And the other more broad point (sorry you've started me off now) is this whole reaction seems to be based on the theory of stopping people dying, and wanting them to live forever, and then just carrying on as normal adfterwards. Where is in reality we are all going to die and all we are actually doing here is trying to change how and exactly when some people will die...and again based on the science, in a majority of cases even where we are making a difference to that, we're making a pretty small one. Where as we're making a literally HUGER differenc eto what "normal" is going to be from now on.
That sounds cold but there is a balance you have to strike at some point between avoiding death and avoiding not allowing people to actually live. Every death is a tragedy to someone and a success to no one. We could nearly all live to 100+ if we really wanted to...but it's a part of life. How many thousands of people have been killed or butchered in the middle east or elsewhere, just so people in places like the UK can enjoy a slightly more comfortable style of life, or pay slightly less to drive their cars around? It seems odd that is apparently a sacrifice not even worthy of a thought considering what's happening at the moment, for example
The thing is, I'm one of the lucky ones who hasn't really been affected. I've been saving a ton of money, I'm less stressed by work, I've had time to work on my music stuff, my uni assignments. I still talk to my family and friends just as much...I'm also quite happy being ridiculously unsocial and like crawling out of bed at 11am. The only downside is I split up with my girlfriend but that would have happened anyway I suspect. But...I know 3 people who have lost their jobs where they were laid off before furlough was brought it. I know two others who work for airlines who have already been told they wont have a job after all this. I know two others, including my mum, who were due to change jobs during this so have no idea if they'll have a job afterwards. All this will inevitably have a knock on effect for someone like me further down the line when my employer can no longer bring money in as a result.
My point is, people are living in the illusion that at some point everything is just going to click back to normal, so it's worth sticking to our half thought out, half arsed plan now because it'll all be fine in a few months time and we'll all live forever, or something. Reality is going to hit VERY hard for a vast majority of people as the worst effects of this for them personally haven't actually happened yet. Not having enough money to live off for example seems like a minor problem compared to a virus, until you find yourself in that situation and there's suddenly a large number of things that are more of an impact on and danger to your health than corona virus....and also the virus is actually still around anyway.