I have to guess they make most of their money these days from online pics of celebs in bikinis.I don't entirely understand 'we applaud this decision to allow huge amounts of our readership to die', to be honest.
It feels bad for business.
It was clear at the time shit was hitting the fan football wise Leicester and Man city already had players in isolationAnd that just demonstrates how quickly a situation can change and how difficult it is to make any decision.
And that just demonstrates how quickly a situation can change and how difficult it is to make any decision.
Banning mass gatherings was always going to happen. It was just a matter of when would be most appropriate.We're not arguing that Boris Johnson swore to his nearest and dearest yesterday that under no circumstances would he ever shut down mass gatherings. We're arguing it's an embarrassing u-turn to state that it wouldn't work and a day later leak that it's now the policy.
We're not arguing that Boris Johnson swore to his nearest and dearest yesterday that under no circumstances would he ever shut down mass gatherings. We're arguing it's an embarrassing u-turn to state that it wouldn't work and a day later leak that it's now the policy.
There are 207 more cases today than there were when they said "Banning mass gatherings won't have any effect'
Stop with the bullshit.
We’re down the rabbit hole, lads.Believe what exactly? I've plenty of relatives in russia who I'm in touch with daily, not to mention having plenty of friends who I trust. Not a single one of them so much as mentioned coronavirus to me in weeks now. Also, I follow, few large news communities on VK platform who consistently criticise Putin, the corruption, the neglect of healthcare et al you name it -- they would absolutely post anything about the coronavirus, since they did daily in early February. I think you could find one my posts on here which I paraphrased about Russian doctors refusing to tend to a suspected case. The doctor locked the door in his office and spoke to the patient and told him to go home. That wasn't censored and it was big news in Bashkortostan, which is where I'm originally from. So why am I being naive?
My post about on 26th of Feb: I was actually worried that Russia would be a shitshow, alas, thus far they've dealt with this well, most probably, because of them closing boarders early, implementing some draconian measures and our sparsly populated country.
'U-turns don't exist, actually' is not a take I'm playing with.blah blah blah
Yes, I know. They said they didn't think it would work but that they didn't rule it out. Then a day later they went with 'actually we're doing it now'.Look at the video from yesterday, from 46:10. He says then than mass gatherings are currently under review, it's not a U-turn.
'U-turns don't exist, actually' is not a take I'm playing with.
Yes, I know. They said they didn't think it would work but that they didn't rule it out. Then a day later they went with 'actually we're doing it now'.
That is a u-turn. Where one day you say you think one thing and the next day it is another. That is a u-turn. There is no definition of a u-turn that does not include this.
You might as well argue that reality is subjective at this point.
There are 207 more cases today than there were when they said "Banning mass gatherings won't have any effect'
Stop with the bullshit.
Russia is the 11th busiest country in the world for air travel (2018 figures). Keep digging.Russia is a dead end geographically, and I mean there's no connection flights, it's not a big tourist destination. So people don't tend to visit Russia unless they really have to. Which is stark difference between Turkey, who has one of the biggest airports in the world, with 200 million people coming through every year I think. So I'd be shocked if there was no cases in Turkey.
Also, Russia has strict measures in place so I have no reason to disbelieve their low numbers. And to add, again, I've immediate family living in a city with more than a million people, if the virus is in Russia they'd absolutely know about it and tell me. Things are looking good so far in Russia but it could change, all it takes is a cluster of cases.
"The scientific advice as we've said over the last couple of weeks is that banning such events will have little effect on the spread".He literally says it's currently under review and we may ban them. That's really clear, I genuinely don't understand how you can perceive that as a U-turn unless you have an agenda.
"The scientific advice as we've said over the last couple of weeks is that banning such events will have little effect on the spread".
One day later...
'We're gonna have to ban such events'.
"The scientific advice as we've said over the last couple of weeks is that banning such events will have little effect on the spread".
One day later...
'We're gonna have to ban such events'.
Sorry, I'll stop entertaining them.These last few pages are like watching cognitive dissonance and rationalisation in live action.
