Pogue Mahone
Pogue, stop deluding yourself. The "challenge" was barely a challenge. Young kicks his feet into the standing foot of Clark, partly changing the direction of his run to create contact. It's gamesmanship, and he added a theatrical dive on top of that. Seriously, stop deluding ourselves, that was as clear a dive as you're ever gonna see. It looks ridicilous.
For me, I don't enjoy winning nearly as much when the first goal came as a result of one of our players cheating. That wouldn't be a pen if Young didn't decide to kick his foot into Clark's, and leave his trailing leg. How some of you can defend that is incomprehensible for me.
I guess this is where we've come in the modern game, supporters defending that sort of cheating blindly. Had that been Suarez against us, I'd love to see the reaction on here.
I'm not deluding myself at all, thanks. I'm aware he dived. Obviously, if the defender hadn't hung a leg out he wouldn't have been tempted, nor would the referee have awarded us a penalty.
As for the rest of your post, nice rant but kind of pointless. I, for one, am not "defending that sort of cheating blindly". I don't actually think anyone is. I'm just a little less fired up with moral outrage than the rest of ye. There are worse things in football.