Sir Alex Ferguson has retired

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There's a small local rumour going around that his brother (the scout apparently)? is also going to retire. Not from online so no proper source.
There's a small local rumour going around that his brother (the scout apparently)? is also going to retire. Not from online so no proper source.

That would be an incredible WUM from United if the announcement tomorrow was that Ferguson is Retiring..... Martin Ferguson :trollface:
You could always say this though. It applies almost every single Summer.

Not for a while has the league been a three horse race. Next year Chelsea will definitely up there with City and us. I think next year is different.
I don't believe that after this years CL debacle he will just lay down and accept that and retire. That is not the Fergie way.

On the other hand, SAF's furious reaction to us going out of the CL might suggest he saw this season's campaign as his last chance at winning his 3rd trophy.
The funny thing is that whatever the outcome of this everyone will point to numerous incidents such as his reaction to the Madrid game and say how bloody obvious it was, either way.
Fergie was always going to retire knowing he'd left the club in the best position possible to move forwards successfully. And so with Benitez available in the summer, he's doing the only decent thing he can do and stepping aside.
Sorry guys, I jinxed it by saying that keeping SAF was my top priority in the Priorities 2013/14 thread on Monday.
He's always stated his health will dictate when be retires, if he's had a downturn in that then he may feel he has to call it a day.

I don't really buy the reaction to Nani's red card v Madrid as a sign of this being his last season though, I'm fairly sure he'd have reacted similarly in any one of this 26 years as a manager. It was an atrocious decision.

I'm led in bed and its a surreal feeling I have, we've all thought about the day he'd retire but this is the first time in 10 years since he u-turned that I feel he might just do. And if he does I will genuinely be gutted. But also feel privileged that he's managed our club for over a quarter of a century and given us more moments of joy than any fan of a football club surely deserves.
He's always stated his health will dictate when be retires, if he's had a downturn in that then he may feel he has to call it a day.

I don't really buy the reaction to Nani's red card v Madrid as a sign of this being his last season though, I'm fairly sure he'd have reacted similarly in any one of this 26 years as a manager. It was an atrocious decision.

I'm led in bed and its a surreal feeling I have, we've all thought about the day he'd retire but this is the first time in 10 years since he u-turned that I feel he might just do. And if he does I will genuinely be gutted. But also feel privileged that he's managed our club for over a quarter of a century and given us more moments of joy than any fan of a football club surely deserves.

Sums up exactly how I feel.
Great post, Elvis.
I'm led in bed and its a surreal feeling I have, we've all thought about the day he'd retire but this is the first time in 10 years since he u-turned that I feel he might just do. And if he does I will genuinely be gutted. But also feel privileged that he's managed our club for over a quarter of a century and given us more moments of joy than any fan of a football club surely deserves.

Agreed. Be sad to see him go really but ah well nothing confirmed yet.
Whilst it may not be true, or not announced tomorrow...ruling it out whilst knowing nothing is ridiculous.

I've said in other threads that he's reached that stage where is could happen in the blink of an eye. He's 71, a "pensioner" who works more hours in a week than some do in a month, his health is of more importance for his own sake AND the future. Even if he retires as manager he'll still be around until he kicks the bucket, he won't go away.

After 26 years and bringing 20 titles and many near misses in Europe, at 71 I don't think he can have that much ambition in regards to Europe for the long term. And as most of us can see, we aren't set up to win anything in Europe just yet.

This story spices things up and is more likely to be rubbish than true, but don't rule it out guys. He isn't immortal and he will go one day. We're right in the middle of a little transition to get back as one of the forces in Europe and not simply the Premier League winners, and this transition could take one hell of a turn.

I look forward to any statements from the club or the man. It's not out of the ordinary that announcements are made when you least expect it. Although this is much more serious matter, people were laughing off the rumours of an 'enquiry' for Robin van Persie last July, a month later he joins. Anything is possible
This is starting to feel very weird. United without Sir Alex Ferguson in charge...I don't even know what the feck that's like. :lol: I mean, I could've been born 10 years earlier and barely remembered what that was like! I don't know whether or not any of this is true but I underestimated how weird it'd feel when the time came for him to step down.
I'm 90% sure this is bullshit but that 10% doubt that has been put in my mind is kind of knocking me sick with nerves.
A Guardian reader's comment:

The one true constant i have known throughout my football-supporting life is Ferguson at Man United... Ferguson and Man United winning everything... Ferguson's boot stamping on my ABU face, forever. And now that he's (possibly) leaving, the future is suddenly too terrible to contemplate.
It's like a watered-down Stockholm syndrome.
Some of the United players were at a golf day on Tuesday near Altrincham, where they played against members of the coaching staff and, according to sources close to some of the players, were told to prepare to receive news about their 71-year-old manager.

Have to say, that bit in particular does sound very worrying. You would expect the players to be told prior to an announcement, and it's very easy to imagine some of them not being able to keep it under wraps.
Maybe Gill's stepping-down was a tell-tale sign.
Who knows? We can speculate 'til the cows come home, Sir Alex is the only man who knows for sure.
Suppose an announcement before his last home game would make the most sense :(
I read something about the team are still going to Chester Races tomorrow and Fergie will attend. Assuming SAF will tell them what is going on.
Personally, I think this might be it. There's a few signs that it couod be the case, but the fact that the three managers that Fergie named as his possible replacements are all on the move this summer, I think that's a tell-tale sign. Fergie will do the best for this club and if he thinks they'll give us another generation of success, he'd sacrifice one or two more years of his own glory to make sure that happens. He'd never let personal, short term aims get in the way of us appointing the right manager that'll take us forward for the future years.

I just find it sad as I think back to Fergie talking about his dad dying because he stopped working. It is sad if he is making that sacrifice for the club. He's an absolute legend and I hope we keep him working hard behind the scenes. He's still got a big part to play if he does step down.
The romantic in me believes this to be a good a time as any for Ferguson to step down. His Premier League title safe in Old Trafford, noisy neighbours usurped, Liverpool off their perch.
The team is young, and ready for a new manager to come in really. I mean, is this side set up to play in any particular way? Not really, this side can adapt to a new manager and his footballing philosophies.
It's not happening. It's probably just some news about him going for surgery, or bringing in a new assistant for next season or bringing back Ronaldo :drool:.

Ha. :D It'd be great if this retirement business was just a typical SAF smokescreen to throw journalists off the scent.
I just can't sleep.

I haven't smoked my e-cigarette in nearly 10 days. I think I need a a few drags now. I think he'll be announcing retirement due to ill health, maybe perceived complications with the hip operation, that he's just found out about.

I'm hoping against hope that he is just announcing that he'll be out for longer than expected and measures will have to be taken but that he'll be coming back.
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