SARS CoV-2 coronavirus / Covid-19 (No tin foil hat silliness please)

Gah, want this bloody faint line to disappear now! I'm on day 7, not had any symptoms since about day 4/5 but each morning do the test then a faint line appears after 2 or 3 minutes. I want out of my covid jail! The weather is nice!
Currently about 1:20 people in London would test positive for covid using a PCR test, maybe half of them are currently infectious. Of course, many of them will realise that they've got it and will be staying home and away from other people. That's still a lot of infectious people wandering around though.

Out of control? I don't know how to answer that. The UK is more or less only looking at hospitalisations and deaths right now, and while neither of those are great, they're not outside the "prepared for/expected" range.

The boosters are doing their jobs. If you're under 70 and don't have a serious underlying condition then your chances of being hospitalised are very low once vaccinated, and extremely low after a booster. If you're worried about it interfering with your work and meaning you get stuck in a hotel room, sleeping yourself better - yep, it could, and the same will be true of the people you're working with.

You can protect yourself further by wearing a N95/FFP2 mask, they do work. But you will need to wear it consistently - which will mean wearing it at work, avoiding eating out in crowded indoor spaces etc. Omicron is hard to dodge if it's in the office or at the dining table with you.

Thanks this helps a lot. I just got my Pfizer booster (had 2 x J&J before), and I generally wear a KN95 when I go out. Do you think a 3-layer surgical mask at my office desk would be fine?
Gah, want this bloody faint line to disappear now! I'm on day 7, not had any symptoms since about day 4/5 but each morning do the test then a faint line appears after 2 or 3 minutes. I want out of my covid jail! The weather is nice!

Get out and go for a walk. Wear an FFP2 mask and the chance of infecting anyone else is basically zero. The fresh air, sunshine and (light) exercise will probably help you get better quicker.

Probably shouldn’t spend an evening in the pub…
Gah, want this bloody faint line to disappear now! I'm on day 7, not had any symptoms since about day 4/5 but each morning do the test then a faint line appears after 2 or 3 minutes. I want out of my covid jail! The weather is nice!

Feels like March 2020 all over again. Just when the weather turns nice we can't go anywhere.
Thanks this helps a lot. I just got my Pfizer booster (had 2 x J&J before), and I generally wear a KN95 when I go out. Do you think a 3-layer surgical mask at my office desk would be fine?
The surgical mask is unlikely to do much. They only have a significant impact in "everyone wearing" spaces and most London offices won't be. It's hard to answer though - your mask might encourage others to wear one and it might encourage others to maintain social distancing.

So, hmmm, dunno. Personally I think with Omicron anything other than a KN95 is pretty irrelevant in terms of avoiding infection - in London and most Western European cities. Other people may read the research differently.
Out of control? I don't know how to answer that. The UK is more or less only looking at hospitalisations and deaths right now, and while neither of those are great, they're not outside the "prepared for/expected" range.

Have you seen any current data on the hospitalisations in terms of the incidental covid and admitted for covid? I imagine general hospital admissions for covid vs icu admissions for covid would show a stark difference at the moment. Javid yesterday was commenting some numbers but I don't trust the man as far as I could throw him.
The surgical mask is unlikely to do much. They only have a significant impact in "everyone wearing" spaces and most London offices won't be. It's hard to answer though - your mask might encourage others to wear one and it might encourage others to maintain social distancing.

So, hmmm, dunno. Personally I think with Omicron anything other than a KN95 is pretty irrelevant in terms of avoiding infection - in London and most Western European cities. Other people may read the research differently.
That makes sense. I will probably just wear the KN95 in the office - I'll just have to make an excuse due to the inevitable peer pressure :lol:
What are the isolation rules in the UK if you do test positive?
Have you seen any current data on the hospitalisations in terms of the incidental covid and admitted for covid? I imagine general hospital admissions for covid vs icu admissions for covid would show a stark difference at the moment. Javid yesterday was commenting some numbers but I don't trust the man as far as I could throw him.
Around 50% of the covid admissions/covid beds are not being treated "primarily" for covid. That can be a bit misleading, some are admitted with strokes for example that were triggered by covid infection, or a fractured hip because a cough or lightheadedness caused a fall, others are admitted with conditions that become more dangerous because of covid. Even so, the general picture is that there are a lot of people who "just happen to have" covid and that ICU covid numbers are staying low.

The other change is that we're seeing lots of "hospital acquired" covid. About 25% of covid admissions are people who are already in hospital being transferred from standard wards to covid positive areas. Basically they count anyone who starts testing positive after 7 days in hospital as hospital acquired - so if anything that number could be even higher, 2/3 days infected to positive is common with omicron. That hospital acquired stat was running at about 5% pre-omicron, but it's not just omicron's impact doing that - from what I've seen, hospital visiting is returning to something more like normal now, so I suspect there's a fair bit of "visitor introduced" infection in there rather than people catching it from staff or other patients.

:lol: Insert JR "All hell has broken loose!"
I told work I had Covid and both my managers were like "yeah we've got it too".

Same. My boss came down with it the day before me. We both work online.

Headaches not so bad now, it's just the fatigue. Really have to drag myself out of bed and feel like I could sleep in all day but not sure I should.
Same. My boss came down with it the day before me. We both work online.

