that Felicity Jones is actually a believable and capable actor in the lead role.
I didn't think that Ridley did a bad job in The Force Awakens. The problem was that her character became too strong too soon, but I thought that she did a good job (better than Hamill and Christensen in their movies).
Good film. Would've been better if one of the lead actors didn't look like David Silva.

I generally liked this movie including the end but the points raised ehre are really good- especially about the characters.

From the same channel, this is an awesome video too.
Seen it last night. No jedis with light sabers. What the feck is that all about?
Seen it last night. No jedis with light sabers. What the feck is that all about?

It's set in an age where the Jedi are all but extinct. Darth Vader has killed all the survivors of order 66. This film takes place immediately before A New Hope where Obi Wan finds Luke and there are no Jedi anywhere, Obi Wan and Yoda in hiding etc.
Finally got round to seeing it last night.

I really liked it... maybe not quite as much as Force Awakens, which I outright love (despite its faults) but it was still a great ride. The biggest pros for me were the stakes of the movie - which were well established within the film itself and didn't rely on you just knowing what a Death Star is - the overall darker tone, and I liked the majority of the characters in the film itself, with Mendelson, Yen and Lunad being the stand-outs, though they all paled in comparison to Anderson from Sherlock being in the Rebellion... what a feckin' hero.

I guess my only big criticism was the lead actress, who was pretty crap at times... but its Star Wars, so dodgy acting has to be a thing I guess.
Also, to catch up on things on the last two pages...

The romance in the prequels is absolutely awful and has zero redeeming features. It's poorly acted, poorly written ("I Wish I could just... wish my feelings away... but I can't"), and there is zero chemistry or believability in any of those scenes.

In terms of lightsabre battles, the battle at the end of Force Awakens is miles better then every single battle in the prequels - bar maybe the last battle in the Phantom Menace - and for my money is the best lightsabre battle in Star Wars, only just pipping episode 4 and 5.
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Also, to catch up on things on the last two pages...

The romance in the prequels is absolutely awful and has zero redeeming features. It's poorly acted, poorly written ("I Wish I could just... wish my feelings away... but I can't"), and there is zero chemistry or believability in any of those scenes.

In terms of lightsabre battles, the battle at the end of Force Awakens is miles better then every single battle in the prequels - bar maybe the last battle between in the Phantom Menace - and for my money is the best lightsabre battle in Star Wars, only just pipping episode 4 and 5.

Agreed. I thought the whole light saber battle in RotS was daft epitomised by the even worse conclusion. "I have the higher ground", seriously. Bullshit. :lol:

Phantom Menace imo had the best light saber battle as it had a nice blend of drama and looking cool, thats the only redeeming feature of that entire film. Force Awakens had one of the best moments in a light saber battle though when Rey force pulls the light saber, the music combo was perfect.