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what else do you suggest?
More for-the-sake-of-it government bashing?
what else do you suggest?
Personally I think motorbike or moped with proper helmet and visor is the best compromise for right now
Sammsky on his moped, we need pictures.![]()
what a refreshing piece of news to hearWell done to the Faroe Islands. All cases ended, no new cases since 23rd April. 187 infected, 187 recovered. A perfect score.
Belarus: The Country Where They Didn't Lockdown!
The whole world is taking precautions, keeping people safely inside, practicing social distancing, right? Well no...In Belarus they do things differently. Bars and restaurants are open, few wear face masks outside and today they had a big celebration with crowds. So I went to take a look...Join me in the country that does things its own way.
This planet is absolutely beautiful when it's still, and we have collectively proved that we don't deserve it
Belarus: The Country Where They Didn't Lockdown!
The whole world is taking precautions, keeping people safely inside, practicing social distancing, right? Well no...In Belarus they do things differently. Bars and restaurants are open, few wear face masks outside and today they had a big celebration with crowds. So I went to take a look...Join me in the country that does things its own way.
Well, those imminent 'game-changer' covid home-testing kits that the government has briefed the press on at least three times, only for them to fail and be quietly forgotten, would've been a start.what else do you suggest?
Ah I love this guy! I’d say I’ve seen all his stuff by now.
Yeah, Ive been watching his VDOs for a long time. His India series was amazing, esp the swim in the lake avoiding security guardsBald and Bankrupt is a mad lad, he has zero fear. He smuggled a cat from Cuba back to Europe.
I thought this was interesting.
Lockdown was always going to be a big ask in the UK. And if we extrapolate from this, it's likely that subsequent lockdowns will be adhered to even less.
Basically, the R0 of 0.9 we have at the moment could well be the lowest it gets until herd immunity is within reach.
Sadly UK would never be disciplined enough to implement such. But we’ve got BrExit and freedom so we’ll be OK, right?
Doesnt help that they changed the bank holiday to coincide with VE day.My estate is half filled with fecking street parties, and then the private facebook group is full of people commenting that they are disappointed their aren't more (apparently those not doing so do not appreciate the sacrifice of those in WW2).
How hard was it for the government to say "hey we know alot of you want to do something but now is not the time." Useless lot.
Well no.If nobody leaves their home the virus would die. Obviously.
Ah crap. Seriously? This has been resolved. I agree!Well no.
NHS staff still need to go to work. Police still need to be on the streets. Fires still need to be put out. Ambulances driven. Electricity, gas, water, internet provided. Army bases manned. Air traffic controlled, lorries driven, food made. I could go on.
Someone coined a phrase for this paradox. Can’t remember what it is. You take measures to avoid a catastrophe. The measures work. We avoid a catastrophe. People say “why did we take these measure? there wasn’t any catastrophe “
I'd suspect in COVID's case, most people have been prone to normalcy bias.Outcome bias and in this case it will particularly affect those who particularly prone to normalcy bias.
Seen the Governments new slogan is going about twitter.... Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives
That’s going to pretty much kill off the UK airline industry isn’t it??
Seen the Governments new slogan is going about twitter.... Stay Alert, Control the Virus, Save Lives
The slogan has been designed so they can claim to be in control.That's one fecking stupid slogan.
Lockdown is over, then, caus if people can't manage it right now they're sure not going to with that being the messaging.
Sky News' Alex Crawford visits ICU wards, temples and homes in this in-depth documentary that examines the devastating effects of the new coronavirus across the UK's communities.
They’ve got to unwind people's anxiety about leaving the house now, the stay at home messaging was too effective! Now, the virus is still there but the NHS seems to be coping and the economy can’t take too much more Coronavirus support I reckon. I see they’re also developing a “risk score” which will show the risk score (even for your particular area), similar to the terrorist threat one. The subliminal message is clear - you still go to work even though the terrorist threat is set at “severe” you just stay alert. Same with this thing.
I think I should be a prime candidate in terms of WFH. Early 30's, no kids, self motivated, enjoy work and very much career / finance focused. However I'm unequivocally less productive; even when my 110 minute daily commute is factored in.
My staff would all work from home four days a week if they could and truly I'd be a fool not to consider it (I have of course). I could genuinely offer them this in lieu of 3 years salary increase which would save me comfortably 5 figures annually. I'd save on fixed costs also and alleviate my biggest bugbear too... Parking!
In my experience annoyingly however it just doesn't work productively on the whole. For myself for example I've never (maybe once a year) taken a lunch in the office but from home find myself taking a lengthy lunch daily and procrastinating far more frequently.
I'm fully aware some people thrive at home; I have (a small minority of) staff that absolutely do. They log in to our server at 5:30am and log off at 8pm, using commuting time plus interest to work. However they are a small proportion. For every person I've seen who're 10% more productive there are 5 who're 30% less.
It isn't just about being watched. Outside of day to day productivity for example it's about staff hearing how other staff deal with issues every day and (hopefully) adapting and developing according to the skills of those around them. Some are detailed but passive, some assertive but sloppy, some inexperienced. Being in an office you hope people lose their negative attributes and encompass others' positives, becoming more rounded (I certainly have).