Headaches not so bad now, it's just the fatigue. Really have to drag myself out of bed and feel like I could sleep in all day but not sure I should.

Worst bit for me has been my sinuses. You know when your nose feels so clear that it almost hurts? Feels like that all up around my eyes and head so I've struggled to really work or play games when I want to relax. I can't really do anything at the moment :lol:
Worst bit for me has been my sinuses. You know when your nose feels so clear that it almost hurts? Feels like that all up around my eyes and head so I've struggled to really work or play games when I want to relax. I can't really do anything at the moment :lol:

Yeah I had that for a couple of days but nothing now. Same days I had a cough and my nose would start randomly running. I would still describe it as a mild version of the flu, which I've had twice in my life but no night sweats and fever with this. You can definitely tell it's different though because the breathing thing like you said is totally new. I keep getting chest pain intermittently and constantly feel the need to take really deep breaths. Head is constantly foggy.
Yeah I had that for a couple of days but nothing now. Same days I had a cough and my nose would start randomly running. I would still describe it as a mild version of the flu, which I've had twice in my life but no night sweats and fever with this. You can definitely tell it's different though because the breathing thing like you said is totally new. I keep getting chest pain intermittently and constantly feel the need to take really deep breaths. Head is constantly foggy.

Yeah it's definitely a weird one. I have had symptoms come and go in a matter of hours.

Got a sudden sharp burst of pain down the right side of my stomach earlier but at this point I can't tell what is Covid and what isn't.
Same. My boss came down with it the day before me. We both work online.

Headaches not so bad now, it's just the fatigue. Really have to drag myself out of bed and feel like I could sleep in all day but not sure I should.
Simple answer is "you should" - there's no advantage to pushing yourself at this stage. That said, bed may not be the best place if you've got a comfy sofa near the kitchen. It's important to keep your fluid intake up and to eat something when you can - dehydration is one of the things that puts people in hospital.
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Tested again today and the line is incredibly faint. Hopefully gone by tomorrow.
All of us have got it now in our house. Feeling slightly better today than yesterday, yesterday and Sunday were brutal.
I have been positive as feck since last Wednesday and no signs of it abating. Feel like shite today. Very thick positive line for past 3 days and feeling extra shit.

Every day since Friday I have woken up feeling awful and went to bed feeling like I'm nearly over it. Every morning the symptoms have been more, and worse :(.
I have been positive as feck since last Wednesday and no signs of it abating. Feel like shite today. Very thick positive line for past 3 days and feeling extra shit.

Every day since Friday I have woken up feeling awful and went to bed feeling like I'm nearly over it. Every morning the symptoms have been more, and worse :(.

3 Js in the the past hour. Best thing I did was start this shit.

I have a theory about why you’re feeling so sluggish…
That’s a pity. Wasn’t sure whether to be appalled or impressed by your devotion to the herb.

Smoking with one functioning alveolus would be a bold decision. Luckily, United aren't playing so there's been no need to try and calm myself down :lol:
It blows my mind in this day and age, with the scientific studies available to us now, that people still think masks don't work.

The work, they have worked, and the continue to work. For centuries in medical settings.

I find it so weird that people were hoodwinked into dying on this hill.
After posting here earlier today, I got home from work with a sore throat and headache and my antigen test is positive. FFS
Hi everyone.
I had two Pfizer shots (November 2021), and planning to take the 3rd shot. What vaccine booster would be the best for me?
I saw a table a few weeks ago about vaccine boosters. It said AZ 5x effective, Pfizer 8x and Moderna 11x, but I
am not sure if that's legit or not.
Tested positive officially today for Covid.

Had a really bad night.

Had cold like symptoms since Tuesday.. sore throat runny nose, then yesterday felt tired and coughing more... about 8pm last night slight hot fever turned into a frozen fever.... I was shaking literally for 2 hours and had put tons of clothes on and still frozen.

About 11pm suddenly felt on fire... and had awful night.

Took test this morning and was positive.

Feel awful.
Does anyone know if having a sore throat for 5 days straight normal?

I have other symptoms still, but this sore throat is a real killer
My daughter had “worst sore throat ever” for a week.

I feel for her.

The sore throat is one of the real killers.

I can deal with the chest and cough, sneezing etc but not the throat.

Also been having dizzy spells.

Had to go post my PCR test and crossing the road was interesting as everything seemed to be out of perspective so I was guessing where cars were due to being dizzy.

Thankfully survived not getting run over.
I feel for her.

The sore throat is one of the real killers.

I can deal with the chest and cough, sneezing etc but not the throat.

Also been having dizzy spells.

Had to go post my PCR test and crossing the road was interesting as everything seemed to be out of perspective so I was guessing where cars were due to being dizzy.

Thankfully survived not getting run over.
Damn, that sounds bad. Good luck!
Im Convinced that’s had it over the last few weeks, cough, runny nose, sore heads, sore bones, diarrhea & tiredness. But nothing extreme thankfully.
My 9 year old tested positive this week and despite my 6 year old having symptoms and vomiting he’s tested negative. The wife and I have also continually tested negative. So either we’ve had it already with those symptoms or it’s going to change to positive within days