Massive moobs (planned for Christmas)
Ireland and the whole of the UK as well.Ireland's still fecked then.
Time to find a Spanish club to support.
Ireland and the whole of the UK as well.Ireland's still fecked then.
Ok I see two options here
1) You are the only person in the world that gets a siri voice notification of the sort : Ding, Covid 19 has entered your system .
2) You indeed have mental deficiencies .
Ok I see two options here
1) You are the only person in the world that gets a siri voice notification of the sort : Ding, Covid 19 has entered your system .
2) You indeed have mental deficiencies .
Sorry, I'm not sure I follow your point here. What is a 'siri voice notification'? - presumably a kind of Cortana/Alexa variant?Ok I see two options here
1) You are the only person in the world that gets a siri voice notification of the sort : Ding, Covid 19 has entered your system .
2) You indeed have mental deficiencies .
Check out Fig 1. I can't say that inspires confidence. Especially for the UK.Trump was right, the summer might help us all:
I deal with people describing things to me in fractions of an inch and sub milliliter volumes in the same sentence!Even with all the shit going on, I can still find the time to get annoyed about people using the Fahrenheit scale.![]()
The whole "pub" thing has become a trigger after Starkie's bizarre "I'm alright Jack and you're all idiots" ranting from the other day. If you had said "orgy" instead of "pub" then you would have been fine, which is actually what you were at so please stop lying to us.Sorry, I'm not sure I follow your point here. What is a 'siri voice notification'? - presumably a kind of Cortana/Alexa variant?
I guess you are suggesting that it is possible for me to have the virus but to be unaware of it. If so, then I accept that there is a small possibility that is the case. My question then would be why is the risk that I pose greater when visiting a pub than it is going to the supermarket (which I did early on Tuesday morning)? I'll probably need to go to the shop again, to buy some milk, in the near future (how irresponsible is that?). If I happen to be an asymptomatic carrier, then just how many others are there? The entire strategy of self-isolation based on symptoms breaks down if we posit a world in which there are legions of unknowing carriers out there.
To your second point, I can affirm that I have no mental deficiencies (and I really don't know why you would suspect I have, unless of course you attribute such a condition to anyone who holds a different point of view to you).
A bit of a misrepresentation in my opinion.Added to that they covered it up initially which essentially caused it's spread.
The whole "pub" thing has become a trigger after Starkie's bizarre "I'm alright Jack and you're all idiots" ranting from the other day. If you had said "orgy" instead of "pub" then you would have been fine, which is actually what you were at so please stop lying to us.
I'm at one right now. I stand at the foot of the bed and clap.
Your post says a lot more about you than it does me, and it isn't positive.@Steerpike if you haven’t procreated yet please don’t
A friend has asked me to go bowling tomorrow night. His reasoning is that there will be nobody there and he needs a night away from the wife and kids before we all get locked down (his wife is getting a similar "night off" from him and the kids tonight).
I can kinda see his logic but will probably pass, those bowling shoes are probably dripping in Covid-19.
I’m extremely concerned about my gran. My grandfather died in January and she’s in her late 80s. Had a fall last week to make matters worse and I was going over there to see her as much as I could. I’ve been told her general mood has decreased massively in last two weeks because no one has been to see her (I was away on holiday). Loneliness can make people go insane.
I get nervous when I see 'clap' and 'orgy' in the same post.The whole "pub" thing has become a trigger after Starkie's bizarre "I'm alright Jack and you're all idiots" ranting from the other day. If you had said "orgy" instead of "pub" then you would have been fine, which is actually what you were at so please stop lying to us.
I'm at one right now. I stand at the foot of the bed and clap.
I do not think such a lockdown is feasible, it may even be unneccessary.Does anyone think 18 months isolation is even feesible?
Even if the government told us it was 18 months, people would last 2 and think feck this I'll take my chances.
Imagine you're old and you live 17 months in isolation then die anyway.
I am by no stretch of the imagination drunk!
I accept the point you make about the ability of the virus to persist on solid surfaces. Having said that, I'm as confident as I can be that I arrived at the premises virus free (there are people who get it and remain entirely asymptomatic, so without testing I can't entirely rule out having it - the odds are extremely low).
If I touched the kinds of surfaces you talk about, and I most likely did, then there is a risk that I could have picked up the virus from someone else. If so, I will start to exhibit symptoms in a few days and will self-isolate. There is no-one who I came into close contact with between leaving the pub and arriving home, and no-one I am likely to come into close contact with between now and the point at which I would become symptomatic.
In short, the only risk has been to myself, and I'm happy to accept that risk.
what would banning wet markets do to help?
The whole "pub" thing has become a trigger after Starkie's bizarre "I'm alright Jack and you're all idiots" ranting from the other day. If you had said "orgy" instead of "pub" then you would have been fine, which is actually what you were at so please stop lying to us.
I'm at one right now. I stand at the foot of the bed and clap.
Any good?Decided to watch Contagion, wish I hadn't now![]()
Perhaps, but does anyone really look forward to having nowhere to go? Whether it is imposed by legislation, or implied through government advice and social conscience, it will still be miserable. There will be a growing tide of resentment towards the restrictions, and they will ultimately fail. Not immediately, perhaps not even for a few months, but certainly in less than a year.There may be a time when you'll either have nowhere to go, or be detained. We will be living in police places, hopefully temporarily. Much (but not only) due to people like you.
Interesting/slightly scaryAny good?
I'll have to look it up.Decided to watch Contagion, wish I hadn't now![]()
Yeah that makes sense. I would be surprised if they had the infrastructure to support an outbreak like in Italy.Start with San Marino. It is they and not Italy that are the worst hit country in the world per capita. Italy is big and has areas less affected. San Marino is right in one of the shit zones.
Surely for these purposes it is Italy?Yeah that makes sense. I would be surprised if they had the infrastructure to support an outbreak like in Italy.
Edit: not that Italy is able to support its outbreak.
You can be an asymptomatic carrier. [shocker]You don't know me, but I'm very definitely not an idiot.
I'm looking forward with great anticipation to your ground breaking explanation of how an uninfected person can spread a virus (or maybe you're simply an idiot).
Not sure if this has been posted. It got KD too.
The unsanitory conditions and the diversity of animals slaughtered there are the perfect storm for breeding viruses. This video is an eye opener, but it explains it well.
Viewer discretion if you can't stand seeing animal cruelty, it's a hard watch and left me pretty angry, but the science is interesting:
Presumably just private healthcare. Athletes will obviously have this stuff on tap.It seems that celebrities are getting tests when no one else can.
It seems that celebrities are getting tests when no one else can.