Even the daily mail and telegraph reckon this is a u-turn. It's fine if you previously defended the old position you know, no need to invent alternative history.
These last few pages are like watching cognitive dissonance and rationalisation in live action.
Even the daily mail and telegraph reckon this is a u-turn. It's fine if you previously defended the old position you know, no need to invent alternative history.
We’re down the rabbit hole, lads.
North Korea also has no cases too.
By the way, I can also confirm there are no gays in Chechnya and that 96.77% of Crimean voters wanted to join Russia in the perfectly fair 2014 referendum.
Russia is the 11th busiest country in the world for air travel (2018 figures). Keep digging.
A day is a lifetime here. There’s will be changes to policy virtually every day, as there has been in virtually every country across Europe. Don’t confuse strategy and tactics. You can have strategy which you follow over weeks and months, adjusting tactics as the scenario changes.As someone said you can change your mind quickly but Jesus, after one day? Doesn't exactly inspire confidence of a well thought out plan. Maybe influenced by Trump finally admitting it is a state of emergency or are they just abandoning the herd immunity thing?
What on earth are you talking about?![]()
You have evidence from your family members/friends that Russia appears to be coping. But a lot of people don't trust the government there so there is doubt about what exactly is going on in Russia, a bit like how people are cautious when having to rely on statistics which come from China.
Is it so hard to believe that Russia is dealing with this virus in a coherent manner?
So in your scenario, you lockdown now when just a few thousand people are infected. In a few weeks when hundreds of thousands are infected, are you continuing the lockdown further, or now telling people to commence life again?But why?
Do a lockdown now, there are just a few thousands of infected people, so it is easier to manage. Do a lockdown in 2-3 weeks and there are hundreds of thousands of infected people, so much more difficult to manage the spread.
If this is the case why have they only banned them now ? What brand new information have they received within 24 hours that has told them there would now be an impact on services, when it's been clear for weeks that services are always going to be under a huge strain due to the virus. Again does it not worry you that the FA has a better reading on the virus than the British government ?Because of the impact on services, which is the reason given as to why they would be banned.
The Whole Foods company is only giving its staff unpaid leave. To be fair, it must be struggling for money since they're owned by... *checks notes* ... Jeff Bezos.
Papers have a vested interest in saying something is a U-turn, because its news, it sells. Have you watched the video and also think it's a U-turn?
My company (american owned) is doing same. If your sick yourself its SSP, if you have kids and can't cover when the schools shut down then... well, your fecked. I assume its the same for most US/UK business as we try to adopt the strategy of 'carry on as normal'.
They’ve moved to sampling. Estimate ranges with 95% confidence are more than good enough for planning in this scenario now you are no longer trying to react to each symptomatic patient. There’s zero value in knowing everyone infected right now and is a complete waste of resource to even bother trying.If numbers are so important, why have they
a) stopped testing anyone who isn't actually in hospital with symptoms, and
b) told anyone at home with symptoms they don't even need to know you are ill and not report it.
If this is the case why have they only banned them now ? What brand new information have they received within 24 hours that has told them there would now be an impact on services, when it's been clear for weeks that services are always going to be under a huge strain. Again does it not worry you that the FA has a better reading on the virus than the British government ?
Russia does whatever the feck they want to be honest so I wouldn't be confident either way.
I'm sorry bit they really don't need a spin to sell news right now. You told me it was almost pointless just yesterday and defended the delay and accused other countries of gesturing with these same measures.
Christ if you lot arguing about timing truly meant one day later would be fine then god bless you what a waste of time.
completely off topic, but that headline perfectly encapsulates why humans are a doomed species. Whether biological, Climate Change etc: short term economic numbers > literal survival![]()
Same, my dad's in his early 70s and still smokes plenty, has a bad cough at the best of times. Just gonna be constant stress for the next few months.Getting very scared for my parents now. Both over 60, both smoked all their lives until 2-3 years ago, Dad has heart issues. This would kill them.
They're taking precautions but it's my generation with our "Be grand" attitude that'll do the damage.