Sir Alex Ferguson has retired

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Both our greatest managers have been Scotsmen. All our European titles where won by Sir Matt and Sir Alex. Of course it took a while after Sir Matt to pick up Sir Alex, I suggest we make mistakes before arriving at Moyes. Martinez, Di Matteo, etc. lots of young and upcoming managers we can destroy
So are we expecting an 11PM announcement then? Or is it just Twitter shite?
Hang on, why does it have to be a glam? And when was the last time someone like Mourinho built a legacy? He's never around for more than three seasons. United have always preferred stability over a quick fix.

we did not have the Glazers when he was appointed.

United is a huge business worth billions. Will the owners 'risk' that with a manager who has not won anything?
I am at peace with these rumours. Absolute legend of a man, but he is in his 70's and this was always going to come. Also, I doubt he'd leave us in the shit, some sort of contingency would be in place. Also, if the rumours turn out to be true (preferably), then we shall still have the great man.

The reality of it is that we will obviously have to learn to go on without him in the near future either way, so an announcement of his retirement isn't really shocking. Fergie has been United manager for my entire period as a football and United follower, so I feel that my life will actually be a bit different if he was no longer in charge! I have seen or known nothing else, but I must say, in a wierd way, it will be a bit exciting almost to see how the club moves on from his reign. I choose to look forward to it, whenever it happens. Not that I want him to go of course, but he obviously will soon, and it will be the most interesting thing in all of football to see how we fare. Will also be interesting for me/us.
This sums up my feelings better than I could have put them.
What's this deny and confirm stuff regarding the stock exchange? Anybody able to explain that? Do we have no choice what so ever to confirm or deny a story like this within a certain amount of time?
I've just burnt my toast. I know an omen when I see one.

Just after having a good laugh at whoever that other poster was, THIS post had me going in for a full belly laugh, which was of course your intended effect. Well done!
He'd need to do a year under Phelan before he's ready.

And when I say "under" I mean it with all its various connotations.

What happens in Sven's jacuzzi, stays in Sven's jacuzzi. Until it's washed down the plughole.
Interesting that this Twitter stuff appears to have been embargoed just past the closing time of the NYSE.
feck me, I keep getting picked up for my errant phraseology today. I was angling at the point that Moyes isn't a fancied candidate.

Ah no problem. I've seen people suggest the likes of Solskjaer and Giggs but I don't think they're serious except the Ole ones so you might have had a point there.
Also, Molde are doing terribly this season. Bring back Ole and Moyes as a tag-team duo.
Talk about timing

I'd be ok if we signed Rafa.
Yep. SAF runs the club from top to bottom almost and is involved in even U 12 recruitment.

Mourinho has never been that guy.

No, but I think the next manager won't be as hands on, he'll just have modern coaching duties. Mourinho's downside is that he's such a loose canon, I'm not sure how the club would deal with his brand of management. I actually do think it'll be him though.
Right, I don't think there'll be any statements past eleven... Dunno if this'll help me sleep soundly though...
What's this deny and confirm stuff regarding the stock exchange? Anybody able to explain that? Do we have no choice what so ever to confirm or deny a story like this within a certain amount of time?

the club will have to confirm or deny it, or risk the stock price falling.

That is why the club will make a statement one way or another soon.
No, but I think the next manager won't be as hands on, he'll just have modern coaching duties. Mourinho's downside is that he's such a loose canon, I'm not sure how the club would deal with his brand of management. I actually do think it'll be him though.

Moyes is pretty hands on at Everton. Klopp less so but he's more involved then the likes of Mourinho too.
Right, I don't think there'll be any statements past eleven... Dunno if this'll help me sleep soundly though...


I'm at work and finished in 4 minutes. I don't know how I'm going to be able to leave the internet for the 15 minutes it'll take to drive up the road. :(
He spoke only weeks ago about wanting to be around to see this team through and even more recently spoke about our transfer activity in the summer. Don't think he'd bother talking about our transfer plans if he was thinking about leaving.

I'm willing to bet our major announcement will be a record breaking Nike deal.
Whoever it is needs to maintain the standards Fergie has instilled into the club. i.e. the very highest standards. Moyes would do that I'm sure.
My new theory is that these rumours have been created by Madrid to make sure someone goes for Mourinho and they get their compensation.
Can we have a reality TV show over the summer with Fergie firing candidates?

"I believe I am a Special One"
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