SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

That's the thing about life, no matter how bad things may seem, they can always get worse. (I realize that complaining about a broken TV sounds insensitive in this thread).

I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to devalue your own personal experience. I should have said something along the lines of "losing television is bad but I think losing the internet is a lot worse". I said that more because at least with the internet you can access catch up services as well as streaming services such as netflix, as well as game, read news etc. I think less people watch live television nowadays.
‘Jesus is my vaccine’: Hundreds of protesters gather without protective gear in Pennsylvania

Demonstrators gathered in Pennsylvania on Monday to demand that that the stay-at-home order be lifted as the coronavirus pandemic peaks in the United States.

According to reports, hundreds of protesters showed up in Harrisburg. Many of the demonstrators failed to wear protective gear or follow the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.

“Jesus is my vaccine,” a message on one truck said. One man came to the rally bearing a wooden cross on his back.

Other signs claimed that COVID-19 is a government “false flag” operation.

“Signs are saying that Gov. Wolf is the virus, that the media are the virus. Everything is the virus, except the virus,” one observer noted.

Fully opening up the economy just because the curve has been flattened would be a disaster. The virus won't just go away.
Obviously not fully opened straightaway. But things like kids back to school, people back to work in offices. The increase in capacity now means that a higher curve can be coped with whilst a vaccine and treatments are developed.
Obviously not fully opened straightaway. But things like kids back to school, people back to work in offices. The increase in capacity now means that a higher curve can be coped with whilst a vaccine and treatments are developed.
Yeah let's just kill more people....

Why send people back to offices when they could work from home, that's a ridiculous idea, plus the spread in schools would in my opinion put us back on the path of another high peak. I really don't understand your reasoning here.
Obviously not fully opened straightaway. But things like kids back to school, people back to work in offices. The increase in capacity now means that a higher curve can be coped with whilst a vaccine and treatments are developed.
both of those will probably only be done partially though. Kids in school once or twice a week, and people only in offices if there's no way for them to work from home.

I also don't really get your logic. You can cope with a higher curve so let's let the virus spread and kill more?
Yeah let's just kill more people....

Why send people back to offices when they could work from home, that's a ridiculous idea, plus the spread in schools would in my opinion put us back on the path of another high peak. I really don't understand your reasoning here.
Why do you think they have been opening up these massive field hospitals?
I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to devalue your own personal experience. I should have said something along the lines of "losing television is bad but I think losing the internet is a lot worse". I said that more because at least with the internet you can access catch up services as well as streaming services such as netflix, as well as game, read news etc. I think less people watch live television nowadays.

No worries mate, I didn't feel that way from your post at all!

I used my TV almost entirely for Netflix (and sports) and now having to watch it on my phone and laptop. Not an ideal situation when that is all I have to do almost every day.
both of those will probably only be done partially though. Kids in school once or twice a week, and people only in offices if there's no way for them to work from home.

I also don't really get your logic. You can cope with a higher curve so let's let the virus spread and kill more?
This is already the case?
Why do you think they have been opening up these massive field hospitals?
I'll take a wild guess and say to deal with the current pandemic.

Apologies if this is mistaken identity but I seem to remember you having some very strange views a few weeks ago regarding the pandemic.
I'll take a wild guess and say to deal with the current pandemic.
They are hardly being used yet though. I'd assumed that they were part of increasing capacity so that the lockdown can be loosened without overwhelming the NHS. Maybe I've assumed wrongly then.
I’m in love with Andrew Cuomo.

Gets asked a tough question: “Good question, I don’t know”... throws to the doctor with zero ego invested.
No I believe it's a more extreme version.

Anyway seriously what's your logic? Are you saying it's ok for more people to become ill as long as the economy gets opened back up?
I'm not saying it's OK, I just think this is what the government might be thinking. They have to balance the impact of the virus itself versus the economic (and therefore in the long term human) cost of the lockdown.
I’m in love with Andrew Cuomo.

Gets asked a tough question: “Good question, I don’t know”... throws to the doctor with zero ego invested.

That's such a rare thing, isn't it? Admitting you don't know something. A simple thing, but says a lot about the person who admits it. Sadly missing from some leaders and other influential figures whose egos are so fragile that wouldn't even entertain the idea of admitting they don't know something.
I’m in love with Andrew Cuomo.

Gets asked a tough question: “Good question, I don’t know”... throws to the doctor with zero ego invested.
He's been exemplary. I also admired in the earlier days when he took responsibility for closing of bars/restaurants, telling people to blame him and not local officials. When he was pleading for more respirators, and said that he would personally see to that they were transported to future hotspots once NY was better and others emerged. When he told the NY National Guard (remember that if not called by the federal govt, the National Guard answers to the state) that he would not ask them to go anywhere he wouldn't go himself, or do anything that he wouldn't do himself.

