Pogue Mahone
It's so out of control here. According to the numbers we've got 'only' 150-200 people dying per day due to covid the last few weeks but excess deaths last week were over 3k. Our government has also decided it's good time to ban abortion now, which has prompted protests and people on the streets so they can blame the outbreak of covid-19 on the pandemic (shifting the blame is their only goal because hospitals are done for anyway). Our death toll for yesterday was 236, on all Facebook posts about that people are laughing all over the place about fake pandemic and how all those people died from other causes for sure, and that we should all go out and protest against government taking away our freedom by forcing us to wear masks (same shit different day).
UK, Spain and Italy in Q2 will look wonderful compared to what we are going to have here and the worst thing is, people will still be laughing about all these deaths. I feel like crying. My mate's friend had his mother, father and grandpa infected within a few days. His grandfather and father died the same week. We are going to have so many more of these soon and there's nothing we can do because nobody here thinks it's issue, or that it's even a real virus.
Sounds like things are really tough for you. Can I suggest you take a break from Facebook? This pandemic is tough on everyone’s mental health and I’m convinced that spending any time immersed in all the bullshit and negativity it provokes on social media will only sour your mood even further. I deleted Facebook years ago (because it’s awful) but got quite addicted to Twitter. I’ve cut my Twitter use right down and notice a very obvious downturn in my mood for an hour or two after spending any time on there. I think I might keep off it altogether.
Everything will turn out ok in the end. Eventually. All pandemics burn out. That’s what they do. Stay focussed on that and try to only think about the things within your control. Such as your own use of social media and trying to find stuff to enjoy in your day to day life. Best of luck.