We're at the point now where the economic effects/consequences of people being at home instead of in workplaces can't really be hidden or avoided anymore, and as the government has already made clear,, it isn't possible to just prop up millions of jobs with support schemes indefinitely. At this point they have to pick and choose where they want to provide lifelines and in a few month time they wont even be able to do that. That increases the strain on the welfare system and unfortunately that's where this government is going to let people down horribly and create a world of suffering. They didn't even want to give food to poor chldren remember.
A lot of people who have "enjoyed" (idiots) the past 5-6 months are now facing another 6 months of isolation from their workplace, except at a point where the cracks of home working are really going to appear, and will be worsened by the colder weather, lack of daylight hours, job losses, thin wearing patience from employers and colleagues, etc...and unfortunately with the case numbers as they are it's going to swing back very quickly to home working being a safety requirement rather than being a convenience/cost saving. It wont be long as well I think until general socialising will also be curbed significantly.
Said it a coule of months ago and still think it's true but a lot of the people who were enjoying their time since March were being extremely short sited/selfish and not opening up their eyes to what was going on or what they could have been doing to help. This country has too many people in it willing to ignore the bigger picture for marginal self convenience, unfortunately, but I suspect the next 4-6 months wont be very convenient for most people and will be unbearable for many unless the less unfortunate ones start actually looking out for neighbours, colleagues, etc. It's easy to blame the government but you have to remember they are a product of the people who voted for them and a lot of them frankly are as bad.
Infection rate wise I just don't see how we're going to do much to even slow things down when people can still go on nights out and visit each other's homes as normal. Quieter offices and earlier closing hours are really marginal differences compared to the effects of mixing social circles in indoor environments, no extra protective barriers at all for higher risk people, etc. I just don't really understand what we are doing. It will be a couple of weeks at most I reckon before the goalposts have to be moved again, and by that point we'll have been costing people their lives again. I do think it's important to maintain a quality of life but life wont be much fun for anyone if we end up in full lockdown for months in the middle of winter. Most people who suffer with social isolation also aren't exactly in a position where the are able to invite 5 people round their house every day to help keep them company.
I'm feeling quite bleak about it all :/ ...main hope I can see that would make a big difference is if a lot more people really band together to help each other through it this time, rather than ignoring everything outside of their bubble. We'll get trough it either way but things like this will make it so much easier for the people who will find it the hardest.