You could be cynical and say its empty words. He doesn't have to drive a truck of respirators himself, just arrange their transportation. He won't actually have to do what the Natl Guard will do, because he will continue to have other stuff to do as governor. But I think it reflects an understanding of the gravity of the situation and the responsibility that is inherent to public office, which as we know has been gravely lacking in the federal government.

His communication is also excellent when he is presenting. His chooses very clear language, gets his thinking across effectively even when the idea is slightly complex. The tone is also generally right. He doesn't make it seem like he's enjoying a single minute of this, but that he's also not going to be disheartened by the bad news.
Given we are 4 weeks post UK lockdown, is it fair to assume the vast majority of 16,509 deaths in UK hospitals (and those infected, tested or otherwise) where people infected pre lockdown? (when there a normal behaviour of civic society, albeit in colder month of March ie: no social distancing).

Is the post lockdown strategy broadly that IF society can be re-structured to properly implement physical distancing (until nation is fully vaccinated), UK NHS has enough capacity to deal with serious cases, which should never be as high as pre lockdown peak because of social distancing?

In such a society, the outcomes of contact tracing will become the key disrupter, as people will be quarantined at a moments notice, if they were in close contact with an infected person. And all employers will have to be able to manage such continual disruptions.

Is that how it's going to work and our next 'normal'?
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I’m in love with Andrew Cuomo.

Gets asked a tough question: “Good question, I don’t know”... throws to the doctor with zero ego invested.

That's such a rare thing, isn't it? Admitting you don't know something. A simple thing, but says a lot about the person who admits it. Sadly missing from some leaders and other influential figures whose egos are so fragile that wouldn't even entertain the idea of admitting they don't know something.

It’s a great quality in anyone. Not just leaders. Amazing how rare it is.

Highest number of deaths in Ireland so far, though the deaths themselves took place across the last month. Another reason comparing the amount of deaths in different countries is tricky, I suppose.
It’s a great quality in anyone. Not just leaders. Amazing how rare it is.

Oh agreed. I mention leaders due to the obvious influence they have and the possible dangers that come with it when they speak authoritatively on things they know little about.
Oh agreed. I mention leaders due to the obvious influence they have and the possible dangers that come with it when they speak authoritatively on things they know little about.

Yeah, true. Also they probably have a bigger incentive to give the impression they know more than they do. It’s a terrible personality flaw. Bluster.
‘Jesus is my vaccine’: Hundreds of protesters gather without protective gear in Pennsylvania

Demonstrators gathered in Pennsylvania on Monday to demand that that the stay-at-home order be lifted as the coronavirus pandemic peaks in the United States.

According to reports, hundreds of protesters showed up in Harrisburg. Many of the demonstrators failed to wear protective gear or follow the CDC’s social distancing guidelines.

“Jesus is my vaccine,” a message on one truck said. One man came to the rally bearing a wooden cross on his back.

Other signs claimed that COVID-19 is a government “false flag” operation.

“Signs are saying that Gov. Wolf is the virus, that the media are the virus. Everything is the virus, except the virus,” one observer noted.

Jesus seemingly not as effective as he used to be
Are Americans holding some kind of competition to see just how mental they can get? It's beyond any kind of understanding now, it's insane and just getting worse.
Fully opening up the economy just because the curve has been flattened would be a disaster. The virus won't just go away.

The virus won't go way until we get a vaccine or herd immunity.

We'll need to get serious in how we reopen the economy and then decide how we operate as a society, whilst people are still getting the virus and dying from said virus.
The Pope said we should do what the scientists are recommending. I'm guessing they're not Catholics!
I’ve no idea what they are, but if I was Christian I’d be devastated seeing this stuff sprayed all over social media.
The virus won't go way until we get a vaccine or herd immunity.

We'll need to get serious in how we reopen the economy and then decide how we operate as a society, whilst people are still getting the virus and dying from said virus.
We will be. Just because its not an approach that people who worship econonic strength over health agree with doesnt mean there isnt serious thought behind it.
@senorgregster The specificity of RT-PCR for SarsCov2 is higher than the sensitivity, right? I'm trying to look for it, but am not finding simple answers, my head is a bit fried anyway.
We will be. Just because its not an approach that people who worship econonic strength over health agree with doesnt mean there isnt serious thought behind it.

I wish it's that simple

if a 1 month lock down can guarantee 0 infection then it's an easy options. The problem is that we could be locking down for 1 months, collapsing the economy, and still collapsing the health care. It's not a simple choice of "health or money", it could be both.

I try to be balanced and looking from everybody's point of view. Sometimes the naysayers are saying it in a stupid way, but they do have a point, at some point you'd have to also take consideration the economic ramifications of lockdowns. Chaos anarchy riots once supply chain is out of food isn't an unlikely scenario. Money is one thing but the whole supply chain can't last 2-3 months without economy reopens. Even if the government gives us cheques, we still need physical goods to be available. having money with no supply would only make a hyperinflation that could spiral out of control.

Our next door convenient store needs goods produced by farmers, farmers needs to go out buy seeds, they need tools, they need gears, etc. You can't simply says only "X can remain open an Y close"