Television Severance (Apple TV) | Spoiler anything that has not been aired, i.e trailer content, BTS stuff

"If you take the title of this _ at face value then yes..yes it does!"
Just like the 'break room'. Such a peaceful place taken at face value .

Prisons have visitation rooms too, the fact you don't know which is which with Milchick is what makes his character.

Such good acting and scripting.
Just like the 'break room'. Such a peaceful place taken at face value .

Prisons have visitation rooms too, the fact you don't know which is which with Milchick is what makes his character.

Such good acting and scripting.

the actor playing Milchick makes you realize how much luck comes into that industry. He hadn’t been in a single show or move I’d even heard of, but after this success he’s now got a part in the next mission impossible

Welcome back! Can't believe it's been 5 months since you posted that spoiler. Glad you're feeling better.

Great decision by mods not to allow discussion of non-aired material. Genuinely something I can get behind.
A couple of things I'd like some thoughts on that have aired back in season 1.

1. When Cobel realizes its Helly about to give the speech, she threatens that Lumon can hurt the innies physically... I think this has to be BS because the outie would presumably feel the pain as soon as they went up the elevator? And they can't just keep someone down there forever, they are very clear that the work day ends around 5pm.

2. The former lemon surgeon who killed that guy with the baseball bat... I mean, that's cold blooded murder, but nothing seems to have been made of that? Why is it so bad that she is literally killing people? That guys job just seemed to be to escort people to the break room?
A couple of things I'd like some thoughts on that have aired back in season 1.

1. When Cobel realizes its Helly about to give the speech, she threatens that Lumon can hurt the innies physically... I think this has to be BS because the outie would presumably feel the pain as soon as they went up the elevator? And they can't just keep someone down there forever, they are very clear that the work day ends around 5pm.

2. The former lemon surgeon who killed that guy with the baseball bat... I mean, that's cold blooded murder, but nothing seems to have been made of that? Why is it so bad that she is literally killing people? That guys job just seemed to be to escort people to the break room?
For 1. There could be any number of other "protocols" they have in place.
In the security room guide we saw that as well as the "overtime" protocol there was the "Elephant Access" circuit, potentially allowing someone to retain memories from the severed floor - Hello Melchick and Cobel!. There was also the "clean slate cycle" a total memory wipe? and the "branch transfer system" allowing them to bus in "innies" from another site maybe.

This is just 4 protocols taken from a very thick binder of guides. We have also seen cue cards that Dylan swiped had some sort of physical activities that were somehow so important that they had to use the overtime protocol to receive them.

They have explained physical marks / bruising to outies in the form of "notes on the windshield" but I bet these will only be needed for spontaneous events like Helly throwing the speaker at Mark.

The break room mantra of repeated apologies is a sophisticated psychological form of torture that doesn't rely on the usual methods of stress / noise / pain etc. I'm sure they could have come up with a more sophisticated way of inflicting physical pain on innies without physical signs than just hitting them with phone books.
S2 E2 Spoliers Start

This is fun what they have going on with Helly, as many suspected. I don’t know how Lost fans did it back in the day now that I’ve been exposed to binge viewing, what with the waiting a week and talking in person at these ‘water coolers’ like in the before times.

Dylan is becoming my favorite. I hope he gets a “coveted as feck” Egg Bar social this season.

S2 E2 Spoliers Start

This is fun what they have going on with Helly, as many suspected. I don’t know how Lost fans did it back in the day now that I’ve been exposed to binge viewing, what with the waiting a week and talking in person at these ‘water coolers’ like in the before times.

Dylan is becoming my favorite. I hope he gets a “coveted as feck” Egg Bar social this season.

all "doors" lead to the testing floor :smirk: and Cold Harbor is the key to severance technology going global as a "finished product".
Have just started watching this.
Is it me or is this slow as feck
On the third episode..
Yeah it does start off quite slow but it's worth it. Missus gave up early on it but that's her loss as it's a brilliant show with a brilliant concept.
She must be related to my missus cos she's starting to roll her eyes.
I am intrigued by it though.
Woke up in the middle of the night thinking about Irving cleaning the dirt under his fingernails and how it's related to the black goo covering his desk.
Bit of a slower episode, the new opening sequence is very interesting.

the scene where mark is going in and out of the elevator, they make a real effort to show the time on the clock. At one point the security guy says “Mr scout?” And mark replies “goodnight” but the time on the wall says 09:15”. Means mark was down there for 10 mins or so then decided to leave.
Bit of a slower episode, the new opening sequence is very interesting.

the scene where mark is going in and out of the elevator, they make a real effort to show the time on the clock. At one point the security guy says “Mr scout?” And mark replies “goodnight” but the time on the wall says 09:15”. Means mark was down there for 10 mins or so then decided to leave.
Answering my own question

when mark spoke to the board, millchick escorts him out and you see the clock behind him says 9:15. Mark goes up the elevator and just assumes he’s finished his work day. You also have the random severed worker threaten to sue Lumon for being hired for 3 days of work, so I assume that’s how long between events of season 1 finale and the innies returning
Symbolic car for a symbolic lady. I guess, follow the white VW Rabbit, Mark.

