Scottish politicians enact the will of the Scottish people, as they should. If the Scottish people prioritise having, for example, free higher education and free prescriptions over other spending, they're entitled to do so.
To address your points...
1: Free higher education and free prescription policies were enacted under the SNP, or at least Sturgeon took credit for them...
“Two of my proudest achievements of the SNP government have been getting rid of charges for ill health and tuition fees,” says Nicola.
2: She directly emphasises the benefits to Scottish students compared to those living in England...
“Around 600,000 adults from families with an annual income as low as £16,000 would have been liable for prescription charges before we abolished them. And while tuition fees have continued to soar in England, Scottish students know that under the SNP, their education will always be based on their ability to learn – not their ability to pay.”
(same source)