Sir Alex Ferguson has retired

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Twitter ITK will know feck all about the statement, your better off looking on the NYSE website.
This reminds me of when Hazard was gonna announce his new club, everyone seemed to decide on when it was gonna be announced without any evidence at all. Who actually said something was gonna happen at 11?
Will you support United after Sir Alex?

How long before we turn into... Madrid?

I dunno what to say really, even if it's not true (thank god) there really cant be too long left. Then again I know a 72 year old lorry driver. That's similar right? Worse even, Sir Alex can probably go until he is 80
We won't become another club with a constant managerial conveyor belt, will we?
I got a massive inkling from his reaction at the end of the Madrid game that he could retire in the summer. His reaction was beyond that of someone who had been wronged, more someone who had lost his last big chance of glory. Am still hoping I'm just completely wrong.

I can see your point. Normally SAF comes out and gives it all guns blazing when a decision has cost us, but having Phelan talk to the press afterwards of how 'distraught' Sir Alex was. It does make you wonder if his reaction was down to being robbed of his last chance at CL glory.
Would be pretty shitty if he did it after the season ended and you didn't get a chance to play o e last game with him in charge at OT.

It's not as though there couldn't be some appropriate way to honor fergie at OT a few days after the season ended.

I say this is bullshit. Fergie is within touching distance of getting back to a CL final and you know he wants to go out as european champion. The only way I see this making any sense is if Jose has been secured as the successor.
He's probably in a club somewhere, pumping bad bitches like a bawse.
Go to bed folks. Staying up any longer won't make it better will it? We'll find out eventually. By Sunday, all these rumors will be put to bed, one way or another.
He's been talking about transfers loads and about sticking around with this exciting team he's got. Surely this is bollocks?

Leaning towards bollocks right now as these things spiral nowadays thanks to twitter. But it wouldn't surprise me if Fergie had a wind up with the media in more ways than one.
@JanAageFjortoft: 1. I am 100 % sure that Ferguson will be manager at Man UTD next season.
2. If he went. 100 % sure they won't go for Mourinho
Double move for Ronnie and Falcao.


The Quadruple is on lads.
We won't become another club with a constant managerial conveyor belt, will we?

No, but you can't expect another Ferguson either. 5 years from the next manager would do.
Where's Howard Nurse when you need him to debunk this all instantly.
I can see your point. Normally SAF comes out and gives it all guns blazing when a decision has cost us, but having Phelan talk to the press afterwards of how 'distraught' Sir Alex was. It does make you wonder if his reaction was down to being robbed of his last chance at CL glory.

Yep it was the Phelan presser that made me think it. I know a lot of people did say it convinced them otherwise but I dunno, an old man can only take so much.
Go to bed folks. Staying up any longer won't make it better will it? We'll find out eventually. By Sunday, all these rumors will be put to bed, one way or another.

I don't usually go to be until about twelve thirty, so you've got my annoying presence for another hour or so :D
Remember what he said when he FA revealed Young was injured? "never again"

@JanAageFjortoft: 1. I am 100 % sure that Ferguson will be manager at Man UTD next season.
2. If he went. 100 % sure they won't go for Mourinho

Well if he is 100% sure about it, there would be no "ifs" whatsoever. I do agree with his 2nd point, I can't see the hierarchy going for Mourinho even though I've always felt he is no worse than Fergie.
The mirrors got a nostalgic photo gallery, so it must be true.

They are also running a story about Steve Keane to become Joses assistant at Chelsea.

From reading their article it would appear they came to the conclusion because he speaks a bit of Portuguese
If they're obligated to tell the NYSE, I assume some sort of statement will be made tomorrow either confirming or (hopefully) denying the rumours?
@JanAageFjortoft: 1. I am 100 % sure that Ferguson will be manager at Man UTD next season.
2. If he went. 100 % sure they won't go for Mourinho

Who the feck is he and why should we care what he thinks?

God I hate twitter.
I'm not sure that 'one more attempt at the Champions League' will alter Fergie's decision tbh. I mean, how do we know that this season wasn't his 'one more'? We can't simply say 'he'll continue until he wins another Champions League', when in reality, we don't know if and when that will happen.

It's so unfortunate for him that some of his better United sides in recent years peaked around the same time as the Barcelona machine, that he had no chance of beating. I was thinking that the other day when looking at the more recent Barcelona.If Fergie had come across that side, he'd have had another European Cup.
We won't become another club with a constant managerial conveyor belt, will we?

I don't think we will, assuming the next manager will be chosen by Fergie the Glazer will most likely back his decision and support the new manager. Whoever it is they will need time to settle so the supporters will have to be patient.
This is what i'm dreading the most. I have Scouse supporting mates that will be smug as feck.

Piers Morgan also said on twitter that he hopes this is all true for Arsenal's sake :wenger:

Currently the teams that would benefit the most from this are City and Chelsea to be honest.
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