Cool show, by the way.
Line of the episode

That is a quite magnificent helmet :lol:

Only thing that slightly annoyed me was there's no way
Mark and his sister would've initially been so dismissive of him running into the room holding the picture of his dead wife screaming "she's alive!"

It does seem that Mark
is central to what they're doing there which must involve resurrecting his wife somehow. The others less so. Dylan seems to be there for the money alone and Irv is doing something undercover by the looks of it.
Line of the episode

That is a quite magnificent helmet :lol:

Only thing that slightly annoyed me was there's no way
Mark and his sister would've initially been so dismissive of him running into the room holding the picture of his dead wife screaming "she's alive!"

It does seem that Mark
is central to what they're doing there which must involve resurrecting his wife somehow. The others less so. Dylan seems to be there for the money alone and Irv is doing something undercover by the looks of it.
I have a funny feeling when we see Dylan’s wife it’s gonna be someone we know. Her voice is very familiar. My guess is Natalie. Also found it hilarious that the door guy who interviewed him looked exactly like him.

With regards mark, I feel like the theory around resurrecting Kier is gonna come to fruition, and ms Casey is a huge part of that
I have a funny feeling when we see Dylan’s wife it’s gonna be someone we know. Her voice is very familiar. My guess is Natalie. Also found it hilarious that the door guy who interviewed him looked exactly like him.

With regards mark, I feel like the theory around resurrecting Kier is gonna come to fruition, and ms Casey is a huge part of that

Yeah both those theories make sense. That interview was hilarious.
Line of the episode

That is a quite magnificent helmet :lol:

Only thing that slightly annoyed me was there's no way
Mark and his sister would've initially been so dismissive of him running into the room holding the picture of his dead wife screaming "she's alive!"

It does seem that Mark
is central to what they're doing there which must involve resurrecting his wife somehow. The others less so. Dylan seems to be there for the money alone and Irv is doing something undercover by the looks of it.
His sister wasn’t dismissive to be fair. Mark was definitely a bit lax initially but I’m glad as the episode went on he grew more suspicious. A lot of shows would’ve blown past it.

Was pretty obvious from last week that 6 months hasn’t actually passed and all the reform stuff was bullshit but glad they’ve confirmed it so early.

Definitely a bit of a slower episode but still great. It’s brilliant tv.
Wouldn't be surprised if Mark's missus, Ms Casey, was severed before he was, meaning her innie is alive but her outie is dead.
Wouldn't be surprised if Mark's missus, Ms Casey, was severed before he was, meaning her innie is alive but her outie is dead.
I don’t think that’s possible from what we know so far. We are led to believe the accident happened to outtie Gemma, which means she couldn’t have just gone to work if she were dead, or even severely injured. Innies and outies share everything except memories, so ms Casey being in seemingly good physical condition to me means her accident didn’t happen, or Lumon rehab her enough to put her down there as an innie
His sister wasn’t dismissive to be fair. Mark was definitely a bit lax initially but I’m glad as the episode went on he grew more suspicious. A lot of shows would’ve blown past it.

Was pretty obvious from last week that 6 months hasn’t actually passed and all the reform stuff was bullshit but glad they’ve confirmed it so early.

Definitely a bit of a slower episode but still great. It’s brilliant tv.
she wasn't dismissive but I just think his innie showing up in the outside world clutching a picture of his dead wife screaming "she's alive!" would have elicited a lot more than the following scenes implied. Didn't quite ring true for me.
she wasn't dismissive but I just think his innie showing up in the outside world clutching a picture of his dead wife screaming "she's alive!" would have elicited a lot more than the following scenes implied. Didn't quite ring true for me.
This was my reaction as well. Their reaction seemed a bit too calm and dismissive given what had just transpired.
Why are people spoilering discussion about the last episode?
Why are people spoilering discussion about the last episode?
Especially after I went to the immense effort to not only bold but underline a notification that next episode spoilers start.

Now, per Caf policy, predictions do need to be spoilered due to things like people putting forward their own oddly prescient ‘timelines’ but general discussion doesn’t need to be spoilered.
I think it’s fair to give people at least a day to watch it

What kind of psychopath goes into the Severance discussion thread on the day of a new episode that they haven't watched? If they want to get spoiled, let them. If it's a matter of people forgetting, then someone can edit the thread title to include "new episode" or whatever, or using threadmarks, but that's going above and beyond.
What kind of psychopath goes into the Severance discussion thread on the day of a new episode that they haven't watched? If they want to get spoiled, let them. If it's a matter of people forgetting, then someone can edit the thread title to include "new episode" or whatever, but that's going above and beyond.
My outie is against spoilers. My innie follows corporate policy, though.