This pleases me a lot. Great work Sir.
It self aggrandising as it applies to me too... but your effort today, really could be the difference in a kids life. Ordinarily it’s quite hard to move the needle. But a kid getting kit now, could ensure that they don’t fall behind. The difference between a slightly better 11+, GCSE’s latterly, A-levels, University.
I really do worry about some of these kids. I think the country could be doing a whole lot better.
My local school sits close to a huge office complex. In a just world, that company could give over its space for 2000 people to the school of 200 children. It’s a time of genuine crisis. Children could be sat 5m apart, using good quality IT equipment. Even if only for the mandated 3 hours a day.
But no. Our low energy government sees a School as a Building. It’s that one building. Or home with zero support.
Apologies. Added a rant to your pat on the back. You did good. Thank you.