Sir Alex Ferguson has retired

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The celebrations among rival fans will be unbearable.

It'll be like when Darth Vader chucked The Emporer down that shaft. Yes you will still have all the star destroyers and thousands of stormtroopers but with Grand Moff Phelan in charge it's a little less scary.

I am well aware how rawky that sounds by the way!
Thanks for this SAF when I have an essay to write, thank you. Thank you.
Who the feck is he and why should we care what he thinks?

God I hate twitter.

A very reliable journalist who broke the recent gotze - bayern story
Nothing on my Edgar feed, and has to be there first so go to bed folks. Nothing will happen until the feed starts up again tomorrow.
It'll be like when Darth Vader chucked The Emporer down that shaft. Yes you will still have all the star destroyers and thousands of stormtroopers but with Grand Moff Phelan in charge it's a little less scary.

I am well aware how rawky that sounds by the way!

Meh you fail at the RAWKY-ness. It would be much better if you had some Luke Skywalker leading Chelsea to glory analogy thrown into the mix.
Jan Aage Fjortoft's views are being taken into consideration now?

I wonder what Wolf from Gladiators thinks?

A brave new direction.
Jan Aage Fjortoft's views are being taken into consideration now?

I wonder what Wolf from Gladiators thinks?

He knew the Götze transfer before it was official though.
We should have an X-Factor style show on ITV to fine the next man.
Imagine we were giving Fergie and Scholesy a send off on the same day. :(
Club has gone stale in recent years. Players like Rooney look bored of playing for him. New manager, new era. It's for the best.

Don't feed the troll.
Fergie was heard to remark "only god know my future" when asked about the rumours.
I reckon it's to ensure we get Mourinho. Fergie wants us in as strong a position as possible. If Mourinho went to Chelsea it would be nigh on impossible to get him to OT.
Howard Nurse has spoken :


Frenzied last few hours. Nothing concrete though.
Sky sports news have changed their story on Mourinho to Chelsea to simply Benitez saying he won't be there next season. More than likely them just covering their tracks.
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